Break Through the Steam Game Library

v1 Chapter 132: The years are like poetry, but dreams

Evil fate is constantly flowing to Lu Zhengkang, as if a layer of gray haze is about to cover the mountains. In this regard, he does not refuse to come, in other words, he is actively involved in evil.

This process is risky even for him, but he is eager for a real duel. Go head-to-head with the pivot.

Lu Zhengkang pursues the honor of fighting very much. He doesn't like to play with the opponent's thinking and torturing the enemy's will. He only likes to be simple and straightforward and destroy the opponent's existence.

His favorite article is Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea".

The human body has limits, but the spirit does not.

Lu Zhengkang is never afraid to fight, never before and never again.

Sun Lichai asked him: "Luyuan, what are you thinking?"

When she was speaking, Lu Zhengkang could see her wide-open lips, thin insect feet and limbs beating in her mouth, and the carapace rubbed and hissed.

"Think of something very ordinary."

"But you have been a little unsure recently, do you have distracting thoughts."

The people of the positive fate are connected. Although Lu Zhengkang is independent, the rest of the people can also roughly understand his state.

Of course Lu Zhengkang would not have any distracting thoughts, but Sun Lichai also vaguely felt the evil fate.

Sun Lichai’s figure became more and more illusory, her voice came from all directions, quietly, there were countless Sun Lichai around, Lu Zhengkang could see a button on her placket. There was light beating in its compound eyes, like a snakeskin against the moonlight. As the collar shook, the pair of eyes flickered, leaving mottled marks in the air.

Countless Sun Lichai, countless eight losers, countless flashes, just like a swarm of fireflies by the lotus pond in midsummer.

"It's not distractions, there are some other chores."

"What can I help?"

"Not for the time being."

Lu Zhengkang raised his head, and the wind of the world moved his robe.

Now, there is only one thing left, and I can't rest assured.


Li Dingyin flushed, and ran into the house with joy, "That's it! That's it! This time the news is accurate!"

Liang Rulian put down the embroidery in her hand, dusted her sarong and stood up, her usual courtesy smile appeared on her benevolent face, but such a smile is really sad, and the gloominess on her face can't be ignored at all. The smile burst open.

"Why are you in a panic, sit down and rest."

Li Dingyin didn’t listen, he paced vigorously, his complexion constantly changing, a layer of fine sweat from his greasy cheeks, flowing down his lower jaw, like a frog hanging on a hanger draining water. It seems a bit too excited and weird.

"Dingyin, what's wrong with you?"

"Ru'er, do you remember that we put De Zhang in Shaolin, right?"

"Naturally, that is naturally unforgettable." Liang Rulian winced when she heard the name, and the depression between her eyebrows became heavier.

"The whole world knows that Shaolin gave birth to a Buddha. I'll count the days. The first statement came out four years ago. De Zhang was placed in Shaolin almost five years ago."

"Do you want to say that De Zhang is the Buddha? Ding Yin, you don't want to think about this, I only hope that the children can follow the masters well and can be at ease..."

"Ru'er!" Li Dingyin pursed his mouth. He suddenly turned and stared at his wife, his eyes burning with a layer of hatred and pain, "De Zhang is the Buddha! He is the best Buddha in the world! Buddha!"

Liang Rulian shook her head wearily and gently smiled, just like her reaction after seeing her husband show this expression countless times, "Dingyin, you still can't let it go."

"How to let it go? My Li family is so good, just like this, giving it to these untouchables!"

"Prosperity and wealth are no more than one life. One hundred years later, who is not a loess, Ding Yin, as long as we can enter the Pure Land, we will already be a blessing from previous life cultivation."

"Ru'er, you are so innocent now! Did you fall into the evil method of those bald donkeys? What pure land you said is all fake!"

Liang Rulian realized that her husband was not only obsessed with the past, he was simply mad.

"The Pure Land is real, you have also been in..."

"That's a dream! Fake!"


"No one will refuse the status of a prince! Of course this so-called Buddha will not. If he is ignorant, those bald donkeys will also tell him what to do..."

Liang Rulian shook her head and sighed. She suddenly felt disappointed. Her husband, the former prince, has now lost even the most basic political sense, and will be a complete lunatic in the future.

Sometimes life is too shocking to people, but it makes people ignore the pressure.

Liang Rulian felt that there was nothing to worry about.

How will she live in the future, as she said herself, a hundred years later, the loess is scratched.

Lu Zhengkang stood outside the house, leaning against the wall and listening to the conversation between his biological parents.

The hallucinations are getting heavier.

The black sun radiated icy rays of the bone, dirty colored oil dripped from the cracks in the stone slabs on the street outside the door, and the camphor branches in the corner of the courtyard were hung with clusters of skulls, shaking and making muffled knocks. ...

He saw these weird sights, but his mood became extremely calm.

"...What name will they give this Buddha by then? Prince Buddha? Emperor Buddha? Ru'er, you wouldn't believe how ugly these people would be for power..."

Lu Zhengkang opened the door and walked in. He pointed out in the air and Dingyin faintly. His incarnation was handsome and tall as a mountain. Liang Rulian was stunned and hurried to kneel and kowtow.

Lu Zhengkang supported her and smiled at her, "My mother, I missed her for so many years."

His eyes reflected a river of Liang Rulian could not see her figure in these eyes, she only felt that she was in the misty bank of the river, and those underwater silverfish leaped out one after another. The surface of the water turned into a lively streamer across the fleeting years, and she was standing on this end, and a child was standing on that end.

"It's Dezhang..."

"The kind mother's grace to be pregnant, and her love of breastfeeding can't be forgotten. Today, I take my kind mother with peace and happiness. I only hope that my mother can promise to accompany her son through this last period of life."

"Li'er, what do you mean by this?" Liang Rulian raised her hand to stroke Lu Zhengkang's face. Her palm was thin and rough. Lu Zhengkang felt like a thin and tough papyrus scraping her cheeks.

"Forgive your children for being unfilial, but you can't live this life with a loving mother."

"Li'er, you are a Buddha." Liang Rulian is still idiotic, even a little bit in a dream, I'm afraid she doesn't know what she is talking about.

This warm moment was enough for Lu Zhengkang to have a long aftertaste. He explained his thoughts one by one, and the depression on his biological mother's face gradually disappeared.

Holding her mother's hand, Lu Zhengkang stepped across a thousand miles to the bedroom in Shaolin Village, put her on the edge of the bed and sat down, moved a small stool by herself, sat upright, and listened to the woman's talk with a smile.

"Li'er, you are fine, better than any time my mother thought. You have to reincarnate once for the common people in the world. My mother agrees, but you haven't lived well yet, you haven't married and had children..."

This is always the case.

Fozi watched with remembrance as his flipped lips and cheeks fluttered at the bottom of the leaves among flowers.

Always in the gap of gossip, there is the glow of memories in the low poetic years...

As for Li Dingyin? This man will have a sweet dream, a sweet dream about Huangtu's hegemony.

I don't know how he would view this ordinary world after waking up.