Brain Storm

Chapter 801: Jurassic Earth

"Yes, and you can make ships that can land directly on the ground."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi seemed to understand something.

"What does Minglei mean?"

"The deity of this dinosaur contains a mysterious element that can make life lighter. As long as we understand this genetic research, we can use this rule to build a spacecraft out of gravity, and everyone else will click. Nodded.

Xiao Yi seems to have understood something.

I nodded again, sure.

"Wouldn't it be that dinosaurs in space would allow us to make better ships?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.

"My deity, it is certain to make a spaceship, but space is different from the planet. Space has no clear range of gravity, that is, there is no strong magnetic field, but the interior of the planet is different. Because of the strong relationship of gravity, Flying so high can be more valuable than directly in space, so I said that this type of dinosaur is much more powerful than dinosaurs in space. The energy in their bodies is different. Dragons in space are even more Compared to this kind of dragon that the earth can fly to the edge of the atmosphere, and we have the genetic mystery of this dragon, we have the real mystery of the planet takeoff and landing spacecraft. The external resources of the planet are no longer in the world according to my understanding. The scope of the rules, we don't need to argue about those rules. "

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Minglei, is there anything else in this space besides dragons?"

"My deity, within 1 light year, there are all kinds of flying dragons floating around. Of course, flying dragons are named by me. They can hover in the sky and in space. They are all flying dragons."

"1 light-year?" At this point, Xiao Yi was aware of a problem. Does this planet also have stars? "

"Yes, this is a very high-quality sun, which is much farther away from the Earth than the solar system."

"Well, since this is the case, Ming Lei, you collect all the resources available on this planet. According to my understanding, this should be the past?"

"Yes, deity, to be precise here, it should really be 170 million years ago, it should be staying in that era."

"If it corresponds to the earth, is this here synchronized with the earth?" Xiao Yi raised this question.

"Our deity, although we are now outside of the galaxy, here we cannot simply understand the dark star field as the deity, because I found that our position seems to be still in the galaxy's self-circulation.

"What?" Xiao Yi was taken aback by the news.

"Minglei, are you sure you are not mistaken, this is also the Milky Way?"

"Yes, deity."

"Then this world has a space-time hub?"

"From my observation, the world is still in a primitive state.

"Minglei, can you find the earth?"

"Yes, it has been located. Do you want to start space travel?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

Just the next moment, Xiao Yi appeared in front of a golden door.

Xiao Yi was immediately transmitted to the solar system.

As soon as Xiao Yi appeared, Xiao Yi looked at the location of the earth with some doubt.

Xiao Yi is no stranger to the star map here.

At this moment, Xiao Yi is looking at it like this. The earth, at this moment, is weird, because at this moment, Xiao Yi does not happen to the seven continents, but concentrates a continent in a certain place on the planet.

On this continent, Xiao Yi could faintly see some huge creatures walking.

"Are those dinosaurs?" The next moment the picture zoomed in quickly, but Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin stayed outside the earth.

"The deity is indeed a dinosaur, but these dinosaurs seem to have been tamed by humans, and their bodies have artificial totem marks."

The next moment a panorama of primitive society appeared in Xiao Yi's conscious space.

But Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin who saw this scene were all surprised.

"Why can humans dominate these huge creatures?" Xiao Yi was somewhat puzzled.

"Deity, this may have something to do with human origin."

"Well, Minglei, hurry up to collect information about this planet, similar to the way we collected that planet before."

"My dear, this is the earth." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi shook his head.

"It's nothing like Earth here."

"Xiao Yi, did you find anything?"

"I feel the gas on this planet is violent."

"According to our world comparison at that time, this place is simply a gas tank."

"Do you mean oxygen?"

"No, there is a strange metallic smell in this air."

"My dear, this is the taste of space elements."

"The element of space, why is it so strong here?" Xiao Yi fell into doubt for a moment.

"The deity, this world belongs to the origin of the earth, and we have been here, and maybe other people have also been here ~ ~ This is where our communication meets.

"Ming Lei, do you mean you can connect more space here?"

"Yes, deity, it looks like a simple Jurassic world, but it actually affects many future worlds."

"Can Minglei interfere with the order of the life cycle of this world?"

"It's better not to, if it interferes, it is likely to change the time node connected to this planet."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately looked solemn.

"Thanks to Ming Lei, is there anything we need for this planet?"

"My dear, the relationship between the size of the earth and the current world hesitates, it seems that the world we have traveled to before is not huge."

"Yes, that planet can have such a strange dinosaur, but the world we live in is not that big."

At this moment, with the appearance of the white flame, the surrounding white energy is increasing. Seeing this, Xiao Yi immediately closed his eyes and observed with mental strength.

"Ming Lei, what are you doing?" Xiao Yi felt strange.

"Originally, the clothes of your father used to incorporate a lot of law attributes, so when we make this clothes, we must also merge the laws, so we need a specific and specific environment, so we created this white flame container.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

"Just do what you want."

"Yes, dear, I'm trying."

"Did you find anything?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"The energy has been basically fused and a new photon form has been obtained, which is easier to burn."


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