Brain Storm

Chapter 841: Wise businessman

The people who rushed to the front of the black beast suddenly stopped, and a slightly stronger man in the middle shouted to stop the crowd.

"If I haven't seen it, this should be a little scorpion poisonous beast, casual contact will be dead."

"Speaking of picking up a branch from the ground, he stung directly towards the scorpion beast.

Strange things happened in this one, the stick disappeared little by little, as if stuck in the body of a scorpion poisonous beast.

The person holding the stick and the person closer to him, at this moment, have all started to frown.

"The stick was dissolved." The man released the stick, and the stick left a head directly.

"This thing, we have no way to dig out his magic crystal." At this moment the man shouted to Yafar.

"The scorpion poison beast is indeed a troublesome guy, but this thing is worth a lot of money."

Speaking, he looked at a magician beside him.

"Give him this scroll, you go and build a teleporter and try to get the corpse to us."

"No trouble?" Said the wizard, who heard the order, a little worried.

"Try it." Then he pointed out a slave and shouted.

"Come here!" After hearing the shout, a young, skinny child ran over.

"You should be a person with a magic constitution. As for why you have become like this, I don't want to know. Now you put this magic scroll next to that scorpion poisonous beast."

"Yes, boss." He trot over holding the magic scroll.

Then Yaffar looked at the magician who had taken out a lot of materials from the magic bag beside him.

"Are you ready?" Yafar asked.

"Boss, it's almost OK."

"Just sending your mother-in-law to the reel."

Hearing this, Yafar took another scroll from his arms and handed it to the magician.

The magician placed the scroll in the center of a battle platform.

Then Yaffar looked in the direction of the slave boy.

"Well, that's it." Yafar's voice passed on.

Hearing this, the boy was about to put the scroll there.

At the next moment, the scroll in the center of the array flashed a blue ray, and then the direction of the boy's direction also flashed a light, and then a teleportation door opened instantly. Everything that was 10 meters in a week was teleported .

The other slaves were hiding far away.

"The boss Scorpion Poison has been teleported back."

"I will teach you this corpse. Go back to the alchemist and take care of it. It should be able to make a lot of interesting things."

"Yes. Boss." After listening to Yafar's order, the magician quickly took out a magic cloth from his arms.

With the input of the magician's magic power, the Ministry of Magic quickly zoomed in, and then quickly wrapped the body of the scorpion beast on the ground.

"You guys, you're fine, this is a reward for you." Yafar just threw a coin.

"Thank you, boss," the teenager shouted immediately.

Crystal coins are different from gold coins in that they have a lot of energy and can replace food, that is, they can be eaten directly.

At this moment when the boy got the coin, the other slaves around him looked a little hot.

The teenager, however, was unambiguous and put the coin into his mouth.

Seeing this scene, everyone turned their eyes again.

"Boss, there are a few more heads over there." This was one of those words shouting hard.

"Well, good. Get their magic crystal back. I reward you."

"Boss, isn't this reward too generous." A soldier at the moment said enviously.

"Haha, if I don't do that, do you think these slaves will be so honest?"

Said and pointed to the distant thunder column connecting the thunder city of the sky.

"They won't be attacked by this lightning, and I will let them go into Thunder City for a while to explore."

"If I can't do this, how can I inherit the glory of Yafar!"

"Yes, boss."

And just then, one of the slaves came over.

"Boss, there is also a scorpion poison beast over there, do you still want it?" Upon hearing this, Yafar immediately understood the meaning of the slave, and handed a mother-in-law transfer scroll and passed it.

The slave received the scroll and ran straight in one direction.

Yafar continued to explore his magic bag, and then frowned.

Then smiled.

"No more." The next moment, his hand waved quickly, as if painting something. At the beginning, it was just a little bit of light, while his hand was waving quickly in the air, a A little bit, as if a holographic portrait, but it is taking shape a little bit.

And when Yafar did all this, the magicians around him were envious.

Soon after Yaffar finished painting, the next moment, there was already a golden light shining there.

From the surroundings, this is clearly a human figure.

The next moment, a person from Biarfar One appeared before Yafar.

"Well, you can draw the scroll ~ ~ Yafar then clicked his eyebrows with his hand, and in the next moment, a group of flickering energy clusters was clicked by Yafar In the brow of this energy body.

Then he took a separate magic bag out of his magic bag.

With this move of Yafar, the newly appeared slightly shorter Yafar quickly took over.

Without talking, he went straight to the side, opened the magic bag, and quickly took out a table from it.

A pile of paper, obviously this is the material used to make the magic scroll.

Soon this Yafal clone was quickly drawn over there.

"It's amazing that Master Yafar's clones can draw the teleportation scrolls so quickly. If I have this ability, I am also a rich man."

"Kid, save it, that's a legendary talent! The Eagle Eye of the Brander."

"I know, I'm not talking about it."

But at this moment another slave had already transmitted the scorpion beast back.

Then the slave got another crystal coin.

But the slave did not eat him.

Instead, when he arrived, Yafar fell on his knees. "I will redeem myself!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the slaves around were brightened.

"You have a courageous slave. Since I have agreed with you, but I also have a condition that you can help me do this before you can leave!"

"Thank you, sir." The slave hurriedly thanked.

"What is your name?"


"Well, good name."

Immediately after that, Yafar was condensed in his eyebrows, and a ray of light flew out.