Brain Storm

Chapter 796: Subspace experiment

"It's amazing." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Then what are we going to do next?" Xiao Yi asked Minglei excitedly.

"My dear, what we have to do now is to open a door to other worlds, and then we enter into it to validate our theory."

"It should be done." Xiao Yi nodded.

But at the moment, Lu Xuexin beside Xiao Yi was still thinking.

Seeing Lu Xuexin's strange sight, Xiao Yi immediately asked.

"Xue Xin, what do you think about this?"

"Ask me?" Lu Xuexin looked at Xiao Yi very earnestly.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded though Lu Xuexin's weird tone.

"My opinion is not to leave here for the time being, not to leave the world!" Xiao Yi opened her eyes wide when she heard what Lu Xuexin said.


"I have a feeling that this world is a very important node for us."

"But Xuexin, we can't find anything here?"

"No, Xiao Yi, we have gained a lot, including what you are thinking now, which is what this world gives you."

"..." Xiao Yi didn't know how to answer at the moment.

"But I, we automatically enter that world from that world, have we been in this world for too long?"

Hearing here, Lu Xuexin shook her head.

"Remember a theory?"

"What?" Xiao Yi was a little weird.

"Now the father of another world has left this world, does that mean there will be another world where our father will come to our world again?"

"It really has to think about it, otherwise our parents will come to this time when we leave, and it will be really bad that we will lose our connection again." When speaking of this, Xiao Yi was immediately conscious Here comes some other questions.

"But Xuexin, the universe is so big, how can we find our parents?"

"Our deity, as long as our space-time locator is manufactured, we can discover huge energy bodies in the subspace at any time."

"Is it really possible to show such power? Finding the track of father and mother in subspace?"

"Yes, deity, but to do that, we need to do some experiments before I can be more confident."

"So what are you waiting for? Let's start the experiment." After hearing these, Lu Xuexin also nodded.

"Well then, let's move on to our experiment now."

Just the next moment the door of fantasy opened out of thin air.

"My dear, please follow me, and we will go to the proving ground." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin immediately walked into the door of dreams.

As soon as he entered the so-called test field, Xiao Yi discovered the familiarity and pointed out that this is the world Xiao Xiao had seen before. There were lightning here, which kept flashing and constantly destroying the surroundings, and then provided energy for the entire world.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's body light has appeared again and again, but at this moment, these lights are connected to the dark depths around him.

One by one, the small spheres and the rays of light are all connected to the unknown in space.

However, in Xiao Yi's consciousness, Xiao Yi captured the appearance of the world.

At this moment Xiao Yi is being shocked by what is at hand.

"This is really shocking." Xiao Yi sighed.

"My dear, these are normal things."

"What the **** are you doing? I want to see it." At this moment, Lu Xuexin shouted out.

"Of course." The next moment, Lu Xuexin obviously received the picture.

"What is this?" But the next moment, Lu Xuexin questioned.

What appears in Lu Xuexin's consciousness at this moment is a magical world. The world is actually in a dark but various, there is only a huge white light ball in the middle, and it is obvious that this huge white light ball is not released by Xiao Yi from.

Seeing Lu Xuexin's exclamation, Xiao Yi was immediately attracted attention, with all eyes watching here.

"My dear, please release the ball of light." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi was unambiguous and immediately let a ball of light fly out of his hands.

When flying halfway, Ming Lei directly took over the control of this light sphere, but the next time the light sphere was directly bombarded, it just dissipated and then quickly integrated into the light.

Immediately the next moment, Xiao Yi discovered a scene of surprise. The light in the space was no longer light, but gradually gradually burned. A white flame appeared directly beside Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin.

The sudden change was a surprise to Lu Xuexin.

The moment was quickly pushed away.

"Ming Lei, you guy!" Lu Xuexin said dissatisfied at the moment.

"Xue Xin, please rest assured that the temperature will not be too high. Most of the energy is limited to the range of the electromagnetic field." Upon hearing this, Lu Xuexin gave a white look to Ming Lei.

At this moment, with the appearance of the white flame, the surrounding white energy is increasing. Seeing this, Xiao Yi immediately closed his eyes and observed with mental strength.

"Ming Lei, what are you doing?" Xiao Yi felt strange.

"Originally, the clothes of your father used to incorporate a lot of law attributes, so when we make this clothes, we must also merge the laws, so we need a specific and specific environment, so we created this white flame container.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

"Just do what you want."

"Yes, dear, I'm trying."

"Did you find anything?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Energy has basically merged ~ ~ and a new photon form has been obtained, which is easier to burn."

"Ming Lei, what are we doing?" Xiao Yi was a little confused at the moment.

"Our deity, we need to use light and fire to make a piece of clothing, a piece of clothing made of elemental matter, use the characteristics of this piece of clothing to break the space, and then protect you from perfect space crossing.

"How long will it take?"

"My dear, you need to release the light ball now and again." After hearing this, Xiao Yi had to follow suit.

Soon Xiao Yi was quickly condensed with large white flames, and with the control of Minglei, these white flames quickly condensed together.

As time went on, the next moment Gaia Golden Egg began to emit a ray of light, pushing with the magic arrow

Then at the next moment, the white flame disappeared quickly, but in the middle of the white flame, things like white beads appeared.