Brain Storm

Chapter 959: Titan Psionicist

"Thank you, Traveler in Time and Space. Dust X Yuan? Text ←" Xiao Yi smiled when he heard what Ji Si said.

At this moment, the Gaia spacecraft is near a planet. Because the spacecraft has entered the invisible state, the actions of Xiao Yi and others have not been found.

As the spacecraft approached, the huge lightning flash became more apparent.

Xiao Yi is no stranger to this lightning. Because of the lightning, Xiao Yi has already seen on some planets where the Titans live.

What makes Xiao Yi so shocking at the moment is that this thing seems to have become a symbol of civilization, more like a product made by a civilization using its own technology.

At this moment, Xiao Yi was approaching with the spacecraft, but Xiao Yi found out that among this planet, there were a huge star harbor near many stars and above the star harbor, there was still a large and large spaceship.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi was somewhat shocked.

"Ming Lei, has space technology developed to this point in my world?"

"The deity, the Titan race, due to its innate physical superiority, its strong body, and even their own power, can quickly absorb and even use the technology they have, faster than ordinary life races. many."

"I just want to know, how did they get technology!"

"It's humans, they brought them."

"Human?" Xiao Yi was startled.

"Humans will actually bring powerful technology to another race?" Xiao Yi was extremely shocked at the moment.

"Yes, humans are sometimes too great, providing high technology for their unfamiliar lives, but they don't know that they will soon be left behind by doing so."

"Okay, what kind of humans on the planet can you show me?"

"My dear, it's a long time from now."


"Yes, to be precise, a black blind thing, passed on to the power of Titan technology."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"Is that so?"


"Well, Xiao Yi shook his head. With so many star ports here, why don't we see spaceships coming and going?"

"My dear, this planet with the most embarrassing stars in the sky, at least a few light years, if they use the power of Pu through, they will waste a lot of time.

"What do you mean?"

"My dear, they can use that huge lightning to speed up their ship."

"Accelerate?" At this moment, Xiao Yi's spaceship was near to see a spaceship fly into a huge lightning.

The next moment, Xiao Yi was dumbfounded.

Because the spaceship entered the lightning and was not attacked, but a wave of lightning energy wrapped the spaceship.

Although it is only one million milliseconds in a few seconds, the spacecraft is quickly wrapped in white light.

And at the next moment, the spacecraft flashed suddenly, but at the next moment, the spacecraft had disappeared from its place.

"So fast."

"My dear, this is a journey beyond the speed of light."

"Do you travel faster than the speed of light?" When hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at the people in the spaceship.

At this moment everyone is looking at outer space.

But at this moment, Gith and Gith are watching one thing at a time in the starry sky, a little lost.

And Geith touched a Xingyue pendant in front of her from time to time, as if that pendant could bring her strength.

Xiao Yi saw this strange behavior of Ji Si, but Xiao Yi was thoughtful, but with the idea, the pendant appearance was magnified by Xiao Yi in an instant and appeared directly in the conscious space.

"What is this?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Master, this is a magical item with a spiritual space inside."

"Spiritual space?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Yes, there is a lot of information stored in this spiritual space. If I look right, this thing should be a prop for Jisi to record information."

"Oh, I don't think this is very unusual." Xiao Yi also looked at Lu Xuexin aside at this moment.

But at this moment Lu Xuexin's sight was just looking at Xiao Yi.

Lu Xuexin smiled sweetly, then snuggled up on Xiao Yi's shoulder.

"Xue Xin, what's wrong with you?"

"No, just looking at you in a daze."

"There are so many beautiful views in space, don't you take a look?" Upon hearing the question, Lu Xuexin shook her head.

"I have these in my head. I don't need to look at them anymore."

"Really? Then I ask you, what do you think of the Titans?"

"This is a wise race, hesitant to possess superhuman powers. They can quickly turn things that are difficult to do scientifically into reality. Each of them is a born psionic master.

"Oh? Why do you think so?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"Rare and weird, haven't you noticed? The port outside the planet, isn't it real?"

"You mean, he's illusory?"

"It's not that simple. In my opinion, that thing should be the coincidence of matter and energy. If you guessed right, it should be built by a psionicist of the Titans."

"Psionic technology?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised by Lu Xuexin's statement.

"Yes, that's what I think."

"I plan to come down to this planet and have a look." Xiao Yi said looking at Lu Xuexin.

"It may be discovered that if this world psionicist's world, this world is likely to have its energy world, and it should have been occupied by Titans."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi shook his head. As long as we are invisible, we cannot be found, Xiao Yi said with great confidence.

"Yes, this is your world originally. As long as you don't want to be discovered, what else can find you."

And at the next moment, Xiao Yi ’s Gaia spacecraft landed towards a planet ~ ~ The light flashed, but the spacecraft had already appeared above the sea of ​​this planet.

Xiao Yi looked at the endless sea around him and smiled.

"Perhaps I think I have a way." As the thoughts were conveyed, the spacecraft got to the bottom of the sea.

As he entered the ocean floor, Xiao Yi discovered that there were countless fishes on the bottom of the planet. As he dived, Xiao Yi discovered that there were countless primitive fish around.

"This planet is more completely faint than imagined evolution."

At the moment, Xiao Yi's big screen was swept by a wave of energy from an airship.

"My dear, this planet is full of full-frequency scanning signals from the Gaia Protoss."

"Oh? What happens if it is scanned?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"The deity may be surrounded by a myriad of psionicists in an instant."