Brain Storm

Chapter 888: Doomsday survivor

"Yeah, this thing gives me a very comfortable feeling, so it is still closed." After saying this, Xiao Changyun noticed something immediately.

"Next, your guess should be correct. Basically, this energy is emitted by this machine."

"Yes, father. Your feeling is the same as mine. If I guess correctly, as long as the inverter is turned off, the world will return to normal.

"Well, Xiao Yi, you are right."

"Xiao Yi, since this is the case, then you should go and do something else first. The earth should be no danger to us, right?"

"Father, there are still many doomsday survivors on the earth, but they can't get energy directly from the earth to supplement them." When saying this, Xiao Yi looked at Xiao Changyun and others very seriously.

"Well, Xiao Yi, you have something to say."

"Father, I hope you do n’t use powers in front of others at will. If you use powers and you are discovered, there may be many people in this world and they will disappear."

"Disappeared?" Mu Huiyun heard this, but was a little confused.

"Yes, mother, they were all sent to other worlds by me, where there is more suitable for the growth of the psionicist." After hearing Xiao Yi's words, everyone expressed a puzzled expression.

"Xiao Yi, where is the other world you said?" It was Ziyun who asked this.

"That world is not far from here." Ziyun was a little surprised to hear this.

"How can we go straight?"

"Yes, it is in the energy world of this planet. The energy world has the entrance to that world. If you want to, go to that world at any time."

"Can we see what the world looks like?" Ziyun asked with excitement at the moment.

"Aunt Ziyun with no problems." At the next moment, Xiao Yi just pointed it out in front of everyone, but there was a projection.

In the picture, the appearance of the new world soon appeared.

"Here, these people are wearing weird clothes."

"Yes, the fathers of those worlds are from different worlds, and some even have their own gods to protect them."

"Spirit? What is that?" Xiao Changyun asked for the first time.

"Father, you can simply understand them as powers, or you can say that they are a group of humans who can use informational energy."

"Information?" Hearing the word, everyone was attracted at the moment, obviously waiting for Xiao Yi's further explanation.

Seeing everyone was looking forward with great expectations, Xiao Yi immediately thought about it.

Then he said: "This information can be simply understood as your memory, which was the energy of storing or reading your memory."

"This part of the information is not actually subject to the body for a long time. It will appear in the void with your thoughts, and it can also travel through time and space."

"Xiao Yi, are you talking about mental power?" Li Yuwan asked.

"It can be understood, but the level of spiritual power is much greater than the strength of this information, which is not possessed by ordinary people."

"In terms of information, these guys have the ability to pack this information into elements."

"Their perception is more delicate than that of ordinary humans, and the perception of information is very easy. By virtue of this advantage, they can obtain the spiritual power of others for their own use."

"For example, if someone were to lend you something, would you lend it to him?"

Hearing Xiao Yi, Li Yuwan immediately answered.

"It depends on who it is and what it is borrowed for. If it is an acquaintance, I will borrow it. If it is not, I will not borrow it." Li Yuwan said earnestly.

"What you just said depends on who you are. This is a goal. What you borrow is a condition of energy. If you are an acquaintance, you will borrow it. If you are not an acquaintance, you will not borrow it. You can add your information. Judgment mechanism, but most of the time what these gods need is unconditional information, maybe a piece of information, or some picture fragments, these things can be received by these guys using their consciousness. "

"After receiving, although there is a lot of information in this information, for them, this information is just some energy with information, and that information is often ignored in a selective way, and it becomes their information in disguise Energy, and then through their brain nucleus, they can integrate these information energies again, and then realize a kind of information energies, rewrite and arrange the elements, and finally form a power called divine power, this is a These sub-elements have different densities of sub-elements according to different levels of the gods. "

"Is it an artificial element?" Lu Xuexin asked his own question at this moment.


"Then they are really good."

"Yes, in addition to these, they are also good at manipulating information, and can use information to confuse more people to believe them."

"Once you choose unconditional trust, you can contribute your information to them."

"Xiao Yi, I remember I seemed to say something similar to you."

"Sudden your own memory, no matter what it is, as long as you can remember, it will become your most valuable asset." Xiao Changyun said with a smile.

"Yes father, this is similar to what you said, but they do obviously more professionally than us."

"Well, indeed, although we are powerful, we mainly use elements, but they use non-elements." After hearing this, Xiao Yi suddenly thought of something ~ ~ Information It should be a basic form of human information storage, right? "

"Xiao Yi, you're right."

"Father, does that mean that as long as we maintain the same frequency of information, we can get the information of others?"

"It is true, but you must pay attention to whether your information can be lost to others." At this moment Xiao Changyun seemed to think of something and then said.

"It seems that information can be a good thing." Xiao Yi was a little excited at the moment.

"Does that mean, for example, when you are laughing, as long as I laugh, I will be on the same frequency as your message."

"My dear, you should be talking about the positive energy field. This positive energy field is beneficial to the human body, so pay attention to the collection of positive energy fields. For humans, this is an extremely valuable asset. What your father said Gathering information, I think it should be this kind of relationship too. With more positive energy, naturally your consciousness will become extremely tough and will not be defeated. "The sudden voice of Ming Lei made Xiao Yi a little bit more cheerful .