Brain Storm

Chapter 753: Law of time

"Although I don't know what you want to hide, do you think you can really hide anything like this?" At the moment Xiao Yi's voice was cold. ?? Read a book ????? ・ ?? To book ?? ·

"You don't know what I am, and I worry about you." At this moment the other party was a little bit fearless.

"Ming Lei, did you find anything?" Xiao Yi had begun to ask about his avatar at this moment.

"It is possible for the deity to be brought in unconsciously from that world."

"Do you know what it is?" Xiao Yi asked at a moment in confusion.

"My deity, this may be a personified Gaia consciousness."

"Elemental life?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.


"But why didn't we find it before?" Minglei was silent for a while after hearing this.

"There is a possibility that this elemental life was in a sleeping state before, and it belongs to the element collection itself. Before, ours had no way to distinguish the sleeping state of an elemental life, and this guy's consciousness is very loose. Now there are some Outline. "Hearing the scene, he began to frown.

"Ming Lei, I always feel like this is a very dangerous guy."

"The deity, indeed, but this guy is in our world, and his conscious body gaze is so poor, its existence is not a danger to us."

"What are you waiting for, grab it."

"Are you going to live?" Ming Lei's voice asked again at this moment.

"Of course it is good if you can catch it. It doesn't matter if you can't catch it. I don't like this kind of uncontrolled existence that appears in my conscious space. Read a book ?? ..."

"Yes, deity."

"On the next moment, a piece of golden light fell from the corners of the universe and started to approach the planet."

Seeing this scene, the next moment, this planet was suddenly surrounded by a blue electric light.

"Is this self-protection?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Yes, deity, but rest assured, it won't do much for us."

"That's good." The next moment, the golden light collided with the blue light.

The next moment the blue light disappeared quickly.

"What is this, what exactly is this ... I can't die yet, ohh ..."

Over time, Blu-ray was quickly eaten away. It didn't take long to love you. Blu-ray was already in a corner.

Among them, a blue dot spark was displayed, and the spark was beating constantly.

"My dear, this spark is the core of his memory."

"Strange life, is it the lightning element?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"That's right, but it is a loose element of lightning. Just now its memory part has been completely captured by me. There is only this part of life here."

"Part of life? What's that?"

"The vegetative lightning element, he does not have wisdom now, only lightning instinct, which is the law of lightning."

"Based on this model, we can build a large number of intelligent Gaia consciousnesses that belong to us in the future."

"Gaia consciousness, when you say these things, what I see is a nothingness."

"Holy deity, this is the manifestation of the law of energy. It is not like me. I am more like an anthropomorphic law, but he is the manifestation of the laws of heaven and earth. It ’s amazing and incredible to achieve near-lasting endurance, and that ’s why I say I have discovered a model of Gaia's consciousness. ”

"Does this help us?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"We can build such a Gaia consciousness on each planet, so that we can manage some planets vertically, and we can invade this way for a few weeks."

"Controlling lightning means controlling Gaia, and controlling Gaia means that you become the world itself."

"According to what you say now, show me this power." At this moment, Xiao Yi directly gave Minglei a complicated command.

"Yes, deity." Just the next moment, the group of blue awns began to expand. And Xiao Yi also felt a consciousness signal from another body at the same time.

"It's a mysterious feeling. I actually feel like I have a body."

"The deity, the energy maintenance of this Gaia consciousness, needs to be maintained at a stable frequency."

"So when you exercise your power, don't forget to exceed this frequency, otherwise Gaia's consciousness will collapse, or the lack of energy will cause the system framework to collapse."

"It's complicated. It makes me feel the power of this thing."

With Xiao Yi's words, Xiao Yi has found that his vision has changed. He is a person, but a cloud-like existence.

With the sound of a "bang" in the sky ~ ~ Xiao Yi found that he actually shuttled on the surface of the planet in front of him, as if he were a swimming fish between heaven and earth. Movement is thousands of kilometers.

Feeling the strange feeling brought by this shuttle, Xiao Yi felt very excited.

But at the next moment, Xiao Yi regained consciousness.

"What an amazing experience, I can actually sleepwalk to control this element."

"My dear, this is not sleepwalking, but memory manipulation. This starry sky is theoretically your memory, and you just called your memory circuit to make these lightnings appear in this form."

"In the outside world, am I not able to use this method to control the energy of other planets?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Holy deity, if you need to control Gaia on one planet in the outside world, you must keep your frequency the same as that planet, only then you can master the Gaia consciousness on that planet, and of course you can also Use our own lightning elements to directly penetrate some of the planet ’s Gaia consciousness. "

"Is it safe?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"At this point, we can try it if we have time."

"Okay." At the next moment, Xiao Yi missed the electric turn, and then there was another role switch.

Feeling this body that turned into lightning, Xiao Yi was feeling a little at the moment.

"Isn't it great?" Ming Lei's voice came.

"Yeah, it feels weird, but it's very happy. It's a wonderful feeling. There is a kind of heartfelt inside. Is there any difference between the lightning I control and the lightning you control? Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"My dear, now Gaia basically controls my lightning. As long as I design a lightning model, Gaia will complete the task for me."

(To be continued ...)