Brain Storm

Chapter 86: Mysterious altar

The mural on the wall, according to Xiao Yi's understanding, should be the myth of the son-in-law making man. Somehow it was carved out here, and there are more myths, such as the existence of gods such as Lao Tzu. ,

I saw Xiao Yi and others curious, so Zhuge Ming didn't stop, so he followed.

"These seem to be stories from deified legends." Lu Xuexin said curiously at this moment.

"This is exactly the magic of Kunlun here, but I don't know why we found it here when we were empty." Zhu Geming said with sigh.

Ding Lao and Ding Ye seemed to have done some kind of information communication, and they knew it here.

At this moment, Tang Yunfeng said suddenly, "Did you find it? These murals are all about the fairy gods in the legend of our country. Is this the Pantheon we have passed?"

When I heard Tang Yunfeng's words, Zhuge Ming smiled. This is indeed possible. Only these are persuasive if they are gods! "After hearing Zhuge Ming's statement, Tang Yunfeng was discouraged.

"General, what are we doing here?" Tang Yunfeng asked in doubt.

Zhu Zhugeming looked at Tang Yunfeng in surprise.

"As you found outside, I now have a kind of association. Is time here stopped for some reason? I hope you find a way to make this space and time work." Obviously, Zhugeming was frightened. It's three people. At the moment, the three of them are looking at me, I look at you, you look at him, they are a little dazed.

Seeing the expressions of the three, Zhu Geming smiled.

"According to some information, you have this ability, but you have to try how to do it."

"General, we will try our best, but we can't sense anything here." Xiao Yi was discouraged.

"You don't need to worry about this, the destination has not yet arrived, these murals have time to appreciate, there is an altar inside this palace, which is exactly a temple of heaven, and it should be some kind of ceremony."

肖 When Xiao Yi and others came here, they saw the altar, surrounded by Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qinglong, and White Tiger. These gods and beasts were made of a strange transparent crystal.

肖 When Xiao Yi and others approached, Lu Xuexin seemed to feel something.

"Why is there such a strong mental force here, are these guardian beasts alive?" Hearing Lu Xuexin's doubts, everyone stopped.

"Are you sure you can feel it?" Zhu Geming was cautious.

"Is this anything difficult? Can't you all see it?"

"What, you say you can see?"

"Yes, there are five colors of spiritual power around, a golden yellow suspended above the altar, and the light on Suzaku is red, the light on basalt is purple, and the light on the blue dragon **** is blue. Yes, the light on the white tiger is white. "

"Xue Xin, I can't see what you said." With Xiao Yi's statement, everyone also said that they could not see.

I heard everyone expressing invisibility. Lu Xuexin thought for a moment, and the next moment she smiled on her face.

"There is a way! You wait a moment."

The next moment, Lu Xuexin released her mental power, and gradually distributed towards the periphery of the altar.

The time was not long. Lu Xuexin was ready. The next moment was in front of Xiao Yi and others. A strange scene happened.

"This is incredible." At this moment the scene before everyone's eyes has changed.

In other words, Xiao Yi and others can already see the scenes that Lu Xuexin saw before.

下一 At the next moment "咦 ~ how did they start moving?" Everyone was alert now.

Lu Xuexin saw the vigilant expressions of everyone: "Don't be nervous, these are my mental power projections. Although they can move, we are in a different world. As soon as I take back my spiritual power, they will disappear."

I heard Lu Xuexin's words, everyone was relieved.

"Why did they grow so much, and within your mental power, how obviously this altar has grown so much." Xiao Yi was curious at this moment.

"I know this." Tang Yunfeng stood up immediately, and when he heard what Tang Yunfeng said, everyone looked at him curiously.

"Xiao Tang, don't sell offense, quickly say." Zhu Geming was serious at the moment.

"It's energy density. As long as more energy is supplied, the space will become larger."

At this moment, the beast in the picture suddenly moved, instead of staying in the same place and looking around, it seemed to be looking for something.

However, no matter how they looked around, they couldn't see anything.

"Qinglong, why do I feel that someone is watching us?" Bai Hu suddenly spoke, stunned everyone.

"Xue Xin, can they hear us?"

"They can't hear us." When they heard this, everyone relieved.

And Qinglong also quickly said: "I just feel that the surrounding space is so kind. It is these space elements that look at us again."

The next moment, suddenly, Qinglong seemed to move his claws. When he grabbed it, he gathered a large piece of cyan element, floating around, although it was thunder. "

"I feel the intense reflection of the lightning element."

"I also feel the reflection of space elements."

The words of Xiao Xiaoyi and Tang Yunfeng ~ ~ once again attracted everyone.

"It should be a real world inside, Xiao Xuexin, do you have a way for me to talk to the beast inside?"

Zhu Geming's expression was very serious at this moment.

"General, this is okay, I can spread your voice into that space, and even your figure."

The next moment in front of Zhu Geming, he suddenly opened a spiritual projection.

Suddenly, in that space, a spatial projection suddenly appeared. In the projection, it was the figure of Zhu Geming.

Seeing the sudden emergence of the spatial projection, the Four Gods Beasts seemed quite vigilant.

"Are you human? Why is it here?" It is Qinglong who speaks. The real communication in the energy world is not language, but a spiritual fluctuation, so no matter what language you speak, as long as you can express the same meaning, There are no obstacles to communication here.

"Hello Qinglong, I want to know, where is your place, can you tell me?" Suddenly the question made Qinglong very confused.

"Of course here is the Pangu space, and we are the four great beasts raised by the Pangu god."

"Pan Gushen? What is that?" Zhuge obviously could have associations, but for these three words, it is obviously a bit unclear.

"Our God of Creation."

"Can you tell me, is he there?"

"Isn't he right above our heads? The next moment Suzaku looks surprised at the top of the altar, but there is no shadow of the Pangu **** there, only a black golden energy floating there."

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