Brain Storm

Chapter 955: Asked for a vacation

Talking about pulling Lu Xuexin, he waved at will, but Lu Xuexin was waved by Xiao Yi. Dust Fate √ Literature? Learning √ Net

"Wow, haha, that's how it works. We are even better than gymnasts."

"In the deity, both the muscles and bones are now connected by the elements formed by Gaia golden eggs. This can be said to be a material that has a density that exceeds steel."

"Sure enough and terrific." Xiao Yi sighed.

But at this moment Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were playing with some joy, actually setting up various attribute shapes in the air.

"I feel my body, like gymnasts now, and what they can do, I can basically do it now."

"That's great." With that said, Xiao Yi seemed to think of something.

"Minglei, what is our strength now?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"The strength of the deity cannot be measured by strength at present. If the lightning element of the deity is restored, the deity can lift a world instantly, but it is difficult for the body to have such a large thing to lift the deity."

"Oh, I see."

"Now you have completely mastered this giant tree world?" Xiao Yi asked directly.

"The deity, yes, but the soul metal has just been in place, and Gaia Golden Ball is still under construction."

"Where?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Yes, in the conscious space of the deity."

"My conscious space?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"I thought my space of consciousness no longer exists."

"It does not exist, but the consciousness space of the deity still stays in the previous dimension and has not been transferred to this body."

"The spiritual dialogue that the deity can use now actually borrows the power of the previous dimension."


"When Gaia is built, Gaia will help Ben respect the new planning elements and rearrange the elements that fit the world."

"My elements must be together, too." Lu Xuexin said suddenly.

"Yes, Xuexin."

"Respect, you'd better take a break now, or you can go back to the former world and take a break."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were both confused by this suggestion.

"Why, what's wrong with Minglei?"

"I want to adjust the body of the deity to fit this world. If the deity always runs around, it can be troublesome."

"Then how long shall I go there?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"At least 500 million years, but this deity can use the power of time to accelerate this time."

"That is, the deity can come back here after a short time."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin.

"Minglei, how will I go back to the previous world?"

"Our deities, just close your eyes and remember the previous world." After hearing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin did so immediately.

With the return of memory, Xiao Yi quickly found a spiral nest, and just then, Lu Xuexin also appeared beside Xiao Yi.

"My dear, this is it, you go ahead first." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin flew in immediately.

Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin stayed directly in space.

"This ..." Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin both looked around curiously.

"My dear, this is the former brain world."

"What hasn't changed here?" Xiao Yi was a little bit confused.

"The deity, the change here is influenced by the time of the deity. The deity does not need to change here, and naturally nothing changes here.

"Oh." Xiao Yi was looking at Lu Xuexin aside.

"Xiao Yi, where are we going now?"

"Silver City?"

"Well, that's the only place to go." The next Xiao Yi waved his hand, and an instant dream door opened.

Then the two of them entered the fantasy space again.

"Here, I feel a strange feeling." Upon hearing Xiao Yi's words, Lu Xuexin nodded.

"Yeah, we have lived in other worlds, and it always feels too small here."

"Haha, Xuexin, I feel that this world is very open. Although the outside world is huge, it does not belong to us after all."

"Well, yes, Xiao Yi, are we going to Silver City now?" Hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at the countless nodes in the fantasy channel a bit dazed.

"So many nodes, so many worlds, I really did not expect that our world is also so huge."

"Yeah, we haven't been to many places." Said Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were moving in this dreamy space.

Walking and walking, Xiao Yi looked at a purple world with some doubts.

"Is it the elemental world here?" Xiao Yi was a little bit nagging.

At this moment, the sound of Minglei did not ring.

"Xiao Yi, I feel like there are many people here."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"It's a weird feeling. As soon as I get closer, I can see some images in the conscious space."

"Can you project it to me?" Xiao Yi said doubtfully.

"Of course." At the next moment, Xiao Yi saw a picture.

The sky of a world is purple. It is even stranger that the ground is full of humans. At this moment, these people are looking up at the sky with a pious face.

"What are they looking at?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"Lu Xuexin shook her head." What Xiao Yi did not know was that when Xiao Yi's consciousness was paying attention to this world, a huge mirror appeared in the sky of this world.

Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin suddenly appeared directly on the entire sky of this world.

"Kana, who are those two humans?"

"Gith, these two haven't appeared in history, and I'm sure of that."

"Oh, then they actually appear on the clouds. Is it a mirage or a magician's projection magic?"

"Gith, this is impossible. This purple light is the power of Ziri ~ ~ How can a magician mobilize Ziri?"

"Zi Ri?"

"Yeah, haven't you found out that the two people were projected by the purple sun, and where there is sunlight, there will be their images."

"Hey, it looks like our world is in trouble again."

Gith, Gender Female, Royal Mage, Prophecy Mage.

Cana, gender male, Royal Knights, Paladin Captain.

"Kana, show me the results of my prediction."

"Well" Kana took a sheepskin roll from Geith and left.

In the royal palace of the capital of Santa Dikla, the king was in a uniform and the minister was reporting to him what information.

But at this moment Kana came straight in.

A knight salute was made towards the king.