Brain Storm

Chapter 734: Resurrected Long Ji

"Long Ji's cemetery, those who are not good at it die." Seeing this, Xiao Yi was a little stunned.

"My deity, this corpse is very dangerous. She has countless subspaces in her body, and the elements in these subspaces already have life."

"There are countless original spaces in her body. If I guess correctly, this danger should come from these original lives."

"Do we have any solution?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"It may be possible to avoid unnecessary trouble by completely closing those subspace channels."

"Then close it." Just the next moment, a golden mang quickly enveloped the body.

As the golden light shrouded, the body's body clearly began to fade into a green color.

"The deity is done." Just the next moment, a weird scene happened.

"Brush", but the woman stood up.

Without hesitation, they attacked Xiao Yi.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi subconsciously hid himself, and at the next moment, the woman lost her trace like a shadow.

"Damn, she must be chasing that King Barmani."

At the next moment, Xiao Yi disappeared from the place, and the lightning moved silently, but at this moment he had already come to the king of Barmani.

At that moment the woman was floating slightly in the air.

"What happened to my people?" The next moment, a wave of mental fluctuations was passed into Xiao Yi's consciousness space.

Hearing this voice, Xiao Yi stopped for a moment.

"Is it a god?"

"It is very likely that according to this breath, the **** should have no intention, but why did he seal himself here?"

Xiao Yi was still in doubt, but the next moment the woman came to Xiao Yi's presence.

"Did you wake me up?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded silently.

"Yes, seeing different biological breaths in your body, for this reason I have sealed each energy channel in your body."

"Thank you so much, you are welcome to take a risk in my world." With one skill, a card was thrown towards Xiao Yi.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi immediately let Ming Lei drag him over with his mental strength.

"It's a reward for you." The woman disappeared as she turned around.

And at the next moment, the whole city seemed to become a hustle and bustle.

Hearing these voices, Xiao Yi and Maybach stared at each other.

"My dear, we should probably leave here." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded in agreement.

Immediately, he flew into the air and flew out of the city.

At this moment, the city that was originally frozen was all alive at this moment. What surprised Xiao Yi most was the rapid growth of green plants, as if he didn't care about the cold.

"This guy's power is a bit incredible."

"It's a bit of a demon. Okay, dear, we're leaving."

At the next moment, Xiao Yi turned into an electric light and disappeared directly from the place.

Shelley Country, at this moment has completely changed its appearance, but there are one or two strange seeds in human hands.

"It's a strange country." At the moment Ming Lei was lamented.

"Did you find anything?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"A god, to provide wisdom for the people of the whole country, do you think of such a thing?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi shook his head immediately.

"But the Shelley State is such a country." Xiao Yi said, looking at Maybach next to him.

"Maybe the Shelley State you saw before, too?" Maybach shook his head when he heard this.

"Before Shelley was a normal country, it was similar to Heta."

"Well, it seems that there are many crises hidden in this world." With the flight, Xiao Yi quickly discovered the problem.

This time not from the ground, but from the sky, a huge hexagonal crystal just floated in the air like that.

"Where is this?" Xiao Yi asked Meibak, pointing to the crystals of the sky in confusion.

"Mr. Xiao Yi, this is the entrance to the Divine Realm. As long as you pass here, you will reach the Divine Realm."

"Does this thing always exist?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.

"Of course not, it will only open when someone in the **** world comes to this world." Hearing this Xiao Yi realized something.

"My dear, shall we go and see?" Xiao Yi was a little worried when he heard this.

"Will it be found?"

"If you enter the door of dreams, you can't be found." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

Then opened a door of fantasy.

When Xiao Yi appeared again, Xiao Yi's door of dreams had already flown over the hexagonal prism.

A light gate made of crystal was shining at this moment.

At the next moment, Xiao Yi flew in directly.

With a short time and space shuttle, Xiao Yi quickly entered the realm of God.

As soon as he entered the portal, Xiao Yi left and found two people standing at the door arguing.

"Why did I go? The evil woman is resurrected. I don't seem to be turned into wood and controlled by her."

"Please believe me, Parril, as your direct line with Long Ji, you will not be harmed unless you go, and the elderly Long Ji can be regarded as the famous guardian of the gods. As he said this, Lix trembled.

"Asshole Lix, you want to see me die, right!"

"Licks, Parrell, what are you doing, are you still here?" Suddenly he stunned and jumped up.

"Parrill doesn't want to go to ~ worrying about being turned into a puppet by Lord Longji."

"It's a trivial matter. This time, Long Ji's resurrection has restored her consciousness, and now sending you to let you strengthen her connection with the realm of God."

"Yes, Lord Simslow, we know."

"There was something wrong with the Divine Alliance. After you contacted Long Ji, you went to Guta City."

"Why is there something wrong there?" Both Lex and Parrelle asked a little puzzled at this moment.

"There was a rebellion there. I need you to investigate for me. If anything is found out, let Long Ji take the shot and get me back."

"Yes, Lord Simslow." The next moment the two had rushed out of the space door and disappeared.

But at this moment Xiao Yi was quietly looking at the human in front of him, or a creature called God.

"Who is it?" Simslow looked around in confusion the next moment, but found nothing.