Brain Storm

Chapter 566: King's Sacred Artifact

Xiao Yi was really surprised to hear the inside story spoken by Imanruda.

"How old are you this year?" Breta asked directly to Imanruda.

"I'm 79 years old this year. If I don't store accidents, I will be patronizing Damla for another 6 years."

怎么 "How come, you are not a prisoner, why should you return to the arms of Damla?" Gillis asked with a puzzled expression at this moment.

"His Highness, Damura's energy is exhausted and Damura is dying. Even if we have a long life, the Damura Galaxy will collapse little by little."

"But I already thought about it, it ’s better to live than to die, so I choose to join you resolutely, and hope that Your Highness will provide me with a place for long-lived seed."

"As long as you are willing to follow us, we will definitely do it." Imanruda and Denar and Denar's men's eyes glowed green when they heard this.

好 "Okay, put less effort into using emoticons, these things will make you grow older."

"Yes, His Highness Breta."

"How many princes are there in this castle?"

"His Royal Highness, there is only one and a princess, but none of them is directly related."

"How did the line die?" Breta asked directly at this moment.

"It's not dead, but it flew away 1oo ago. It was handed over to the siblings, but the siblings could not inherit the sacred artifact."

"Sacred artifact, haven't they taken it away?" Gillis asked in confusion.

"Yes, the sacred artifact is still here, but it has no energy to activate."

内 Inside the Bronze spacecraft.

"We have another civilization struggling in the last days."

"I think this is very interesting, don't you think?" Xiao Yi laughed when she heard 6 Xuexin's words.

"I understand what you mean, but there is still a Gaia here."

但 "But didn't they just say it? It's a depleted Gaia."

"But we can't always take the robbery, after all, this is an intelligent civilization."

"Bike!" Said Xiao Yi again shifted his attention to Breta's body.

"Well, Gillis, let's fly in." Gillis nodded immediately after hearing Breta's words.

The next moment a green light flickered, and a group of people present at the moment were wrapped in a green light.

"Strange application, this is what happened to the Dum Tears." 6 Xuexin was sighing at the moment.

Immediately after, Dam tears had appeared on the highest level of the castle. There was a platform there, and a group of Beeks was standing on the platform.

I saw a group of people flying up in tears, and one of them knelt down.

"Besides Guevas, I have seen Princess Gillis directly."

"Is Guwas your name?"

"Yes, Princess Gillis."

"You are smart and choose to be loyal to us," Breta said at the moment.

"Any Bick noble will be loyal to the Bick strong."

"Why don't you have a king in this kingdom?"

"The king has left here and used up all the remaining energy in the sacred artifact." ‘

"Our heart of Dum has dried up and can no longer provide any strength."

"Take me." I heard Princess Gillis.

Pygwas nodded immediately.

"Please come with me." Then Gawas led the way ahead.

The cormorants moved layer by layer from the top of the castle.

As she moved, Gillis frowned.

怎么 "Why can't Dam's Tears Ladder be used?"

"Yes, Princess Gillis, Darm's heart has dried up, and we can't help it."

As I moved through the corridors, there were still a lot of old things around Xiao Yixian. Those things were not green, but in various colors. There were even some technological items, but those items were decorated. Products hung on the wall.

"What are these?" Bretta asked directly to Gowas.

"Duke Breta, these are the items that my father brought back in Outland 15o ago."

"Where's your father?" Breta asked.

"Returned to Damla." Breta sighed at this.

"It's a heavy topic, how far is it?"

"Darm's heart is deep in the ground, maybe dozens of kilometers." Gillis frowned at hearing this.

"Okay, find the entrance to Dam's Heart first. When I get there, I will use Dam's tears to get you there."

"His Royal Highness, it is too wasteful for you to show Damme's tears like this. It would be more practical for us to go directly to it." Upon hearing this, Gillis shook her head.

"We are much richer than you, and we are exposed to a lot of what you see and see, so you don't need to advise me."

As he passed through the gates, Gwas finally stopped in front of a huge metal gate.

"Princess Gillis, the key is the sacred weapon."

"The key to the door of the heart of Dam No. 423." Hearing this, Gillis walked over the next moment.

"It's a king's holy weapon. How can you dare to put it directly here? Don't you worry about someone stealing Dam's heart?"

"Dum's heart has no energy, and ordinary people get it too, and this thing will also draw the energy of life in Bick's body. This thing is not a descendant of the royal family. Whoever takes who died, so it is always here." Gwas said with a bitter smile.

"Hey, I really don't know what Damla gave birth to, but the energy will be exhausted to such an extent." The next moment, Gilise took over the body by Ming Lei, and immediately went up.

吉 As Gillis pulled her hand, she pulled out the king's holy artifact.

Ji Gillis then looked closely with her eyes.

"The energy is really gone. If I want to open the metal door of Dam's heart, maybe I can only recharge it."

The next moment Gillis stabbed directly at her belly with the King's holy weapon.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi and 6 Xuexin were both surprised at this moment.

"What's going on in Minglei?"

"The steps necessary to inherit the Holy Artifact of the King ~ ~ If the blood is impure, you cannot inherit this Holy Artifact."

"Stop this, don't you commit suicide?" 6 Xuexin asked in wonder.

"Don't worry, this King's Sacred Artifact will only draw the power of blood in the Bic."

吉 With the action of Gillis, the King's Sacred Art became purple in the next moment.

Immediately afterwards, Gillis inserted the king's holy instrument into the groove on the metal door of Darm's heart.

He immediately flashed a purple awn on the King's sacred artifact, and as the metal door of the purple awn gradually began to turn green.

"Is that green tear Dam?"

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