Brain Storm

Chapter 840: Terror Thunder City

"Uncle, that's not a special situation. If it wasn't for the beast gods' coalition that had already attacked under Drew City, the royal family would not have exploded?"

"Oh, I don't know about you, it's not because your brother has such a view on the royal family."

"But I tell you that other royal families are dangerous. His power is not exerted and mortal is undoubted, but if any accident occurs, it is likely to ruin the entire team."

"... Uncle, stop talking, Hausen knows."

And the people on the mercenary square at this moment had already fry the pan.

"Can the breath of the royal family converge?" This was the whispering voice around.

As the sound spread, I don't know why, but Xiao Yi suddenly found that one direction suddenly quieted down.

The next moment, above a magnificent palace, a horse-drawn carriage flew out, and soon flew over towards Xiao Yi.

As the carriage approached, a figure flew down from the carriage.

This is a person dressed in white gold pattern clothing, noble colors make it look extraordinary.

"The two are the royals of that city, why have I never met."

Upon hearing the question, Xiao Yi looked at the carriage and looked at the young man in front of him.

Sure enough, under the eyes of Xiao Yi's talent, he showed an extraordinary light.

This light is like a flame that bursts out at any time.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi frowned.

"The deity, the energy in his **** is very unstable, this carrier is very reluctant." After hearing this, Xiao Yi had understood the hint of Ming Lei.

"You are a royal family, and I am not, Xiao Yi said directly."

"The breath on your body." Just after saying this, the eyes of the royal family were suddenly frozen.

Then he looked at an old man behind him.

The old man also seems to understand the meaning of this man in white.

Immediately looked at Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin.

"His Royal Highness, he doesn't have a royal atmosphere." After hearing this, the royal family immediately jumped onto the carriage and walked directly towards the palace.

And just then, a group of guards came over.

The old man also came to Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin.

"We must investigate the vision of the two, so ask the two to go back to us."

"Go there?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"Go to the temple."

"If I don't go!" Xiao Yi suddenly looked cold.

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, the other person's expression suddenly cooled down.

"Knot seal."

"Bang, bang, bang" four times, but there are four magic scrolls dropped to the ground.

"Xiao Yi immediately felt a strange power."

"Imprisonment?" Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin in doubt.

"I seem to be losing weight now."

Xiao Yi frowned when he heard this.

At the next moment, Xiao Yi waved.

"Boom" flashed a white light.

At the next moment, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin had disappeared in place.

At a height of 5,000 meters from the square, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin stood up like nothing at the moment.

"It's a troublesome world. We didn't think of it before, and if we just walked around, we would all get attention."

Speaking from here, he looked in the direction of Leicheng.

From here at this moment, you can actually see the thunder column that connects the sky above the distant thunder city.

Even more dark clouds have been accumulated around Leicheng. The dark clouds keep rolling, but there is always no trace of rain falling from the sky.

Thunder City, also known as Titan Castle, the news of Thunder City has actually spread in this world. This world is a magical civilization. In a short time, many people have come around, but no one dares. Easy access to the attack radius of the Thunderbolt.

"Boss, what do you do? There are a lot of charred Warcrafts in this forest. If we can bring back a few, we ..."

"Haven't found it yet, haven't cultivated vigor and magic?"

"Boss, there are forests of Warcraft around here, how could there be people with no strength."

"Go to the slave camp and I don't believe there will be ordinary people in the slaves."


This man called the boss is Yafar. He is a dark businessman in the slave business. He has many strong men. There are three seventh-level mages, five seventh-level fighters, and two priests. The most powerful is himself, it is said that his strength has reached level 8, and he is a magic archer himself. For such a team, his coffer is self-evident.

At this moment, he is bringing his 50 Captain Xiao and 500 level 5 subordinates here to try to enter the Thunder City area to obtain a large number of Warcraft corpses. He even wants to visit Thunder City.

However, at this moment, he did not dare to approach Thunder City. The reason was very simple. It was a huge thunder column that seemed to be very quiet.

At this moment, a group of people were brought over ~ ~ but soon Yafar frowned.

"Why are women and children."

"Boss, these are the women and the children born by our subordinates. They have not taken over the training and become fighters."

"Prank! Send these women and children back."

"Yes, boss." When the woman and child were sent away.

Soon a group of ragged men were sent over, each one was skinny and couldn't get thinner.

"Are they doing it?" Yafar said angrily.

"But there can be no more useless people in our team than them."

"... Ah ... yeah, how could there be ordinary people around here."

"Who among you has practiced vindictiveness, or magic has come out immediately."

Hearing this, everyone subconsciously took a step forward.

Seeing Yaffar frowned, he stretched quickly.

"It doesn't matter. Now you are the ones without power."

Pointing at a huge black beast about 50 meters away from them, he said, "Go and dig out his magic crystal now."

After hearing his words, everyone looked at each other, and then everyone rushed towards the corpse.

A move from these people soon made Yafar frown.

"Asshole, didn't you give them food?"

"Boss, no, our food, they are not used to eating. High energy is just torture for them. They rarely dare to eat, and they will have diarrhea after eating."

"It's really a group of troublesome guys. Fortunately, it's not dead. If I die, I will run away for nothing.") !!