Brain Storm

Chapter 581: Minglei's Recognition of the Spirit

"I've been to many worlds, and the world there is suffering. How can you explain that there are human beings too? Tian Yan's novel WWW" W.3TXT.COM "

"It is the mission of humans to go to high latitudes at low latitudes, and human spirituality will not really disappear."

"What you said, I don't understand at all ..." A dreamy door has just formed, and Xiao Yi and 6 Xuexin have disappeared.

"What is this power?" At this moment is called the doubt of Pan Gu's main brain.

And Xiao Yi returned directly at the moment, among the Bronze spacecraft.

"It's an incredible degree of technology." 6 Xuexin sighed.

"I thought I would see old acquaintances, but I didn't expect it to be." Xiao Yi, who was here, suddenly remembered something.

"Ming Lei, why did Li Chen say so much to us?" At this moment, Xiao Yi was full of curiosity about what Li Chen said.

"For deity, for such a civilization, all they need is wisdom. He and you explain the magic of the Spirit, and you will naturally attract your attention and let you join in, and it will be easy for them to obtain your wisdom. It's just observing the changes in your body and spirit. There is no secret in the spirit world. It is a very straightforward interaction. "

I heard this, Xiao Yi frowned, but what is this spirit?

"According to my understanding, this spiritual child and quantum atom are a kind of thing. He doesn't mean something, but something in a certain range can be called a spiritual child, but the spiritual child has One characteristic is that they can convey wisdom or rules, which is what they call spirituality. "

"Can you give me an example?"

"Spirit is first a force, and the form of the spirit can be combined like cells to form a spirit body and spirituality.

"A single spirit is a point. His only characteristic is that it flows along a long river of time. Of course, this flow will naturally drive the flow of the Milky Way. Simply speaking, the spirit is like water, but this is the water of nothingness. It is ours. The universe is invisible to water, but it is something we can perceive.

"Generally, the spirits are not a single existence. It is because of this that they are the age of the subsouls. The spirits are always transmitting matter and energy, some from the subspace, and some from other points in time. Information can be stored in these spirits. "

"But most of the spirits that can be transmitted to the earth, or that are acceptable to humans, are mostly energy."

"Spirit is the orbital driving force, external force, and cosmic force, but if we humans want to use it, we must need some specific methods to transform it into the body, or integrate into the general trend of the spirit."

"Do we have this spirit in our natural human body?" At the moment Xiao Yi was extremely interested in this.

"Of course there is. The spirit is all over your body. It belongs to a medium."

"According to my understanding, it is a channel of energy in the human body, just like the star trails in the universe. The spiritual son is such an existence. In your body, the most intuitive is your meridian, They also exist like star trails. "

"Spirit will produce different spirituality according to the different spirit body, but the spirit body is composed of elements and spirit son.

"Spirit has many kinds of variable, immutable, constant, and even pulse, but generally we have constant spirituality."

因为 "Because we are a spirit body, the spirit body itself has its own spirituality, that is, its own rules. As long as the spiritual child we have captured will operate in accordance with the spirituality of the spiritual body."

"According to you, isn't this spirit everywhere?"

"Yes, the spirit is inherently ubiquitous. For the human, the spirit is mastering a balance between positive and negative."

"Speaking here, I will talk to you about the origin of the universe we have talked about before."

"What do you mean by origin?"

"Black holes and white holes. Black holes recycle the universe and return to their origins. White holes, on the other hand, release matter and provide cosmic power."

所以 "So the galaxy's spirit son is basically provided by the white hole."

"According to what you said, isn't the white hole we experienced before also a source of the universe?"

"It should be a white hole that is already aging, and that is why it has become a dark star field."

"What did you say just now, what is the balance between positive and negative?" At this moment, 6 Xuexin interjected suddenly.

"Spirit can transfer energy, but this transferred energy is generally temperature."

"When a spirit child passes through a hot substance, it is a positive spirit child, and when a spirit child passes a cold substance, it is a negative spirit child."

比如 "For example, when we receive a spiritual child on the earth, at noon during the day, the spiritual child we receive is the positive spirit, and generally has a certain fire nature."

"It can also be called a fire spirit child. This is actually a spirit child. The spirit child already belongs to the element category. However, this element category only allows them to obtain the body of the element, but it cannot be converted back and forth. You have the same ability as your deity, which requires a relatively high level of spiritual existence. "

"It's really amazing. It seems that we are getting closer and closer to the age of mythology." Xiao Yi lamented a bit, then looked at 6 Xuexin.

6 Xuexin was closing her eyes at this moment, and seemed to be sensing something.

With Xiao Yi's gaze 6 Xuexin seemed to sense something, then opened his eyes.

"This spirit is so strange, it looks like a hand and can take things."

When I heard this, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Xue Xin, have you seen anything?" At the moment, Ming Lei asked in wonder, too ~ ~ After you talked about Lingzi, I felt what was going on with this thing, in mine In consciousness, after being magnified countless times, a black substance is presented, like a ball, without the essence of the spirit. "

"But I feel the existence of the spirit child, the spirit child and space elements coexist."

"It can transfer cold and heat, but it cannot transfer energy. I think the spirit is a medium or a rule."

"Xue Xin, you understand very deeply. This is exactly what you think. The spiritual son is such a non-existent thing. It is a rule and a force, and we humans are precisely to borrow this force For your own use. "

"It may be too early to say this now." At this moment, 6 Xuexin suddenly shook her head.

"With the development of this Yalingzi civilization to the present, but only transforming people into Yalingzi bodies, so that human beings can reach eternal life, or live to the moment of world destruction, but I feel that they live in a world of games among."

(To be continued.)