Brain Storm

Chapter 702: Sword and Magic World

"It is the inverse of infinity. According to my understanding now, the density of matter is high enough to give birth to the energy world in the subspace, and the density of energy is high enough to give birth to matter in the subspace."

"If the density of matter is too high, it will distort space. For example, a black hole is a high-quality substance, but it can store energy inside it, while a white hole is high energy, but it creates matter. "

"In simple terms, energy is condensation and matter is diffusion. These two phenomena are the necessary rules in this universe."

"Well, Ming Lei, now that those things are gone, should we go there now?"

"My dear, that core of the main brain has been completely eaten, and now you can transfer instantly."

"Transition in an instant?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised to hear the word.

"Yes, it is transfer. To be precise, a repulsive body and gravitational force are used to create a polar spirit body. The excited spirit body will produce extreme gravitational force. The effect of this kind of thing exceeds time, so it can make people move instantly. "

"Is it folding space?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"My dear, your understanding is correct, that is, folding space, but I never thought that it would be done with extreme repulsion and gravity."

"Well, now I'm moving instantly. What should I do?" Xiao Yi asked immediately.

"Master, stand up and stare ahead. From now on you will enter a state of meditation, thinking about where you want to go." After hearing this, Xiao Yi was dizzy.

"Can it really teleport?"

"You try to know." With Ming Lei's answer, Xiao Yi immediately did according to Ming Lei's words.

At this moment Xiao Yi is thinking about the earth that I have experienced before.

"Minglei, isn't it? All worlds are OK?"

"Yes, as long as your will can see where you are, or where you have been, you can go now."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi closed her eyes immediately, but a spiral nest was already condensed in her mind.

With this move of Xiao Yi, a purple passage gradually appeared in front of the campus.

"Master, pay attention to maintaining your state. I will use the teleportation method to amplify the fluctuation of your consciousness."

"Keep it." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately maintained a state of meditation.

What appeared to Xiao Yi at this moment was a snowy scene under a moonlit night.

There is no one around, but Xiao Yi instinctively contemplates such a picture.

"The deity is now condensed, and you can walk in now."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little crazy, I am in a meditation state now, how can you let me move.

Hearing this, the next moment, Ming Lei immediately took control of Xiao Yi's body, accompanied by a flash of electric light.

Xiao Yi has disappeared from the spot.

Silver is the only theme in this world. Xiao Yi has been around the world for 10 minutes and walked around, but did not find any trace of human beings.

At the moment when Xiao Yi lost some of her productions, at this moment, a howling "Ou ..." was ringing in the snowy night.

Accompanying the wolf is the sound of cricket footsteps, but at this moment Xiao Yi saw a group of rags in the snowy field at night.

They looked very hurried, but behind them, there was a group of wolves, slowly following, but they were not in a hurry to rush up.

"Are you driving?" Xiao Yi was a little puzzled at this moment. Here is that, can the wolf here actually bully humans like this? "As we approached, Xiao Yi saw the group of people wearing it very far away. This was obviously a group of hunters, but the hunters were now very embarrassed.

"Roland, didn't you say there were only seven wolves?"

"Lildo, this is not what I think. Who would have imagined that this pack of wolves is actually meeting here."

"Well, you two, don't make a noise, hurry up and go to the place where we set a trap last time."

"Yes, Chief Sendur."

"Everyone is working hard to keep up, don't fall behind and get kicked by the wolf pups."

"Relax, it's just a group of wolf cubs. There's nothing to do with Uncle." He said, putting the shield in his hand.

Seeing the clothes of these people, Xiao Yi was a little confused at this moment, because what it showed here was the age of naked cold weapons, and everyone didn't have any modern equipment.

"Ou ..." Suddenly another screaming wolf howled, and at this moment, a green wolf appeared among the wolves.

"Damn, how could it be a ghost wolf, and so many more."

"Fast, bless the Holy Power with holy water for our weapons." In the next moment, the weapons in these people's hands were somehow brighter.

The wolves found that the movement there was quiet immediately.

"Head, what if the wolves don't chase?"

"If you don't chase ~ ~, we will withdraw first, Pavador, whose life is more valuable than wolf skin and wolf crystal."

"Yes, head."

"Well, everyone speeds up and we will soon reach our last defense point."

It didn't take long for the team members to come to a low mountain.

"You all go ahead and reach level 10 a soldiers, guarding at the door."

"Yes, head." Along with Sendul's order and order, the group of people soon entered the cave, and at the moment, the east gate formed an east wall, which almost completely opened the cave. Blocked.

"Roland, use your hawk-eye technique to show me the ghost wolf, if there is any movement report to me immediately."

"Yes, Boss." Just in front of the body of a man named Rolando, at the next moment, an eye gradually condensed, and at the next moment, the eye flew to the outside world.

A few moments later, Roland told about the surrounding environment.

However, at this moment, Rolando suddenly noticed a person, accurately saying that this person was Xiao Yi.

At this moment, Xiao Yi is floating in mid-air, watching the cave quietly.

"Leader, there is a sky knight flying in the sky." After hearing this, Sendul immediately projected what Roland would see and projected Xiao Yi's appearance directly.

But at this moment Xiao Yi didn't know that he had come into a world of swords and magic, but at this moment Xiao Yi was watching those strange wolves.

"Minglei, these wolves are weird."

"It's an energy body."

"Why don't they chase those people, are those people powers?"

"My dear, do you need me to shoot Gaia Golden Egg for investigation?"

Remember the first domain name in this book:. Three heads of mobile phone reading URL: