Brain Storm

Chapter 917: Give up

"My dear, at least for a while, before I can't think of a good way to solve it, it will be maintained for some time.

"What will happen in this world?" Xiao Yi hurriedly asked.

"Apocalyptic zombies run rampant, all kinds of beasts cross, and maybe you will see many demons."

"Devil ..." Xiao Yi was a little speechless.

"But in the world that the deity has absolute control, even if there are large groups of demons, you don't have to worry about it. You have the right to kill them. Even if some people in the world become zombies from time to time, I will be the first to Humans teleported to some frozen star fields to freeze them, and I would not allow the virus to spread. "

"People who turned into demon zombies, have they really died?" Xiao Yi asked again.

"It's not death. They just transformed into another life. You can understand that a kind of wisdom message has been integrated into their consciousness."

"It's just that this message is full of negative emotional information."

"This kind of negative emotional information is actually a kind of instinct. This instinct causes the soul to become chaotic and thus do whatever it wants to do according to the chaotic will."

"Why is this?"

"Essence, not all souls can accommodate high frequencies. Only souls coming out of the micro-level world can accommodate high frequencies and then master themselves."

"what about me?"

"My dear, you have Gaia and me, so we are equal to the three-in-one. I can directly grasp at the micro level, but I can't. I can let Gaia help me find the means to master."

"So what shall we do now?" Xiao Yi asked at this moment with some worry.

"The deity, this black core, can also be regarded as a brain nucleus, but the elemental elements he produces are too large. Then we think that they are demons. As a brain nucleus, he actually knows how to choose to enter our conscious space, and then Taking root here, I do n’t think it ’s easy. According to my feelings, it seems to want to occupy this place. It looks like it does n’t want to leave. ”

"Is it dangerous?"

"No, dear, although we are all lightning elements, but we have more advanced lightning elements than lightning elements, such as the fusion of Gaia and lightning elements."

"This existence allows us to grasp every element of lightning and maintain the transmission of the deity's ideas."

"As long as we copy the Gaia Golden Egg in the Lightning Element infinitely, and then integrate into those Lightning Elements that are not in Gaia, these Lightnings will obey our orders unconditionally, even the origin!

"That gray lightning is the same as our origin?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The deities are indeed the same, the element structure is basically the same, and there is an eternal attribute."

"The interior can provide life space, life magnetic field."

"Ming Lei, then do what you want to do." Xiao Yi promised again at this moment.

Soon Minglei was busy.

At this moment in space, a golden light was facing a black light.

With the confrontation, Xiao Yi found that the golden light on his side became significantly stronger.

And just then, a lot of emotions were transmitted from it.

"Damn! There won't be a super demon in it." Xiao Yi said worriedly.

"No, the deity should be a Gaia consciousness." At the next moment, Xiao Yi only felt that the space of consciousness shook suddenly.

"Ming Thunder, Mine Thunder." Xiao Yi shouted in the consciousness space.

Ming Lei's answer did not come.

"What happened to Gaia?"

"Well, dear, no abnormalities were found."

"Well, everything works."

"Damn." The next moment Xiao Yi shifted his eyes to the black giant ball. From the consciousness space, the black ball felt a lot smaller than when Xiao Yi first saw it.

The next moment Xiao Yi froze. Because at this moment Jindao was shot into it, burning with black energy.

"What happened?" Xiao Yi called again, but there was still no voice.

I do n’t know how long it has been, and just when Xiao Yi was anxious, suddenly Gaia rang again.

"Well, did you find great energy, and whether to capture it?" Upon hearing this reply, Xiao Yi answered with instinct at the same time.


"Weng" click.

In Xiao Yi's consciousness space, the voice of Ming Lei echoed again.

"My dear, things are complicated."

"What happened?"

"I seem to be of the same origin. It just called me."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

And at the next moment, Xiao Yi turned into an electric light and disappeared from the place.

When it reappeared, it was already shrouded in golden light.

"The deity, it's complicated," Ming Lei emphasized at this moment.

"What exactly is this black energy?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"It is the source substance, the smallest existence in this world."

"What about Gaia?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"It has gone beyond this material world one level."

"Is there a way to deal with that black brain?"

"There is a deity."

"What method?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Respect, you become the core of that brain nucleus."

"?" Xiao Yi was a little hesitant.

"What do you mean, am I going to become a brain nucleus?"

"Respect, yes in theory, but it's not."

"In theory, as long as you get involved, you can take over everything there."

"Can I manage that black brain?"

"From my contact just now, you should be immune to these breaths."

"And our lightning element is the best proof. It contains a large number of soul creatures, but for you, it will not affect you."

"Merge in?"

"Yes deity ~ ~ With the help of Gaia's master brain, you can plunder its energy invincibly, and eventually you will gradually control this super brain.

"This ..." Xiao Yi was hesitant.

And at the next moment, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were talking.

Hearing what Xiao Yi said, Lu Xuexin was stunned.

"Xiao Yi, will you die, or you didn't die, and we will all die when you finish all this?"

Lu Xuexin's words were sunny and thunderous, so Xiao Yi stopped.

"Ming Lei, yeah, if time goes too long, they all think I'm dead."

"Respect, if you want to completely disintegrate this demon source, you must plunder its energy and destroy them from the level of the world source."

"Only you and I can do it, but without you, I have a hard time controlling Gaia."