Brain Storm

Chapter 760: Green star ring

"Of course not now. I still need to make arrangements. At present, my body is still shuttled in the stars." Xiao Yi pointed towards the next moment.

Suddenly a void projection appeared in front of him.

At this moment, the picture is rapidly switching, passing through a star field from time to time.

Seeing this picture, everyone else frowned.

"You're going there?" Xiao Changyun asked in confusion.

"I don't know, but I'm now in the Dark Star Domain."

"Dark Star?" When hearing this word, everyone around looked at Xiao Yi in surprise.

But Lu Xuexin was thinking of something at this moment.

"Xiao Yi, will we find some worlds we are familiar with?" Hearing this, Xiao Yi remembered the problem.

"I don't know, but at the moment I haven't seen any planet that I am familiar with. I think this is exactly two universes."

Speaking, Xiao Yi communicated with Ming Lei directly in his consciousness.

"Anything found?"

"My deity, I just discovered some broken star belts, not even a complete planet."

"How far have you traveled?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"22 light years, or 20,831 billion kilometers."

"We have traveled 1.5 million light years before. Are we on the edge of the Milky Way before?"

"My deity, although both worlds have galaxies, just like you can build an earth in your conscious space, although he may be the galaxy, it may not be the true galaxy, or it may be false."

"And in each universe, there can be a galaxy, galaxies like the Milky Way belong to the category of large galaxies, and each galaxy will use its own original world. He is sound and has independent world rules. He wants to be an independent universe. "

After hearing Ming Lei's explanation, Xiao Yi seemed to understand something.

"Then where are we going now?"

"My dear, there is a huge star cluster ahead. I don't know where it is, but there seems to be life there, we can go and see."

"Huge star cluster?" With Xiao Yi's doubts, a bright green light emerged in front of Xiao Yi.

"This is ..." Everyone who saw this scene at this moment was a little surprised.

The next figure of Minglei has come out.

"This is where I don't know, but here is a turquoise galaxy. The planet here basically has a turquoise star."

"Here, this is the main host star of this galaxy. It has a total of 128 host stars, more than 800 satellites, and each planet has a green star ring."

"Why doesn't this galaxy have a sun?" Xiao Yi was full of doubts, because after observing for a long time, he didn't find the existence of the sun.

"Yes, deity, no sun was found in the positive space of this galaxy, but this galaxy has a sun."

"How to say?" Xiao Yi was a little confused at this moment.

"The sun is in the subspace." Lu Xuexin was surprised to hear the first expression.

The other people around were somewhat unknown.

"Why, Ming Lei, is there anything to say?" Xiao Changyun asked.

"Of course, these rings of stars can bring energy from subspace into the positive world, which is an application in itself."

But hearing this, Xiao Yi frowned.

"Does it mean that this galaxy has a very powerful civilization living here?" Xiao Yi looked at Ming Lei.

"It's understandable, so we will dive into this galaxy in a while, and our goal is this planet."

The next moment, the location of a planet was suddenly shown.

A planet is really slowly rotating, but the green awns of its star track are also displayed at this moment.

There was actually a green satellite flickering and it kept releasing light of incredible speed.

"This frequency is so fast." Xiao Yi at the moment spoke to Ming Lei.

"Yes, dear, this green light also belongs to the category of light. The wavelength is slightly shorter than the red light and longer than the purple light. In our eyes, we can capture some differences, but in the eyes of ordinary people, there is basically no difference. of."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded silently.

While Xiao Yi and Ming Lei were talking, time was also rapidly passing away.

It didn't take long for this galaxy to quickly zoom in.

"Minglei, this planet and the earth are bigger than that?" It was Lu Tianming who asked.

"Uncle Lu, according to my comparison, this star is bigger."

"Is the life above this bigger than humans? Or is there intelligent life on this planet?"

"Uncle Lu, I haven't observed these yet."

"Okay." Lu Tianming was silent for the next moment.

"I think we are still observing the landing on these unknown planets." At this moment, Mu Huiyun had some cautious mentality.

"Relax, Master, I will disappear." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Relax your mother, I'm not a kid anymore." Mu Huiyun was crying and laughing with hearing this.

Soon the picture continued to zoom in. One light-year, for Xiao Yi at this moment, flying was only a short time.

When not too much, sure enough the picture has been quickly enlarged.

With the enlargement, more faithful pictures have appeared in the projection picture in front of Xiao Yi.

But at this moment Xiao Yi found some amazing pictures.

"Holy deity, there is a very high concentration of oxygen in the space of this galaxy."

"Oxygen?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised to hear the answer.

"Are you kidding me?"

"But are you kidding."

"Oxygen is in space, and the temperature in space is so high, won't it explode or burn?"

"The deity, there is no explosion or combustion. The temperature here is not as high as expected, but it is maintained at about 10 degrees and 20 degrees."

The moment when Ming Lei's voice fell down ~ ~ The gate of dreams had already moved forward a lot quickly again.

Soon Xiao Yi was able to see some small things in this starry sky.

"How come, how can there be so many vegetables in space here?"

"My dear, this ring of stars is very mysterious, that green weapon may be an element."

"Element?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Yes, deity."

"Have you found an intelligent life?"

"It takes us to log in to the planet to discover. There are only some plants found in the sky, and no intelligent life action has been found."

"What are you waiting for? Hurry into the planet and take a look." With Xiao Yi's urging.

The next moment the picture zoomed in quickly, but it had already penetrated into this turquoise planet.