Brain Storm

Chapter 613: Xuexin's friend Sili

"Is that our spaceship?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised at this moment, because the spaceship looked like glass at this moment.

"Yes, dear, this is our spaceship. If the outside world looks at our spaceship, our spaceship basically does not exist.

"Well, that's good, now go to the planet we just selected."

"Yes, deity." The spacecraft began to accelerate gradually.

The speed at the beginning was not fast, but as the spacecraft accelerated, a dazzling white light appeared in front of the spacecraft. Just when Xiao Yi was a little confused about what the spacecraft was going to do, there was a "bang" in front of the spacecraft.

When the spacecraft reappeared, it appeared next to a blue planet.

Immediately afterwards, the large screen inside the spacecraft showed what the surrounding starry sky was like, and the most dazzling one was the green luster star next to the spaceship.

"This is our closest planet?"

"Yes, this planet is very similar to the Earth in that it has oceans, and the ocean area here accounts for 70% of the entire star area."

"Are there humans?"

"Yes, but I don't know why, the technology here seems to be in primitive society."

"Very, very good." When talking about Xiao Yi, he suddenly remembered something.

"Ming Lei, I'm going to see Xue Xin. Is it okay now?"

"Holy dear, you can always open the space door here and fantasy space."

At the next moment, Xiao Yi appeared in front of colorful ripples, and at the next moment, Xiao Yi disappeared magically.

"Oh, it's so much faster." Xiao Yi lamented, but at the moment Xiao Yi appeared in front of Guan Sili's prison.

Then Xiao Yi walked in, but the sound of a Lu Xuexin who was walking in was ringing in Xiao Yi's conscious space.

"Xiao Yi, are you here?" Upon hearing the voice, Xiao Yi looked at the far-sighted courtyard. As long as he turned around, Xiao Yi could see Lu Xuexin and Sili.

But Xiao Yi's footsteps stopped, and he directly communicated with Lu Xuexin in the space of consciousness.

"Ye Xuexin." Xiao Yi replied.

"The spacecraft is ready?" Lu Xuexin asked.

"Yes, and our ship has set off on the edge of a planet."

"What's your plan now?" Lu Xuexin asked.

"Mixed into the civilization system of the second star domain first, I plan to create a fantasy node near this planet so that we can shuttle back and forth in the future."

"That's great! By the way, when will we settle down and bring all of our parents to this world?"

"Xue Xin, this is difficult. First of all, there are too many people. Second, people who can communicate with me consciously can directly come to this world."

"The other is that all the body information is extracted, and one is remade in this world. This is the simplest, and we have the genetic samples of all people, even the genetic samples of many people on the planet."

"If we make a new one, will it still be our parents?" Lu Xuexin was a little tangled at the moment.

"As long as you think it is."

"Xiao Yi, let's take it slowly, always find a way back, and father and mother they are already working very hard to replenish energy."

"Xue Xin, it would be difficult for the father and mother to reach this world. The reason why you can come is because you have Gaia in your body, and I share my energy with you, so You can reach this big world from that small world so fast. "

"Then they will be fine, right?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"At present, there is no problem. Minglei has created an earth-like star for them. On that star, they can survive well."

"Ah, that's the only way." Speaking of Lu Xuexin, she suddenly thought of what to go.

But at the moment, Sili beside Lu Xuexin looked at Lu Xuexin without blinking.

"Sister Xuexin, what are you doing?" Upon hearing this, Lu Xuexin's mouth opened into an O-shape immediately.

"Nothing, Xiao Yi is here, he said, he is going to pick us up to the spaceship." Hearing this, although his thoughts seemed a little curious, Lu Xuexin used any means to communicate, but apparently the level of civilization of Si Li was not low. For the princess, a lot of weird things must have been seen.

"Well then, where is Brother Xiao Yi?" While saying this, Lu Xuexin sent a message directly to Xiao Yi.

"You just open a door of dreams and arrange another mine, let Ming Lei arrange a room for us, and we will go directly."

"Okay." Xiao Yi, who heard the news, immediately waved a hand in Kanda, and a door of dreams appeared there.

"All right."

"I see." The conscious communication between the two was complete.

Right next moment

"Si Li, come with me." Upon hearing Lu Xuexin's words, Si Li immediately followed Lu Xuexin's back and walked outside.

After walking dozens of steps, he went out of the courtyard and saw Xiao Yi at a glance.

"Well," said, "What is this? Strange door." Then he touched the door.

However, at the next moment, Sili found her hand missing.

"My hand is gone. Is this a space door?" Sili was surprised.

"Do you know the space door?" Lu Xuexin asked with some confusion.

"Yes, all of our ships can use the space door, but we can't use such a small space door, and I put my hand in, there is no harm.

"Okay, the two are quick to follow me." At the moment Xiao Yi sent out an invitation.

"Okay ~ ~ Brother Xiao Yi." He immediately walked ahead.

Xiao Yi immediately took Lu Xuexin's hand and walked in.

The scene changed, but the next moment Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin appeared in a metal hall.

"Ming Lei, where am I?" Xiao Yi wondered and communicated directly with Ming Lei.

"My dear, you are now in the teleport hall."

"Why didn't you know this before?" Xiao Yi looked puzzled.

"Ahem, I asked Gaia to make a change after you suggested it."

"It's fast."

"Which way should we go?"

"Go down the widest passage, about 500 meters, and you will see a hotel where you can arrange your guests."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately walked up ahead.

"There is a rest hotel in front, Sister Sally, I'll take you to the hotel to rest."

"Okay, thank you Brother Xiao Yi."

Within a few steps, a suspended flying car floated over. This is a circular dish-shaped platform with iron railings around it.

The next moment Xiao Yi took the lead and went up. Seeing this, Lu Xuexin and Sili hurried to keep up.

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