Brain Storm

Chapter 920: Netherregia

"It's a drone for a courier company. Dust √ Yuan × Wen →" After hearing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin appeared on top of the two trees again.

And at this moment, the sky was just a satellite that was changing orbits, but just captured the picture of the two, and they appeared on the big screen in an instant.

"Head, this seems to be the extraterrestrial civilization base around the river." Zhuge Ming nodded at the prompt from the staff next to him.

"Professor Zhu Geming, who are these two people? Why haven't you seen it before?" Upon hearing this person's inquiry, Zhu Geming nodded.

"It seems that the energy response should be at least S level or above. This is very unusual. I will leave it to Kunlun later." At the same time, Xiao Yi also had a strange response.

"Xue Xin, we seem to be under surveillance."

"Well, I feel it too, but it doesn't seem to be on the ground." He pointed to the sky.

"Send a ground unmanned aerial vehicle to track each other, don't lose it, and don't attack at will." At this moment, the person dressed as a general near Zhu Geming issued an order.

"Yes, sir." As the order was passed, there were eight staff members in the entire hall quickly operating.

Shortly after the conversation between the two, Xiao Yi apparently felt the electromagnetic waves vibrating in the air, and it seemed that something had been sent to detect himself.

Xiao Yi pulled Lu Xuexin closer.

"Our trouble seems to be coming." Upon hearing this, Lu Xuexin nodded.

"It's over there." Said that Landing Xuexin projected a picture in front of her.

The picture is divided into nine grids, one of which is themselves, and the other picture has a circular aircraft that is not very large.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

"It looks like we are being monitored by radar on the aircraft."

"That being the case, let's play with them." Xiao Yi waved at will, but the two of them were instantly surrounded by electricity and disappeared directly from the satellite.

At the moment, several unmanned aerial vehicles are still in the area where Xiao Yi can be found, but there are electric lights around it.

At this moment, the information in this satellite detection station was immediately transmitted to various secret agencies, including Kunlun's virtual place.

Kunlun Xu, an energy world named after Kunlun.

"It looks like a lightning-powered person. Our world does not seem to have such a power owner."

"Pass on the information to the Elder Fire clan and see if the disciples of the Wind clan come to our world to make trouble."

At the next moment, Xiao Yi took the landing Xuexin and rose to the sky.

And the higher the higher, the drones around them started to follow the two of them, but Xiao Yi was interested in seeing this scene, and then tried to test the flying height and speed of these aircraft It seemed to feel Xiao Yi's play, but the aircraft stopped tracking. Xiao Yi smiled.

"Xiao Yi, what happened, why are so many aircraft chasing us?" Lu Xuexin asked curiously.

Hearing this question, Xiao Yi frowned.

"I don't know how to say it, but we should be targeted by what group."

"Is Earth's technology so advanced? How fast can it reflect?"

"Yeah, it was discovered that it took less than 2 minutes to be monitored, which is too fast."

And just here, Xiao Yi frowned, because at this moment a satellite was watching the two people's every move in an accident place about tens of kilometers away.

"It doesn't seem that only UAVs are watching us." At the next moment, Xiao Yi flew quickly with the landing Xuexin.

Several flashes, Xiao Yi's mouth pulled out a little.

"Xiao Yi, don't destroy it!" Lu Xuexin reminded.

"I understand the value of these things."

The next moment, Xiao Yi flew directly to the satellite.

Immediately, a thought flickered, and Xiao Yi saw Zhuge Ming, who was stupefying, with a bit of misconception.

"Zhu Geming?" Xiao Yi muttered to himself, but was passed back by the sound receiver on the satellite.

"He knows me." Zhu Geming's face was incredible.

"Professor, are you sure you haven't met this person?" Upon hearing this, Zhu Geming shook his head instinctively.

"This person certainly hasn't appeared in our world."

"So sure?" The man next to him dressed as General asked again.

"I checked. There is no relevant information in the head of the Galaxy."

"But it seems that he really knows you. Professor Zhu Geming is very serious about this issue. You have to take it seriously. If the country can conquer such a strong person and serve the country, it is inevitable that our country will become more mysterious. Convenient. "

"General Situ Yuan, I have no reservations about this, so I did not lie, I really do not know him."

"Then ..." The next moment everyone in the hall noticed the two people who appeared out of thin air on the podium.

These two people are Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin.

"Who are you, illegally invading the national laboratory, you are committing a crime!" Situ Yuan beside Zhu Geming yelled angrily.

Xiao Yi seemed to have not heard it at this moment, but smiled, and then went directly to Zhuge Ming.

Seeing this, Zhu Geming instinctively stepped back a few steps.

But Situ Yuan was in front of Zhu Geming.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi seems to understand something.

"General Zhuge Ming hasn't been seen for a long time." Situ Yuan, aside from hearing this, was a little hesitant.

"When did Zhugeming join the army? Why didn't I know?" Zhugeming shook his head when he heard this.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Xiao Yi seemed to understand something.

In Zhuge Ming's uneasy mood, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin disappeared again out of thin air.

The Gaia spacecraft is located deep underground in the city of Huanhe.

At this moment Xiao Yi is sitting next to the huge crystal ~ ~ studying this spaceship.

"They haven't arrived here yet, which is a little incredible." Xiao Yi sighed.

"The things of the Huo civilization are truly extraordinary, Xiao Yi admired."

"Xiao Yi, do you want to start him?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Although it's artificial intelligence, it's too slow to start from zero."

"On the next moment, Xiao Yi waved a golden light.

At the next moment, this Gaia turned golden instantly.

Xiao Yi then laughed.

"This is also a Gaia." Xiao Yi then remembered something.

"I must reintroduce Minglei."