Brain Storm

Chapter 944: Plant solution

And at the next moment, the flow of juice stopped in an instant. Essays on Dust Fate × Study?

Seeing this scene, Lu Xuexin was startled.

"Wow, it's healing too fast."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

"My dear, you put your hand in that vine and let me feel it."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was stunned: "Why, are there any new discoveries?"

"The deity is an element. If we transform this element, we will eventually get a lot of resources." Xiao Yi was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Do you mean, we can get a lot of energy here?"

"Yes, dear, Gaia incorporated a new power when he merged Zerg technology."

"How can the Zerg technology be applied to this vine?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.

"My dear, this plant solution contains a large amount of chlorophyll. Both acidic and basic chlorophyll can be converted into very pure cell solutions.

With the constant adjustment of Ming Lei, after a while, Xiao Yi found that the color of the liquid on his hand had changed.

One segment turned red and some turned blue.

"Author, these are the three primary colors." At the words, Xiao Yi's eyes flickered.

"Minglei, did you find the formula for the transformation of the elements?"

"My deity, there are certain methods, but at present there is no way to be sure that they will be effective."

"So what are these three colors of liquid used for now?"

"Holy deity, these three colors of liquid can replace a certain part of your body, but only a certain part."

"And the lightning element of this world, at present we have not explored the edge, we have not even seen the lightning of this world."

"If the deity's power is to be restored, it must be seen whether the world will give the deity one or two origins.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi frowned immediately.

At the same time, at this moment, Minglei is again quickly mixing the three colors.

Red orange yellow green blue blue purple has now appeared in front of Xiao Yi.

But at this moment, Lu Xuexin looked at Xiao Yi's actions very seriously.

"Minglei, did you find anything?"

"My deity, there are no more specific discoveries at present, but I think you should try to communicate with the apostle, this world.

"Communicate the world?" Xiao Yi was startled.

"The deity, this pulsation of the frequency of life transmits a frequency, according to which the deity can enter the world's energy world."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Does this world also have an energy world?"

"Yes, deity, whether it is the operation of energy or matter, is because of its inevitability. If there is such a color, the theoretical rules are only more complicated." After hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin.

Immediately after Ming Lei said, the narrative was given to Lu Xuexin.

Hearing this, Lu Xuexin was a joy.

"That would be great, wouldn't it?"

"Xiao Yi, you ask Ming Lei, how do we enter the energy world?"

"My dear, I suggest you both go straight into the heart of this vine."

"Enter?" Xiao Yi was somewhat puzzled by this idea.

"Yes, deity, in short, it is to tear the vine out of a hole, and the two of you will go straight in."

"Is this okay? Will we be strangled?" Xiao Yi was a little worried.

"My deity, there is no need to worry about this. The breathing system in the deity's body is done by Gaia."

"As long as there is energy, whether the deity breathes or not, the deity can survive."

"Is Xuexin the same?"

"Yes, my deity." After hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin.

"Xue Xin doesn't have Gaia, how can we contact?"

"My dear, as long as you enter it first and Xuexin also enters it, we can use the elements in this vine to communicate."

"What?" Xiao Yi was taken aback by the idea.

"Yes, dear, the plant has a good ability to transmit information. As long as you enter this vine, we can use this vine for information transmission."

"In addition, deity, we can also use this vine's own energy to supplement the energy we lack."

"Oh." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Xue Xin, Ming Lei wants us to enter the center of this vine."

"Enter?" Lu Xuexin pointed to the vine that had been opened a little.


"Then we are not going to be strangled?"

"Ming Lei said he has a way to say he won't strangle us."

"Is that so? Then you go ahead." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

Xiao Yi then stroked directly with his hand and instantly drew a huge crack.

Xiao Yi got into it directly.

With the entry of the body, Xiao Yi seemed to be back in the previous world again. There was a flash of electricity around Xiao Yi.

Standing next to Lu Xuexin, in the next second, she received a voice from Xiao Yi.

"Xue Xin, you can come in."

"Wow, really?"

"Yes, it's amazing. This plant actually allows me to restore my power."

At the next moment, Lu Xuexin also got into the plant.

Soon Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were silent in this plant.

"My dear, now I will try to connect the energy world of this world for you."

"Ming Lei, are we really all right here?" Xiao Yi asked uneasily.

"The deity, as long as it is in this plant, we can say that even if there is any problem with the deity's body, we can recreate it at any time."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi's eyes suddenly flashed.

"So powerful, Ming Lei!" At the moment Lu Xuexin's voice was ringing.

"I can't hear Luo Lei of Minglei for a long time 嗦 ~ ~ I'm really not used to it."

"The deity, this plant has a lot of life power. As long as we use it well, the deity's body and Xuexin's body will get a lot of improvement." Hearing this, Xiao Yi was curious.

"Can we cast abilities?"

"Respect, it's unlikely, unless you're willing to hide in the vines of this plant."

At this moment, with the passage of time, the vocabulary on the surface of the vine just cut off by Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin has completely closed.

"Why, I'm in this plant, so I can use abilities?"

"My dear can say so!"


"This is the original world. It contains a lot of elements, and the density is very dense, but the outside world is very different. The element density is very low! It is as low as you could not imagine."