Brain Storm

Chapter 551: Tentative

Xiao Yi said with sigh. Bayi Chinese = ≠ = ≤ = ≤≥ = ≤

With the running, Xiao Yi and 6 Xuexin quickly saw something with the help of the two adventists.

"Is that a building?" 6 Xuexin looked at Xiao Yi.

"I can't see it, I feel more like a ruin or something."

What Xiao Yi and 6 Xuexin saw was a platform in the desert. The platform was slightly inclined, but it was very large. On this platform, there was a ferrous metal like a mushroom, and there was a circle around this mushroom metal. Black lines, light and sunlight are reflected on each streak.

For this thing, Xiao Yi has only one concept, which is unfamiliar. After all, it is an alien thing, and it is forgiven for not understanding it.

"It should be Miraco's goal there." Xiao Yi's words just finished. Miraco jumped straight forward and jumped out hundreds of meters, then stopped.

At this moment, Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised, because under the light yellow sand on the ground, it was clearly also that kind of black metal, and it was also textured.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi was a little thoughtful, and then asked Ming Lei: "What is this? Is it a spaceship?"

"It's possible, but I haven't seen a spaceship of this material." Ming Lei's voice had just fallen, and at this moment Miraco's shape was beginning to change quickly, and he had returned to the previous human size.

The next moment, Miraco raised his head: "My alien guest, please come with me, be careful to fall on the ground." After hearing this, although he had some doubts, he still listened to Miraco's It was suggested that the two metal men fell from the air under the control of Ming Lei, and fell directly on the black metal where Miraco stood.

"What is this place?" Xiao Yi was the adventist who controlled the male and spoke directly.

"The lame accent of Thai Mora, we can use the soul to communicate, this is the power that the Thai Mora crystal gives us."

At the next moment, Miraco took a crystal directly from his neck, and threw it to the metal man controlled by Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi waved it, but it was already in his hand.

"What is this?" Xiao Yi was asking Ming Lei at the moment.

"A kind of soul stone, which can copy a person's soul fluctuations, used to communicate information."

"Is there such a thing?" Xiao Yi was unbelievable.

"There are so many things in the world, the twins' telepathy and the conscious space communication you now have through Gaia are basically the same principle."

"Is it risky to use it?"

"Even if there is any problem with such a large crystal, it will not threaten your host, and if this thing fails, there will be physical phenomena such as heating or melting."

"That's really a good thing." The next moment Xiao Yi let the metal man look at Miraco immediately.

"How should this thing be used?"

"Hold it in your hand and pass what you want to say into this stone."

"What a wonderful stone." With the voice, the stone lost its sight directly in the hands of the metal man.

In the Bronze spacecraft, at the moment Xiao Yi's hand was holding the stone.

"Is she passing in the information, will she get it? What do I need to do now?"

"Close your eyes and hold this stone. Your heart is thinking about what to say to her, and then you only need to give a little bit of thought.

"This stone will absorb the message you want to pass, and at that moment, that Miraco should be able to receive your message."

"Then I try." Xiao Yi closed her eyes the next moment.

Gently held his hand on the stone of Temola.

"Who are you?" Xiao Yi tried to read it in his heart, then shook it gently.

The next moment, there was a sudden message from the opposite.

"I'm Miraco, I'm glad to meet you, the alien." Xiao Yi looked at the stone in his hand in surprise at this moment.

It was just a moment ago that Xiao Mo's stone in Xiao Yi's hand suddenly shook. In Xiao Yi's consciousness, Miraco's voice appeared.

"Thank you for the gift. It's a very good thing. I have never seen anything like this before." Xiao Yi then gave it to the other party.

"That cave you've been to before, there are a lot of these stones."

"Yes, I didn't notice it at the time, but Xiao Yi was vague."

"Where is your father's city?" Xiao Yi asked directly.

"Into this plus station, we will call it the shuttle machine past." After hearing this, Xiao Yi felt a little weird.

But what time does Xiao Yi think about it at this moment.

The next moment was to control the metal man to follow Milaco's footsteps.

As he walked around, Xiao Yixian was indeed like a big mushroom, and he felt a faint sense of gravity.

"What is this place?" Xiao Yi asked directly.

"Thai magic weapon, it has the power of teleportation. Come with me."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"You have something like this, why not just teleport directly outside this galaxy?"

"Our galaxy is special. No one thinks the same as you. Some even put the Tamara crystal directly into space, but it ’s easy to send it out. It ’s too difficult to return. Sending one disappears. We basically No one knew where they were going.

"I see a lot of spaceships in your space. Can't you repair these ships and continue to use them?"

"It's not as simple as you think ~ ~ Even if we rebuild these spaceships, these spaceships will not be able to pass through the broken star belt. The thickness of the broken star belt is a full light year.

"By the way, you talked about an alien, what kind of alien?"

"It's Kobe. They all like water. We in Temoura generally think they are all evolved from aquariums."

"They are extremely intelligent. They can even adjust the genetic information of a demon giant. It is precisely because of their ability that they help the demon giant family to obtain a great talent, but with the deepening of research, this talent ability There are more and more, which is undoubtedly a good thing for the demon giant. "

"But suddenly one day, they disappeared mysteriously, and it was for this reason that the war of the demon giants began."

"Some demon giants believe that someone has hidden these little dwarfs in private and wants to rule the entire planet. This is the root of our world's war. What's so funny." Hearing this, Xiao Yi's heart was a little bit complex.

"I want to know, how strong are you the demon giant?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion. (To be continued.)