Brain Storm

Chapter 839: Horror royal

"Robo, haven't you watched the flowers?" Upon hearing Hausen's question, Robo shook his head immediately. Fastest update

"Well! How come they came here, they won't be able to hear us so far."

It was Lu Xuexin who came first at this moment, and Xiao Yi followed him.

"Your name is Luo Bo, your name is Howson?" Lu Xuexin asked tentatively.

"Well, yes ... yes ..." At the moment, Luo Bo and Howson were inexplicably nervous.

"What do you think you can see in our body of unusual light?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold and he asked directly.

"..." Hearing Xiao Yi's question, both of them took a breath.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" the next moment Lopo burst into tears.

"Woohoo, I knew you were going to bully us!"

"Brother run away!" Said a blue light flashing, and immediately entered into Hausen's body. "Howson, however, picked up Luo Bo and ran straight.

"It's fast!" Lu Xuexin was stunned by the two who had run away.

"I scared them?" But someone was looking around at the moment.

However, it soon seemed that some people noticed the difference between the two, and then quickly left their distance.

"The arrival of the two was because everyone in the mercenary square became aware of it.

This is an alley in Drew City.

"Uncle, we have two members of the royal family in the city, which is really terrible."

"Yeah, I heard that the members of the royal family exploded when they couldn't make it, and then whine." Then he cried.

"Yes, the redemption of Gusrat in 150 years is the sacrifice of a royal family in exchange for the victory of the entire war."

"Gusrat is only 20 years old, unfortunately, these guys are so crazy that the fall of a royal family in exchange for the prosperity of an empire."

"Fighting to the limit, detonating his own blood of gods, this group of people is just crazy, I don't want to be buried with this group of people." The person who said this was already walking towards the gate of the city the next moment.

"The blood of the gods is very powerful, especially the activated blood. The mortal body cannot bear it at all. After activation, it can only explode instantly, and then use the power of the **** that is about to dissipate for devastating blows. Instantly destroy thousands Enemy, I think these royal families are great. "

"Yeah, our royals are so low-key, we should accept them, although they are dangerous."

"The law stipulates that mortals should not contact the members of the royal family at will, or they will be killed or injured. They and we are not in the same world at all, it is terrible!"

"The law stipulates that mortals must be in awe of the royal family, and we just need to be in awe of them."

"Yes, I'm afraid of them, so we stay away from them."

But at this moment Xiao Yi is relying on the power of the elements, and all the things that happened around him are passed to Xiao Yi by Ming Lei.

"My breath seems to be felt by many people?"

"My dear, this breath is not a problem, we can take it back."

Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were at the next moment, but the breath on their bodies disappeared quickly.

Seeing the two white-bearded old men in this scene, their beards were sulking.

But Lu Xuexin just happened to look at the old man.

Lu Xuexin covered her mouth for a moment, apparently startled by the old man's beard.

"The old man's beard actually moves!"

"My dear, that beard is not a real beard, it seems to be some black bug?"

Obviously, Ming Lei said that he had reservations and didn't want to stimulate the nerves of the two too much.

"How is this going?"

"This should be a technology in this world that allows hair to have emotions."

"Don't you say, are they bugs?"

"It is indeed a bug, but these bugs will be subject to the nerve control of this old man."

"This old man also has his own field energy around his body." Hear Ming Lei said.

Xiao Yi said to Nan Nan, "This is interesting." Xiao Yi's eyes suddenly changed a little color after speaking.

Then he looked in the direction of the old man.

It's okay not to look at it, but Xiao Yi's eyes widened suddenly.

"What's that, why is there a flower in his body?"

"My dear, as far as I know, this world has a lot of incredible magical technologies in order to continue life."

"This should be implant technology."

Then Xiao Yi looked at the people around him.

As his eyes moved, Xiao Yi found that many people had various plants in their bodies, and these plants seemed to be more like organs in their bodies.

"These plants can actually survive in the human body." While saying this, Xiao Yi passed on these images to Lu Xuexin.

At this moment, Luo Bo and Hausen had returned to Luo Bo's home.

"Hausen, you're here." As soon as Luo Bo entered the door, Hausen was discovered by Luo Bo's father.

"Yeah ~ ~ Dad, I ran into two royal families today and it scared me."

"You running back?"

"Yeah, I'm afraid he's" banged ", the whole square is gone."

"Well, I have this worry too." Hausen beside him nodded and said.

"The royals don't usually" bang "it."

"No, but as soon as they lose their temper, they can easily" bang "automatically."

"Well, yeah, if it's" bang ", Luo Bo won't come back."

"Yeah, Luo Bo is so cute, how could he be slammed out without knowing it." He said with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"So I'm back."

"Well, blame daughter, you go upstairs first, and I talk to Hausen." Hearing this, Luo Bo was reluctant to go straight to the second floor.

"Ohsen, this time you come to our house, Luo Bo, although he is a mercenary, but you can see his mind to you."

"Let's get married."

"Uncle, it's not working right now, and my vindication has not been fulfilled. If I get married now, I may never reach the strength of the Great Sword Master."

"You can also get married first, and then practice. Now Luo Bo's magic power has reached level 6, as long as there is no problem with emotion, he can be promoted to level 7 soon."

"Then I agree, and I'll get my father to propose him soon."

Upon hearing this, Luo Bo's father smiled.

"I'll go back then, uncle."

"Wait, Hausen, four royal families have recently arrived, and we don't know what will happen?"

"Uncle, there should be no tragedy like 150 years ago.") Download a free reader !!