Brain Storm

Chapter 603: Low and high latitudes

What was presented to Xiao Yi was a golden light. With the perception, Xiao Yi was now a golden light, not a physical Gaia Golden Egg. ?

Seeing this, Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Ah, I don't know how Ming Lei is busy." Xiao Yi then tried to communicate with Ming Lei.

However, there was no reply from Minglei in the conscious space.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi looked at the dreamy door that was still emitting a golden streamer with some doubt.

Then shook his head.

The next moment Xiao Yi was 6 Xuexin, who put consciousness into the nuclear space of the brain.

"Xue Xin, are you all right?"

"Fortunately, the space here feels a bit oppressive."

"Is there anything wrong?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Energy is transforming and elements are merging."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi frowned: "Will fusion affect your body?"

"That's what I'm worried about. Several of us are currently raising our element level."

"Promotion? What does it mean?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"It is the fusion of two elements into one element. Only in this way can we adapt to the survival of this space."

"Is the energy enough?" Xiao Yi asked worriedly.

"Energy is absurd, Ming Lei has prepared almost endless energy for us, but now we are thinking about how to eat it." 6 Xuexin who finished this also gave Xiao Yi a picture.

"God!" Xiao Yi was unbelievable.

"Do you want to eat a sun?"

"So I said that we are not short of energy, that is, our appetite is a bit small and it is too slow to eat."

"Have you tried using black holes to devour this energy?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Xiao Yi, we can't leave a mark on the energy you absorb directly like you. We need to refine it little by little, especially the characteristics of our elements fluctuate slowly. This creates even more trouble. Of the five of us now, your father has the fastest absorption efficiency, your mother is next, then my father, and the rest is me and my mother. "

"Xue Xin, rest assured I will help you."

"I know, so I'm waiting patiently."

"Xiao Yi, you have to cheer."

"I see, Xuexin." At the moment Xiao Yi's mood was somewhat subversive.

"Xue Xin, please wait, I will surely save you from my conscious space." After muttering to himself, the next moment Xiao Yi was out of conscious space again, and the things in front of him instantly scared Xiao Yi. jump.

"A small electric dragon is hovering in front of it, dancing and dancing. This is exactly the electric dragon that Xiao Yi has inadvertently created before, but this time, Xiao Yi did not understand it, and it came from there."

And at the next moment, Xiao Yi held out his hand, and then the dragon actually gathered in Xiao Yi's hand.

"Dragon-shaped lightning?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised, but it was the case, this is indeed a dragon-shaped lightning. "

"Are you an elemental sprite?"

"Buzz" did not come to Xiao Yi's imaginary answer.

However, at the next moment, the electric dragon was brushed and dissipated into a lightning bolt.

Shuttled up and down in Xiao Yi's hands.

"It's weird, what's going on." Xiao Yi then looked at other places inside the astral body.

Xiao Yixian, at this moment, it has become a vacuum area. At this moment, he is in a bubble, to be precise, a bubble made of metal.

"And at this moment, the little dragon seemed to be hovering enough in Xiao Yi's hands, but the next moment it flew up again, flying into the surrounding air, hovering, and following the little dragon's hovering, an instant A purple electric awn appeared.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"You can actually create the lightning element." Thinking of this, Xiao Yi subconsciously wrapped the past.

Instantly Xiaolong was wrapped in it, and then Xiao Yi was taken into the space of consciousness.

With this movement, Xiao Yixian Xiaolong instantly appeared in the conscious space.

For this little dragon of the energy body, the conscious space is also a kind of space.

However, Xiao Yi quickly showed a strange phenomenon. As the little dragon circled, more and more electric light was surrounding it, but Xiaolong's body was gradually getting smaller.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi was a little bit shocked, and Xiao Yi immediately put Xiaolong around the white lightning bolt. At that moment, the white lightning bolt had turned into a round white hole. In that white hole, it was constantly It is full of energy and materials.

The little element dragon doubled to that position, and instantly the Xiaolong circled around the white sphere.

Whenever something was spit out, Xiao Yi opened the mouth and ate it.

The scene that followed made Xiao Yi a little confused, but this result Xiao Yi was happy.

Because Xiaolong's body did not continue to become smaller, but gradually grew up ~ ~ really amazing. "As Xiaolong spit out the purple lightning element continuously, this made Xiao Yi's consciousness space seem to have endless power.

The next moment, when Xiao Yi looked at the location of Ming Lei, there was already a crystal with a diameter of 4 meters. "

This diameter does not appear to be large in conscious space, and is even smaller than the brain nucleus.

But at this moment Minglei stopped working.

"The brain nuclear space has basically been transplanted. In addition, I made nine trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion ... for me.

"You have made so much?" Xiao Yi was a little dizzy when he heard the answer.

"These Gaia Golden Eggs are mainly used to control the energy conversion at a lower level, otherwise Gaia's foundation will be weak.

"What do you mean?"

"Like cells in the human body, it requires the maintenance of intelligence and energy, and Gaia's upgrade now relies on this theory."

"The world you're in now differs greatly from the laws of our world. The laws of your world, as long as you move your fingers, are tens of billions of light years for that world."

"If you want something so smiling to master the things in your world, this is actually an extremely complicated thing. After all, the latitude gap is a little wide."

"If the world you're in now is one, then the world I'm in now can only be one in trillions."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi sighed.

"Tough work for you."

"It's okay. For the Lightning Element, the lonely reincarnation has long been used to it. Time just passed by for me, and many things are done by Gaia." 8

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