Brain Storm

Chapter 756: What is the law?

"So the rules are not distributed, so when we think about it, the problems we think about are often with size, but in the world of rules, the world of laws has directly downplayed this concept of size, which is not to say this The world really has no size, it's just the rule that our brain reads. For information, he will omit the concept of size. "

"Your consciousness is that we can add it?"

"Yes, this is the soberness of dreaming in spiritual practice. With the guidance of subjective consciousness, naturally your dreams will be much clearer, but one thing you must note is that you must not communicate with your ontology, otherwise you will follow the rules The world is coming out. "

"It's complicated. I think the world in front of me is good." At this moment, Xiao Yi looked again at the past world that he created.

At this moment the world is still working.

Xiao Yi in this world has saved Murong Qingqing and Murong Qingfeng for more than 2 hours.

The two are telling their experiences with Xiao Yi and others.

At this moment, Murong Qingqing and Murong Qingfeng are both curious about the existence of Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin.

Seeing this Murong Qingqing began to ask Xiao Yi east and west.

Xiao Yi frowned.

"Murong Qingqing in the last world is not like this?"

"Yes, but it was just the impact of the death of my brother, and in this world, you have saved her brother directly by relying on lightning transmission. Naturally, her heart is much more peaceful now."

"Yeah, but what kind of one is Murong Qingqing?" Xiao Yi questioned Ming Lei in confusion.

"The deity has a sentence called" man as it is called ". In fact, this first sense is very important. As we have said before, memory is a rule. Some can be understood, and some are limited by knowledge. That is incomprehensible. . "

"But as the name implies, this is also a matter of law. Human beings can ingest the laws of heaven and earth into your memory, and human nerves have a capability called mirror nerves. In fact, this vision nerve is used to receive heaven and earth in its entirety. law."

"The name of a person is actually an index of rules. The world is divided into many layers. In short, this is actually the energy layer."

"For example, Murong Qingqing's name. Murong is an ancient surname of Huaxia. It can be traced back to the emperor's descendants in ancient times. One of them named Feng named Murong. In short, Murong Qingqing's name follows the rules. In terms of perspective, it basically means to contain the heavens and the earth, and the meaning of the heavens and the earth is a symbol of the vitality of the world. "

"It's a strange way of understanding." Xiao Yi sighed.

"Holy deity, this is actually the understanding of the law. Human understanding of the law has already begun from the earliest language, but in the later period, human language does not reach the law. If everyone is to manipulate the law, the world needs energy. Great mess. "

"Do you mean that the earliest languages ​​could control the energy of heaven and earth?"

"Please do n’t forget the seven origins of the world, and the origins can be said to be the foundation of this world."

"Is it the origin?" Speaking of this, Xiao Yi looked at the surroundings in his conscious space.

"Minglei, is there really a source in my world?"

"Yes, it's just not in the main world, but in subspace."

"Subspace? Does my conscious space also have subspace?"

"Yes, deity, and this subspace is almost infinite. It is also the only way to support such a large world. The subspace will continue to grow according to the changes in your positive world."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi had a plan.

"Ming Lei, I can go to the subspace to take a look. Can I do it?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Of course you can, but I suggest that you better not go there. Once you enter that world, if you get lost, you will lose everything you have now."

"Why do you say that?" Xiao Yi was a little puzzled at the moment.

"Subspace is simply an energy world, and this energy world is not a simple energy world. It also stores information about your soul. If you go in and move around, the information in it is very likely to be confused. You think if your memory becomes completely chaotic. "

"" Xiao Yi was silent for a moment.

"Of course, you do n’t have to go there in person, but let me show you that world. I will show you the prototype of that world from the perspective of Gaia Golden Egg."

"Well, then you show me the magic of that world, is that the world of origin?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Just look at it for yourself."

At the next moment, Xiao Yi suddenly received a piece of information. There were some pictures in the information. Two groups of golden light flew into the black and white holes in the space of consciousness.

The next moment in Xiao Yi's consciousness space, there really appeared a black and white space vision.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi has frowned.

"Ming Lei, don't tell me, you can show me this." At this moment Xiao Yi had a feeling of being played.

"Please later, deity." The next moment a Gaia golden egg shot a sudden electric light.

Then Xiao Yi noticed that the surrounding vision began to change.

Time stopped, but the white and black light disappeared in such a strange way.

What follows is that particles appear in Xiao Yi's consciousness.

"This is a black hole?" Xiao Yi was a little confused. UU Kanshu

"Yes, deity, we look at this at the slowest speed, so this state is presented here, the light has become incoherent, and even said that it cannot be transmitted at all. It is not that light cannot propagate, but the elements here jump , Which is exactly the result of high density. "

"They will take the light that is incident here and quickly take it away, so in human vision, black holes are light-absorbing, which is precisely converted into other substances, or energy shifts have occurred."

"And at the next moment, in this black hole, it started to change color, and in a short time, it was deduced in Xiao Yi's consciousness, green, cyan, blue, these three colors.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi was somewhat puzzled, and when in the white hole, three colors evolved again, red, yellow, and green. With the emergence of these colors.

At the next moment, Xiao Yi found that in his conscious space, the two worlds began to merge, and then a group of purple particles appeared in front of Xiao Yi's eyes.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi seemed to understand something.