Brain Storm

Chapter 824: Destroyed?

"That world is ruined. But they have retained the blood of the Titans. I have carefully analyzed these golden blood. They do not belong to a Titan."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi finally understood: "It seems that the origin of this Borakdia protoss is really not simple!"

"Yes, deity. The protoss of Polakdia has inherited the blood power of the Golden Titans. Moreover, it has obtained a higher element density."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi was no longer able to describe her mood with shock.

"Ming Lei, pass this information to Xuexin!"

"Yes, deity."

Soon, there was a reply from Lu Xuexin.

"Xiao Yi, is this the truth of Polakdia you discovered?"

"Yeah! But don't you think the origin of the blood of the Titan in this mysterious space is too weird?"

"Xue Xin, did you think of it?"

Xiao Yi asked earnestly.

"No! I didn't expect that much. I just think that the existence of this Polakdia protoss is not necessarily a bad thing for us." Lu Xuexin said so earnestly.

"how do I say this?"

Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"It's very simple. The order in their world is stable. No war broke out."

"Did you judge from this? I don't think they have not experienced war."

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Lu Xuexin shook her head immediately.

"Of course in this world, of course, war has happened, but this war has disappeared in 2000."

"What?" Xiao Yi was taken aback because of this sentence.

"Why are you scared?"

"Yes the war has been out of this world for 2000."

"You see the history of this world?" Xiao Yi asked directly.

"Yes. There were many and many tribes in this world 2000 years ago, but it was because of that battle that the world would unify and establish the temples."

"Then what happened?"

"People in this world have adopted some means to avoid war. It is precisely this thinking of people that allows war to completely disappear in this world. This means is what people call wisdom, the cohesion of spiritual belief."

Hearing Lu Xuexin's words, Xiao Yi nodded silently.

"I know what faith does through what you say."

"Yes, Xiao Yi. This is the power of faith, leading to no struggle in this world."

"But Xuexin, does it really mean peace without a fight? Without sacrifice, does it mean that there is no fight? Do n’t they need to fight against heaven and earth?"

"Of course not. But as long as there is no struggle at the material level, the entire world can unite for rapid technological innovation and even new civilization innovation."

"Xue Xin, your understanding is very accurate." Xiao Yi smiled.

"But how will we communicate with the gods of this world?" Xiao Yi was a little worried at the moment.

"My dear, there is no need to worry about this. After all, this world is a peaceful world. In this case, there must be a way to live in peace with them, and if they go well, they can even become our opponents or friends.

"Ming Lei, in this case, I'm really looking forward to it."

"Our dear, the time is ripe, we will have the opportunity to exchange ideas."

"Well, that's a good thing."

Having said that, Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin again.

"Why do you look at me? You guy who just walks away is still troubled?"

"Xue Xin, am I not worried about you?"

"Really? What will you do then, but take me."


"Huh, it's light." Lu Xuexin was a little dissatisfied.

"Well, I was wrong, but that's what I really mean."

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, just when you say it's really good."

"When did I say that, it's not true."

"Fool you. Hahaha." Lu Xuexin then laughed.

"..." Seeing Xiao Yi's overwhelming look.

Lu Xuexin stopped smiling immediately.

"Okay, it's not fun at all. Xiao Yi, you still have to pay close attention to the world we are facing now. Although I said that peace is the original face of these worlds, you must pay attention to it. It is a situation of united belief Next, if beliefs are not unified, who knows what will happen ... "

Hearing this, Xiao Yi sighed.

"Xue Xin, let me just say, things are not that simple."

"I haven't said anything simple."

"Oh, yeah, but I didn't say it was complicated."

"Ah ... Xuexin, stop playing."

"Well, since that's the case, I'll go back first."

"Xue Xin, where are you going?" Xiao Yi was very puzzled.

"Of course you are going home. You should pay more attention to the safety of this wood. The world is too cruel, but don't die casually."

After speaking, the next moment, Lu Xuexin directly opened a door of fantasy, and then disappeared directly in front of Xiao Yi.

"Xue Xin ..." Xiao Yi felt Lu Xuexin returned there in one fell swoop.

"Xiao Yi, pay more attention to safety. I'll wait for you in Baiyin Building."

"okay, I got it."

With the disappearance of Lu Xuexin, the power of time around Xiao Yi has been reduced by a fraction, but at this moment the world has changed from 2 poles to a pole, and the rotation with the force of instant light has accelerated suddenly. stand up.

Feeling the disappearance of this change is very confused.

However, there is obviously a cyclone flowing around in time around Xiao Yi, and there are countless hours of light **** around this cyclone, which are rapidly approaching fusion ~ ~ Our deity, our world has expanded 25 times, absorbed 215 recognizable worlds. "

"Well, although I don't know what those worlds represent, they lead me to look forward to them."

"Yes, Xiao Yi, sort out all the information left by that Titan Protoss, maybe we are useful."

"My dear, the information has been sorted out, and Gaia is already producing these Titan giants."

"Production, Minglei, you actually use production to talk to me about making humans."

"Respect, it is inevitable that we mass produce this kind of life, otherwise we will not be able to understand what happened in history."

"Isn't there the power of Xuexin's dream?"

"Our deities, this is different. Our world needs some strong and obedient races of our wisdom. The Titans are our bargaining chips, and especially the Titan giant made by the blood of the **** Titan. This meaning is different. of."