Brain Storm

Chapter 903: Observe and Copy

"Xiao Yi, this black stone is also a good thing. It can fill the subspace and prevent others from entering your world from the subspace. Dust ↑ Yuan ↓ Wen Xuan Xue? Net" Zi Yun's words surprised Xiao Yi very much. .

"Can this black stone be taken away?" Xiao Yi asked Ming Lei at the moment in the conscious space.

"My deity, although these stones are good, they are just a collection of elements. The reason why they are called chaos is that they are a balanced structure formed by multiple elements.

"This is a kind of energy chaotic stone. Of course, for us, he is equivalent to an energy crystal. There is no such thing as chaotic stone."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi was a little confused at the moment.

"Our deity, the vision of different lives is different, so the way we handle things is different. We can even decompose and reorganize the existence of elements, so this chaotic stone can be decomposed into various energies here."

Hearing this Xiao Yi immediately had an idea.

"Can that huge brain core divide him?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Of course, of course." Under Xiao Yi's surprised eyes, Ming Lei had already started mobilizing the surrounding elements.

Xiao Changyun and others saw the changes in the surrounding elements. Although they were surprised, they also knew that this should be Xiao Yi's elemental power.

After a few breaths, a few people's faces were shocked.

A huge golden dome appeared not far from Xiao Yi and others.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi was also stunned by Ming Lei.

At this moment, everyone else looked at Xiao Yi, his face was full of doubts.

"Ming Lei, what are you doing?" Xiao Yi asked curiously in the conscious space.

"Holy deity, if we want to make such a big brain, we must have the same level of equipment, this super giant Gaia golden egg, that's how it works.

After hearing this, Xiao Yi's eyes lit up immediately, and then he gave an explanation for his father, mother and others.

After listening to the explanations of the few people, their eyes were a little pleased at this moment.

"Ming Lei, you have to work hard." This is what Mu Huiyun said.

"I don't know what you can do with such a big brain." Li Yuwan said at the moment.


"Well, Ming Lei, come on," Xiao Yi urged.

"Yes, deity." Just the next moment, a force of time came out of this giant Gaia golden egg, and the surrounding space was filled with white after a while. Except for Xiao Yi and others and Gaia Golden Egg itself, everything else was fixed in place.

Then Xiao Yi only heard the echo of "Weng", and saw a few flashes of light and shadow, followed by a flash of electric light.

The huge brain nucleus, just a few breaths away, had completely disappeared.

"The deity of this deity, we have finished disassembling it." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

"What are you going to do with those black substances?" Xiao Yi asked immediately.

"My dear, these things, if we take them away, there may be some problems."

"Question? What question?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.

"You saw that galaxy just now." Xiao Yi nodded when he heard this.

"Does this have anything to do with that?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Yes, the deity. There is definitely a relationship here and there."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi's expression was very puzzled.

"My dear, the place of the world here and the place of the world we just saw are actually coincident. The black chaotic substance that stuck to the giant brain nucleus we just saw has been explored. , As my exploration results show, this should be the origin of that world. "

Hearing here, Xiao Yi suddenly looked at the black matter ahead.

"Is this the edge of the world? Black, is there anything strange?" Xiao Yi was very puzzled at the moment.

"My dear, you don't need to be surprised. In fact, it is well understood here. After all, we have also experienced countless energy worlds, just like the brain core world we just collected is actually an energy world." Hearing Ming Lei ’s words, Xiao Yi nodded immediately.

"Well, Ming Lei." Random Xiao Yi looked at the crowd.

As Xiao Yi communicated with Ming Lei, a voice sounded inexplicably the next moment.

"Father, mother, uncle and aunt Xuexin, hello, I'm Ming Lei. This is the edge of the world. If we make a hole here, we will open the door to this world." What Xiao Yi said was The finger was pointing, where the brain nucleus was just now.

"I have now explored the inside of that world." Then, at the next moment, in front of Xiao Yi and others, a picture was projected.

The picture is a misty world. It doesn't look like land, but in the void.

"Where is this?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"The deity. This is the edge of that world. It can be said that these black substances are the barrier that protects their world."

"How foggy." Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"My dear, here is a small universe, and what you see, these misty substances are actually not dust, but piles of energy crystals."

"Energy crystals? How do they let energy crystals fly around?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.

"This deity may not be flying randomly, but it is intentionally placed here to place the energy crystal. Placing it here can make the energy crystal quickly and replenish the energy."

"Then there are too many energy crystals around ~" Xiao Yi said with some sigh.

"My dear, this is not much, you know. The energy it provides. Maybe not for one person, but for the world.

After hearing this, Xiao Yi went into deep thought.

"Minglei, I ask you, before, we absorbed energy through the soul metal to capture energy. Now it is."

Hearing Xiao Yi's question, Ming Lei immediately responded.

"Origin, we are now relying on the source power of each world, which is the source spiritual power."

"When this source of spiritual power is almost exhausted, as long as the universe is still in motion, our energy will flow endlessly, so you do n’t need to worry about it, our world ’s energy is exhausted, unless the entire universe is completely destroyed , Even if destroyed, you can use the power of time to escape. "

"Then you use your power to build your own world, the energy cycle system of the universe. As long as there is a system, energy will not really dry up. So the destruction of the universe is only relative. It cannot happen. "