Brain Storm

Chapter 614: Placement of fantasy nodes

Immediately, the hovering vehicle lifted off and quickly moved forward.

Just a few breaths, the hovering vehicle has landed on the ground steadily again.

"Well, we're here." The next moment Xiao Yi and others walked down from the levitating car.

"Why are there so many people?" Lu Xuexin asked directly, confused.

"These are all crew."

Hearing this, Lu Xuexin nodded, seemingly understandable.

The next moment, Xiao Yi took the lead and walked into the hotel.

As soon as Xiao Yi appeared, there was a lot of commotion around him. The rows of people wearing uniforms actually paid attention to Xiao Yixing.

When Xiao Yi and his party walked into the hotel, these people restored normal order.

"Brother Xiao Yi, are you an honorable aristocrat?" Sili asked at this moment in doubt.

"Honorary noble? What is that?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"It is the treatment that can be enjoyed only by those who have won military merits for the empire. Both civilians and nobles must salute when they see it.

"Ha ha, be it." Xiao Yi smiled.

Soon the three went into the hotel, but there was a front desk in the hotel.

When Xiao Yi approached, the machine synthesized the sound immediately.

"Sir, may I help you?"

"Provide a room for this lady."

"Yes, deity." After hearing this, Xiao Yi was so faint that he fainted.

"What is the deity?" Siri asked at the moment.

"Ahem, that's what this machine calls me, and I have its authority."

"Oh." Siri nodded again, seemingly incomprehensible.

Then it seemed to remember something.

"Here, what kind of currency do I need to spend if I want to eat?"

"You are a guest. You don't need to spend money here. You can eat whatever you want." Xiao Yi pointed to the robot in front of him.

"Just tell it what you need."

"That's really grateful." Then he turned and talked to the robot.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi immediately turned around and rushed to Landing Xuexin and made a helpless gesture.

"Well, Xiao Yi, please go and get it here. Give it to me, and we will contact you at any time."

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded.

It disappeared in a burst of colorful light.

"Brother Xiao Yi." At that moment, Sili shouted.

However, Xiao Yi has disappeared at this moment.

"Xiao Yi has been busy doing other things. I'm in charge of receiving you here."

Upon hearing this, Si Li nodded immediately.

"Sister Xuexin, can I order all the food here? What if I can't eat it?" After hearing this, Lu Xuexin looked at Sili.

"Why, do you have a lot to eat?"

"Yeah, as royalty, we are all born gourmets, not to mention I have never seen much of the food here."

"Haha, as long as you want, you can order it, you can't finish it, let the robot handle it, don't worry about Xiao Yi."

"That's great." Said a hand to pull the snow Xue Xin ran to the robot, has been constantly picking up the food she wants to eat.

Xiao Yi has returned to the spacecraft again.

"My dear, we are about to send a shuttle into this planet now. Any instructions?"

"Look if there are any strange products on this planet, strange creatures."

"Okay, deity, do you need to come straight?"

"No need, set up a fantasy node, we will leave here immediately."

"It is the deity.

At the next moment, the large screen of the bridge showed a video projection image of the shuttle. At this moment, the shuttle had entered the atmosphere of the green planet, and then the color changed in the picture. It was a large green sea. .

"This sea is so green." Xiao Yi said in amazement.

"The density of this seawater is very special, and there are a lot of green plants in it."

"What is it?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"It's a kelp-like plant, but they are much bigger than they are."

"Can you eat it?" Xiao Yi asked suddenly.

"It should be edible. Many fish eat these."

Just when Xiao Yi was communicating with Minglei's consciousness space.

The shuttle had landed on the sea and sank to the bottom immediately.

"What's going on, why should you sink to the bottom of the ocean?"

"Our deity, we want to hide the nodes, so we must choose a safe location, not to leave coordinates on the ocean floor, but to leave coordinates in the crust layer."

At this moment, the shuttle was descending at an incredible speed. After a while, it hit the ocean floor.

At the next moment, the shuttle actually changed its shape into a drill shape. At the next moment, the shuttle turned like a real electric drill. After a while, it went into the ground below the sea floor. The mud behind will soon block the shuttle drilled out.

With drilling up and down, after a few turns, it suddenly emptied out, and a strange underground space appeared.

When exactly was in front of Xiao Yi, a sudden stream of red magma wrapped up towards the shuttle.

"Is everything okay?"

"Rest assured, it has the core of Gaia Golden Egg." At the next moment, the front of the shuttle projected a blue light.

The next moment the lava froze instantly.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi laughed suddenly and cheerfully.

"Now Gaia Golden Eggs are really everywhere."

"Yeah, dear, only this kind of structure ~ ~ can be more stable and more eloquent."

At this moment, the shuttle machine drilled again at the next moment. This time, due to the blue light just now, it was so big that it had completely turned into a kind of stone.

The drill bit was drilled for a long time, but it couldn't get in.

"What's going on? When did this stone become so hard?"

"It is thermal expansion and contraction. The density of the stones here has increased, but do n’t worry, there are many ways to go forward." The next moment the shuttle machine released a purple light, and suddenly, the surrounding stones began to tremble. It didn't take long for me to get to know the big screen without knowing how deep it was.

Immediately the shuttle continued to drill.

Just when Xiao Yi was looking impatient, a white rock layer appeared in front of the shuttle.

"My dear, it's all right here." Just the next moment, the shuttle machine swept out a piece of colorful light, under Xiao Yi's surprised eyes.

The white stone quickly changed the star, and soon a white deep pit appeared, and the entrance was round.

What surprised Xiao Yi most was that the white cutout was extremely brilliant.

The shuttle rushed in the next moment. Immediately afterwards, a larger range of white stones were cut. Not long after, a huge square space with a length and width of 500 meters appeared around the shuttle.

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