Brain Storm

Chapter 615: Siri's scheming

"Is this right?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Yes, this is the place." Just in front of the shuttle, a dreamy light was emitted, and the shuttle opened the next moment.

"This transmission point is very safe." Xiao Yi sighed.

"Yes, deity, if you don't choose such a place, it won't make sense to be found."

"Then where are we going now?"

"According to Lu Xuexin's information, there is another planet 50 light days away from here."

"It's Xuexin's information?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised when he heard this.

"It was Sili who told Xuexin."

"Is there a specific location?"

"When I just scanned, I did scan there. There was a planet there, but there was a complex defense system there."

"So, where are we going now?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Master, we should hide it first."

"Are you going back to the fantasy space?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I think."

"What are you waiting for?" The next moment, a bright light projected from the spacecraft's front, and the spacecraft entered a colorful channel.

That's right, this is the fantasy channel, and it can also be called the place of fantasy space. Due to the deeper development by Minglei, it already has a new deep application method.

At this moment, the role of this fantasy channel is equivalent to consciousness space, which is in the human brain. The fantasy space is in the unknown of this universe.

"Well, since Ming Lei is fine here, I'll go and see Xuexin them."

"Okay, deity."

The next moment, Xiao Yi turned around and turned into an electric light and disappeared in place, and soon appeared before the hotel.

Coming here, Xiao Yi walked directly to a passage behind.

Before walking a few steps, his eyes suddenly became brighter.

"Hehe, this minglei is really reluctant, and it is idyllic again." Said Xiao Yi, however, stepped into a blue sky and white cloud world in one step.

As soon as Xiao Yi entered this place, he was a bit surprised. It was a grassland that could not be seen. At this moment, Lu Xuexin and Sili were sitting on a wooden chair and talking.

As soon as Xiao Yi entered this space, Lu Xuexin's consciousness exchange rang immediately.

"You came."

"Yeah, here I am. How are you chatting?"

"A simple girl, asking what to say."

"Oh, it's really simple ..."

"Did you see anything?"

"Of course you can see that she cooperated with us on purpose."

"Did you find anything?"

"It has a small machine on its body that keeps sending out signals."

"Then how can you stay so happy?"

"What's unhappy, she can't hurt me, let alone I haven't been so easy for a long time."

"Yes, as long as you are happy." Xiao Yi's eyes were a little blurred.

"Okay, come here, there is still a place to do it together."

"Oh, is that it?" Xiao Yi slowly walked towards the landing where Xuexin and the two were.

Xiao Yi had just approached 200 meters, and Siri immediately turned her head back as if her eyes were long on her back.

Then I saw Xiao Yi who came here, and ran towards Xiao Yi in the doubt of Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin the next moment.

"Brother Xiao Yi, you're here." After hearing this, Xiao Yi hadn't had time to think too much, but at the next moment Sili rushed over, apparently trying to come in a hug.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi was a little awkward.

The body flickered, and disappeared from its place.

"Ahem, Princess Sili, are you all so enthusiastic there?" Xiao Yi was already at Lu Xuexin's side at this moment.

He fluttered an empty, Princess Si Li, and turned her head a little bit.

"Listen to Sister Xuexin, are you a soul mate?"

"I didn't believe it at first, but I didn't expect that you could really communicate consciously, and the speed you were just now really scared me."

"Is it fast?" Lu Xuexin asked with a smile.

"Yeah, like the monster I saw before." Xiao Yi looked up and down.

"Monster? What do you mean?" Lu Xuexin looked at Xiao Yi.

"I have images for you to see." Hearing this, Xiao Yi was shocked.

"Oh, it seems that we have made you simple."

"It's easy to think about it, but don't complicate me, I'm just Princess Siona."

"Where are your images?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"That's my dress." Just the next moment, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin in front of Sili's body immediately projected a piece of light net, and soon interlaced an image in front of Xiao Yi.

"Actually, since I saw you, I know who you are, but I don't know why you kidnapped me."

"But your civilization gives me a feeling that is very unreal. For a second-ring civilization like ours, your technology is incredible. I really can't think of where you are from."

At the same time I heard this, there were already pictures on the screen.

Among them was the flashing white light at the moment when Xiao Yi wrapped the rack with lightning. "It was only a momentary conversion, but it had already returned to the fortress star.

"In just a few breaths, I only captured 3 pictures, and I was caught where Sister Xuexin met me before."

"I want to know the beautiful place before, is it a prison?" After hearing this, Lu Xuexin looked at Xiao Yi.

After hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded embarrassedly.

"You understand correctly ~ ~ Okay, now that you know we have been abducted, what are you going to do now?"

"Your spaceship is very large. There are so many people on it. Where are you from?"

"In fact, we are from the second star domain." Xiao Yi said calmly.

"It's impossible. Neither the layout of the spacecraft nor the language you speak is owned by Second Star."

"According to the records in my database, the language you speak should be from the third Samsung domain." Siri said with a smile.

"But as far as I know, the third Samsung domain belongs to the experimental star domain, where any life is forbidden from leaving the third Samsung domain."

Hearing this answer, Xiao Yi was a bit shocked.

"Experimental star field?" Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

But at this moment Lu Xuexin pulled La Xiaoyi.

"Okay, we're from No. 3 Samsung Domain, this time you believe it."

"I do not believe."

"Why not believe it?"

"It's very simple. You told me that the answer was wrong." Sili's eyes suddenly blinked.

"Are you a big galaxy businessman?"

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