Brain Storm

Chapter 843: Powerful cell

"You go and let's stay in this courtyard." Xiao Yi said to the housekeeper.

"Yes, sir." Then he left.

Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin beside him.

"He's back." While talking, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin's consciousness space flashed at the same time a picture of a person being rapidly transmitting.

The speed is fast, but the next moment, Yafar is locked in a space.

The next moment Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin disappeared and appeared again in the subspace where Yafar was.

The next moment Yafar found that his vision had returned to normal and he could speak.

At the moment, there were two people standing in front of him, and Yafar soon found that the surrounding area was actually in a mysterious space.

He looked around carefully, and soon he knew that this was exactly the subspace channel he used to travel through space.

"Who are you guys?" Yafar said calmly.

"You came into my house to steal things, so we came to your house too."

"Are you the owner of Thunder City?" Xiao Yi nodded when he heard Yafar asked.

"What is your purpose?" Yafar asked directly.

"Purpose? Not really, I just want to observe the world and see it from my perspective."

"I have experienced my subordinates." While talking, Yafar had already projected a picture in front of him.

Soon Yafar opened his eyes.

"Who is that person?" At this moment Yafar clearly saw what the members of his mercenary regiment and his average group were doing there.

Seeing Yafar's surprised expression, he smiled.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, but I was discovered accidentally when I entered the city, and I was not very active, so I used your identity."

"Just I didn't expect you to come back so quickly."

"Yeah, very soon, in just 15 minutes, it took more than 500 kilometers." Said Landing Xuexin gave Xiao Yi a glance.

"Don't tell me that you have so many of your secrets, it makes me feel very disturbed."

"We don't do anything to you, but your team may be disappearing in this world for a while."

"Why? It's not fair. You can't do this." Xiao Yi shook her head when she heard this.

"I will send your family to you too." Xiao Yi then waved at the next moment, and Yafar disappeared directly into the space the next moment.

"Did you arrange him there?" Lu Xuexin asked in confusion.

"Put it into the inner world first, and let him live a part of the world."

Having said this, Xiao Yi pulled Lu Xuexin, and the two disappeared directly from their place.

With the end of the arrangements here, the people in this mansion also disappeared quickly, and then quickly appeared. Obviously Xiao Yi has completed the replacement work here.

And just then, the news of Ming Lei came over.

"My dear, what will the members of their mercenary regiment solve?"

"Replace it, save him worry."

"Yes, deity." With the words of Xiao Yi falling near Leicheng, the positive film of Leicheng suddenly flashed an electric light.

At this moment, time seems to have stopped. And just a moment later Yafar appeared directly in the crowd, and then it was the replacement of the crowd. In the flashlight room, the crowd was completely replaced.

"The deities have all been replaced."

Xiao Yi nodded at this reply.

Then, let ’s master Drew City.

"Yes, deity." With each order, the Drew City managers were replaced one by one.

Soon Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin appeared on the mercenary square again.

It's still lively here, but the city's management staff has become looser at this moment, and even said it is almost gone.

But at this moment there are some strange phenomena in the city, that is, fewer and fewer people are committing crimes in the city.

"Dear Lord, Drew City is basically in control." After hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at the largest palace, where the imperial city is.

"What about royalty members in the Imperial City?"

"It has also been brought into our world."

Hearing here Xiao Yi nodded again.

"The deity, the energy density of the royal blood in this world is quite high, and it is precisely because of this density that the energy in the royal body is unstable. Although they have such a large amount of energy, their control over these energy is too poor. . "

"Any other findings?" Xiao Yi asked.

"My deity, I have transformed the royal family." It was projected in Xiao Yi's conscious space.

"This is a transformed royal family. The compressed energy in his body is equivalent to a 10W ton nuclear bomb. Once the energy is released, as you can see, even the pores in the body can release compressed energy filaments. Space formed resonance and then formed a devastating power ~ ~ Minglei, where did these energy come from? "

"It's blood veins, that is, their cell tissues, and their cell tissue density is very high, which also leads them to obtain hundreds or even thousands of times the energy of ordinary people. Because there is only cell tissue with energy accumulation, there is no equivalent level. Release organizations, or not without them, it ’s just that those organizations simply ca n’t withstand this level of energy release. Even if they become magicians through practice, they will have a hard time mobilizing their own energy, and every energy transfer may happen. Energy runs wild. "

"Is that carriage a flying wizard?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Yes, but the main source of energy comes from the energy balance of the royal family. It is a decompression device for the royal family."

"Oh, it seems that this blood is very powerful." Xiao Yi sighed.

"Yes, deity, their blood veins naturally know how to accumulate energy, and it is precisely because of this accumulation that this problem occurs in their bodies."

"Your transformation is to strengthen the cellular organization of their body's output energy?"

"Yes, let these cellular tissues hold stronger elements."

"Is the intensity higher ..." Speaking of this, Xiao Yi thought of something.

"Well, that's the way for Ming Lei for now. Let's see what Ding Hao are doing?"

"Yes, deity."

The picture turns quickly, and there are no more people near the Thunder City area at this moment.

And Ding Hao's pending Ding Jiajun has begun to gradually explore the surrounding area.

When Xiao Yi's eyes turned to this place, all kinds of strange aircraft had appeared on the sky and ground around here at this moment.