Brain Storm

Chapter 612: Discovery

"Dream space seems to be a pointless space, but it also has nodes, and these nodes can just attract stars of a certain frequency."

While talking, the fantastic colors of the sky receded suddenly.

The next moment Xiao Yi saw the milky white space around him.

"This fantastic space is really weird."

"It's too big, so the various light colors have basically been fused, so the white light is produced."

"My dear, in addition, I have already thought of the small planets we make, and I will also place them here and provide them with unlimited energy."

"Although there are no stars here, the fantasy light here is enough to provide lighting, and Gaia Golden Eggs can also play the role of the sun."

"As long as we are willing, we can completely simulate a time and space."

"Okay, okay, I listen to you."

"My dear, please stretch out your hand now." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately followed suit.

Immediately a piece of golden light was wrapped around it.

"Now open the door to the door of fantasy for your hands. As long as you think about opening the door of fantasy, then you can open the door of fantasy by pointing forward.

"If you need a big door of fantasy, you just need to think in your mind that the door can be bigger, or a specific number multiple, and Gaia can understand and handle it for you."

"Magical." The conversation between Ming Lei and Xiao Yi has just ended, and the golden light around Xiao Yi's hands has now dispersed.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, deity." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately thought to open the door to fantasy.

The next moment Xiao Yi's hands gathered a dream power. A wave of colorful light was fluttered by Xiao Yi to the ground not far away.

Then Xiao Yi went in. As he walked into the door of dreams, Xiao Yi was stuck in place after a while.

"How come my dream door?"

"My dear, please later, I will adjust the position of the door of dreams for you." A little later, Minglei's voice came again.

"Well, the position has been revised."

"Then I'm going to try it, Minglei don't let me down." Xiao Yi then walked into this dreamy door.

The next moment, Xiao Yi found himself reappearing in a starry sky, next to a huge star, but at this moment the star had become golden, and there was no sense of heat.

"Is there anything wrong with this little sun?"

"My dear, I'm Kaitai, the energy inside the sun."

"Really." With that said, Xiao Yi walked into the door of dreams again.

Xiao Yi then pointed at the dream door and said.

"Greatly big" thinking of these, the next moment, one after another, the power of fantasy, instantly passed from Xiao Yi's hands to the door of fantasy.

Instantly the new dream power was integrated into the dream door. Just under Xiao Yi's gaze, the size of the dream door actually increased by 4 times.

"Is this door quadrupled?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Yes, the previous size of this door was 1 meter high and 2 meters high. Now it is 2 meters wide and 4 meters high."

"If you think the door is too small, you can also open it bigger, as long as you think about it, the specific size is fine, such as opening a round dream door, trapezoidal dream door, these are all possible, as long as When you realize your position, Gaia will provide you with the corresponding energy. "

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded, but did not try.

"Where is the spaceship? How are we going to get the spaceship to the outer space?"

"Don't worry, the spacecraft can also open the door of fantasy."

"Take me to see." Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Ming Lei immediately cast lightning elementalization, but wrapped Xiao Yi in his arms and appeared directly in the spacecraft's cabin.

Looking around, Xiao Yi quickly discovered that this was actually a huge space of 10 kilometers. A group of people sitting in front of each plane seemed to be busy with work, and they were on the third floor and the third floor.

"How can there be so many people?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"These people are not real humans, but they have the intelligence provided by Gaia in them.

"Why not use a robot directly?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Robots are prohibited in the third Samsung domain, even the second star domain, or the first star domain."

"So you didn't find any robots on Siri ’s mech before. The reason why I made these robots is because of this consideration.

"Are you worried that using robots directly will cause us trouble?"

"Yes, deity, so these robots, if you ask them anything, they will answer you like humans. You can understand them as human beings, but their memories are created by me."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at everyone in this large hall.

"There are tens of thousands of people here?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Yes, deity."

"What is the name of this spaceship?"


"Good name, let's go out and let me see its performance." Xiao Yi and Ming Lei finished all this communication.

A password sounded in the spacecraft: open the shuttle channel.

"Yes, it's open."

"Start the spacecraft engine."

"Yes, the startup is complete."

"Adjust the ascending attitude ..." Just as Xiao Yi's gaze was stunned, Xiao Yi's ear-to-step command was heard.

"Are they all soldiers?"

"It is indeed the character of soldiers, and they will only be loyal to you ~ ~ Usually they will never talk nonsense, and if you want, they don't even have to eat."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi shook his head: "I will not detain their food."

Soon the spacecraft broke out of the star port and reached the first cosmic speed. At the next moment, the color of the spacecraft's huge screen suddenly changed, but it showed the infinite starry sky and the huge fireball in the sky.

"Our dear, we are already in space. We can go on an adventure now." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

"You arrange your destination. I'm not familiar with it."

"Yes, deity, the nearest life star to us is 0.5 light-years."

"Let's go." Just the next moment, a huge blue squirt spewed out from the back of the spacecraft, but the spacecraft was already accelerating.

In Xiao Yi's opinion, this speed is not fast, but Xiao Yi is somewhat confused at this moment.

"Speed, why is it so slow?"

"My dear, there are a lot of spacecrafts around here. If we are too fast, we will probably continue to be tracked. When we leave the area, the sentence will accelerate, and our spacecraft has turned on stealth mode.

While Ming Lei finished speaking, Xiao Yi appeared on the big screen at the moment.

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