Brain Storm

Chapter 798: Power of Time

"My dear, where are you?" The voice of Minglei sounded the next moment.

"?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"How did Minglei happen?"

"The energy of the deity has been collected."

"So fast?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"It's been 2 days since the deity, why are you talking fast?"

"Ah ...?" At the moment Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin.

"At the moment, Lu Xuexin also opened her mouth wide."

"Xue Xin quickly opened the door of fantasy." Upon hearing this, Lu Xuexin immediately did.

At the next moment, Xiao Yi returned to the small world again.

"My dear, another two days have passed."

"Ah ... so exaggerated?"

"Yeah, dear, so it's okay you don't just enter the inexplicable world."

Hearing this, Lu Xuexin felt her mouth grow old now.

"Well, if it wasn't for me, you still have to wait 2 days!" Lu Xuexin turned her face aside at this moment.

"Oh, Xuexin, no one blame you, Ming Lei is just worried."

"Well, it's all up to you, whatever you say."

"If I expected it well, what you just entered should be the future world."

"Future world?" At the moment Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin heard Ming Lei say this, their eyes were widened.

"Yes, the scene after 2 days." Just the next moment, Xiao Yi appeared a white light around.

Then the next moment, Xiao Yi found that everything around him seemed to be distorted, and the whole world turned white.

What made Xiao Yi a little unexpected happened at this moment. The world seemed to be completely transparent, and it seemed that it was floating in the air.

"Where are we?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Our dear, we are now in subspace."

"What are we now?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Our dear, we are now a light element. To put it simply, we are now a light element."

"Is this the vision of the light element?"

"Yes, the deity." Said Xiao Yi was looking in the direction of Lu Xuexin.

But at this moment Lu Xuexin looked around in doubt.

Seeing Xiao Yi's gaze, Lu Xuexin immediately reached out to grab Xiao Yi.

But the next weird scene happened.

Lu Xuexin's hand was worn directly from Xiao Yi's hand.

"What's going on?" Xiao Yi asked in shock.

"Our deity, we are now in the form of light elements, and we are relatively speaking, there is no entity now."

"Then how do we travel through time and space?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Just take a walk in one direction and that's it."

However, at the next moment, Xiao Yi discovered that Lu Xuexin's mouth shape was moving all the time, but no voice came.

"Ming Lei, Xuexin what happened?"

"She can't communicate with us now." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi frowned immediately.

"You can't do this to Xuexin and return to reality immediately."

"Yes, deity." At the next moment, the influence around Xiao Yi quickly consolidated.

The next moment Lu Xuexin rushed over.

"Asshole, asshole! Xiao Yi, I called you so long, you didn't even speak, let's break up."

"Have you been so anxious for only a while?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"A moment? A moment? For a whole day, you ignore me!" At this moment Lu Xuexin was a little angry.

But hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Xue Xin, do you say one day?"

"Did you just try to move forward?"

"?" After hearing this, Lu Xuexin took a few steps forward with some confusion.

"Yeah, but I can still see you, why don't you ignore me."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi didn't know what to say.

"We just traveled through time and space in the subspace. Just now your movement is actually changing time. The reason why you think I ignored you in one day is because you have come to the future."

"Ming Lei, you guy, why don't you answer me!" At this moment, Lu Xuexin was finally no longer patient.

"I don't know what happened, and this is the first time I have entered this state."

"Huh! You two are really getting worse, and sooner or later you will be killed!"

"Ming Lei, time is not a joke, after all." Xiao Yi was also a little worried about Xue Xin at the moment.

“As long as we do n’t leave our eyes, we in the time mode can go directly to the corresponding time point. The saying that it has n’t happened for a day at all is caused by unauthorized movement and time mode.

"Why didn't you just say it!" At the moment Xiao Yi was also a little angry.

"I just learned the news."

"Okay, okay, I know." Lu Xuexin also accepted Ming Lei's explanation at this moment.

"Minglei, don't you create a light-based brain nucleus for me?" Lu Xuexin made a request at this moment.

"Of course, this is ready for you."

At the next moment, Xiao Yi stretched out a hand, then quickly white flames rose in his hand.

Seeing this, Lu Xuexin frowned back.

"You're not afraid to burn me! You fool Xiao Yi, why are you getting more and more reckless."

"Oh, Xuexin, it's not my recklessness, but this flame already knows you."

"Ah?" Lu Xuexin approached in doubt, and suddenly reached out in surprise.

"Sure enough, won't these things hurt me?"

"Oh, of course, this white flame now has no temperature for you, but if it is someone else, it may evaporate instantly, so when using this power, you must pay attention to the identification of enemy and friend. As long as you think about it, it is a friend Is the friend, the enemy is the enemy. This is like the lightning element. "

"It's so powerful, it's about to be transplanted for me." Lu Xuexin couldn't shut up happily now.

"Okay ~ ~ Please wait, the next moment, the flame in Xiao Yi's hands burned directly to Lu Xuexin.

Seeing this scene Xiao Yi was startled, but the next moment, Lu Xuexin was shrouded in flames.

Instead, he reached out with some doubts and felt the white flame around his body.

"Sure enough, there is no temperature. This is really amazing."

"You now need to receive these flames into your conscious space." At this moment, Ming Lei's reminder suddenly rang through the depths of Lu Xuexin's consciousness.

"Oh." The next moment, the white flame around Lu Xuexin's body disappeared instantly.

When it appeared, it already appeared in Lu Xuexin's conscious space.

There was a white flame next to the fantasy brain, and then these white flames began to merge with each other quickly.

Not long after, Lu Xuexin already felt that a strange power was increasing.