Brain Storm

Chapter 98: Human Realm Astral Realm

Seeing his father's urgency, Xiao Yi was a little bit confused and didn't seem to understand what his father meant.

But Xiao Yi still consulted Gaia quickly.

"Gaia, what happened to that tower and how did it disappear?"

"It's a seal. Someone with great ability has sealed this place. Therefore, the towering sky here cannot be used directly, and it may be necessary to provide corresponding permissions to pass."

I heard here, Xiao Yi's heart became curious.

"What do you mean, aren't you the main brain here? In theory, you can control everything here, aren't you? Why would anyone seal it here?" Xiao Yi's series of questions made Gaia a little silent.

After a while, Gaia's voice sounded in Xiao Yi's head again: "I have checked the information left in this space. According to the information records, after the disappearance of Pan Gu God, there has been no connection to the star here. World. "

"Astral Realm? What is that?" Xiao Yi apparently heard the term for the first time.

"The astral realm is the channel that connects the real energy realms, but the aisles are too many, and a realm is called astral realm."

"The spirit world is generally coincident with the human world, and the astral world is much larger. He connects the spiritual world of each planet."

"But not all planets have a human world, but the spirit world is universal."

"Do you mean there is the entrance to the real world?"

"Yes, the master, the real world of the earth, and from this, those people just now are the souls of the real world."

"What do you do now? They seem to have found us. Are there any problems with us?"

"This, I can't answer you at the moment." Xiao Yi heard this and was a little speechless about Gaia.

The next moment Xiao Yi's question shifted.

怎么 What happened to the four-headed beast just now?

"Why do they make the tower disappear when they roar?"

"According to their memory, they were created by the Pangu god, and they have always been here."

"But what memories do they seem to hide, that information cannot be read with my permission." At this moment, Xiao Yi was a little depressed.

"In this Kunlun secret, shouldn't you be the maker of all the rules here? Why are there things you don't have permission to manage?"

"It's different energy levels. Although my energy level is very high, it still belongs to the comprehensible category." Hearing from Gaia, Xiao Yi had a black line in his head.

But at this moment, Lu Xuexin has shaken Xiao Yi's arm again.

Xiao Xiaoyi came back to God.

怎么 样 "How about. Have you asked clearly?" Xiao Yi's father was looking at Xiao Yi seriously at this moment.

父亲 "Father, according to Gaia, there is nothing wrong with this entrance to the spiritual world."

"But when Gaia said, there seems to be a relationship with the astral world." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi's father became serious.

Seeing his father's weird expression, Xiao Yi realized something.

"Father, is there any secret in this astral world?"

"How come there is also an entrance to the astral world here?" Zhu Geming's face was incredible at the moment.

"What do you mean, is there such an entrance elsewhere?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"There are many entrances to alien civilizations on the earth, but they all exist for a while and disappear."

"Xiao Yi, what is going on here?"

"Gaia said he didn't know, but I feel here, it should be directly related to the four-headed beast."

"Xiao Yi, according to the scenes we have seen before, you should already be the highest authority here, do you have any way to open this road to heaven?" Ding Lao came over at this moment.

"I may have to consult the four headed beasts." The next moment Xiao Yi walked towards the altar.

"Xiao Yi found that the altar was magical. Walking on it, there was a warm feeling. Xiao Yi looked at the altar made of unknown materials on the ground a little bit wrongly.

肖 When Xiao Yi came to the altar, the sound of Qinglong suddenly sounded.

"Hello master, is there anything I can do for you?" After hearing this, Xiao Yi was a bit mistaken, and it seemed that something had changed.

"What do you mean? Didn't you guys know me just now?"

"We have received the widow of Pan Gushen, and recognize you as the master." Xiao Yi was a little curious when hearing Qing Long's words.

"What is Pangu's widow?" Xiao Yi instinctively asked.

"It's an arrival instruction deposited in my body, and it will take effect as soon as you appear." Xiao Yi heard here, remembering the figure in the mysterious space, Xiao Yi always had some familiarity with that figure, But why can't I see it clearly.

"I want to know how to open the Tower of Heaven?" Xiao Yi asked directly.

"This only requires you to give an order, and the Tower of Heaven can be used normally." Xiao Yi was a little surprised to hear this.

"Why Gaia says there is no authority in the manager?" According to Pangu shrine, artificial intelligence is forbidden from entering the spiritual realm. "After hearing this, Xiao Yi was completely speechless.

"Why are there such weird orders?"

"This is because artificial intelligence does not have a soul. After reaching the spiritual realm, energy will explode for various reasons."

Xiao Yi heard this ~~ ~ Xiao Yi nodded, then please open the Tower of Heaven, open it.

"Yes, my master." Just the next moment, that grand atmosphere reappeared, and countless light rains spread.

Xiao Yi is closest to the Tower of Heaven at this moment, so Xiao Yi's feeling is also the most acute.

In a short moment, Xiao Yi found that his lightning element was increasing rapidly.

At this moment, everyone else has already come over, and they are all curious about Xiao Yi's reopening of the Tower of Heaven.

I was waiting for Xiao Yi to step forward and open the stone gate of the Tower of Heaven. At this moment, Qinglong blocked in front of Xiao Yi.

"Master, please do n’t try to open the gates of the spirit world at will, this may cause the residents of the spirit world to come here."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi was obviously quite puzzled.

"If you open this door at will, you may cause humans in the human realm to die in large numbers. Many souls in the spiritual realm will be sucked into Kunlun's secret realm, but for him here, it is unintentional to destroy.

I heard Qing Long's words, Xiao Yi was a little speechless, and sighed secretly.

However, Xiao Yi found that many people sat down around the altar and seemed to be impatient.

"What are they doing?"

"They are absorbing the essence of heaven and earth. This kind of power can enhance human abilities." Hearing here, Xiao Yi looked at his father.

Wu Xiaoyi found that his father was standing quietly in front of the transparent stone tablet and seemed to be watching the society. However, at this moment Xiao Yi was extremely curious about what his father was looking at.

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