Break Through the Steam Game Library

v1 Chapter 194: Meet again, new world

The Bodhisattva is sitting somewhere in the universe.

At a certain time, infinite aura flew from his eyebrows, cast into the boundless place, some fell on certain planets in the universe, some fell in the rest of the small world, and some flew out of the universe, toward the void. The mystery that man can know is gone.

Many small worlds remaining in this universe are also on the verge of collapse, and the Bodhisattva wants to bring all the creatures there.

He separates his thoughts and turns into thousands.

However, despite the great ambition of the Bodhisattva, he still cannot be purified.

There was an obsession in his heart.

So, there was another idea to fly out of the universe.


Hollow Knight World.

The insects of the holy nest have moved to the surface one after another.

There is plenty of food, comfortable sunshine, and the bugs get along well.

The worm-maintaining community united dozens of worms, restarted the construction union of the year, and a new world of worms was truly established.

The new holy nest has a new king.

And this bug selection is unquestionable.

Holy Nest Princess-The Wasp.

The new holy nest has established order, and two statues have been erected on the square in Dartmouth to commemorate the great insects who sacrificed for the restoration of the holy nest.

The two little guys, each wearing a pale mask, looked at each other on the pedestal of a lotus-like fountain. They were comrades-in-arms and warriors who met each other.


Hollow knight.

The king of fools.

The great feat of the two,

Can make all of us who have heard of the epic lower our unruly heads.

Your sacrifices are exchanged for real light. "

Nati sat on a bench in the square and looked at the statue for a while, then took the pen and paper that was aside, put it on his short lap, and started writing.

He writes a letter every day.

The beginning is always: "Little guy, it's been a long time..."

Then he will nag about some trivial things, and everything he has experienced for so long has been recorded in detail.

The ending is always: "... miss your Natty."

He would send these letters to the old house on Forgotten Crossroads. He used to deliver them himself. Later, when the younger generation grew up, they would run errands for them.

The basement that Lu Zhengkang dug up was full of envelopes, and later had to be expanded several times.

"Little guy, it's been a long time. I feel more and more old now. Some bugs call me the elder. However, I am so old.

"Everything is fine in Paja. She is busy with some new things recently. You know she likes to invent. She is not liked by insects, saying that she is old and stubborn. I don't like what they say to her. I can't help but feel sad. .

"I always remembered that when I picked up your egg that day, writing here, I also found that I haven't visited our house for a long time. I feel the long-lost vitality in my heart. I understand. I am coming. Looking for you..."

Nati rolled up the letter paper, threw the stylus pen aside, and hurried to the well outside the town.

After all, the lifespan of insects is short, and maintenance insects are not considered to be those higher beings that can be called sacred. They have limited wisdom and limited bodies.

Natty felt that it was time for him to take a journey of memories.

If he doesn't set off, he will really be too old to move.

Many insects greeted him along the way. Some of them flew in the air to repair the street lights, and some sat behind the counter and leaned out. The sunny streets were like weaving insects, and many insects gathered in twos and threes to talk, laugh and talk.

Such a scene can really make people forget the decay of the holy nest.

Insects have a short life, so they forget their pain very quickly.

Looking up, in a huge circular hole that occupies half of the sky, the sun is emitting a great light that makes the insects feel unsightly.

We used to be, need to kneel on the ground and beg for light.

Now we are enjoying the hottest sunlight, even a little dazzling, and some miss the silent darkness.

The new generation of insects all enjoy the light and adapt to the light very much, but—Nati jumped down from the well and gently landed on the platform below, standing in a beam of light, surrounded by unseeable shadows, shadows of the earth— —Nati felt extremely relieved.

He followed the platforms one by one, the insects were very small, so gravity was not a threat to them.

Natty enjoys the fall.

Yes, the vitality of his youth once again filled his dying body, and gradually he felt that his heavier and heavier back shell became lighter.

Nati gripped the envelope in her hand, and an old friend was welcomed in the underground world.

Little reptiles strayed everywhere, and Gohm, who was cautiously lurking, passed through Shang Chong’s old village and greeted several old Shang Chong who did not want to leave the ground.

When he hurried to the old house, he clenched the letter paper and suddenly let go.

The letter paper fluttered suddenly like fallen leaves, spread out in the air, and landed at the feet of a bug.

The letter paper was picked up.

The maintenance bug greeted Nati in a soft voice.

"Nati, long time no see."

It is Lu Zhengkang.


Small worlds are drawn into the universe in the palm of the Deer Yuan Bodhisattva. He is getting stronger and stronger, and he is getting closer and closer to the way of heaven.

His existence gradually spread.

There are many more universes formed by the upper edge, some are young, and some have completely disappeared.

The edge flow and the edge live, cyclically.

The universe is like a swimming fish, and the upper edge is a river.

Luyuan Bodhisattva, he also swims fish, but wants to be a flying bird.


An aura spans the gap of the universe.

Lu Zhengkang was full of bizarre sights. He saw a huge head with two eyes with different hues. The head's lips were widened, as if to say something. Lu Zhengkang couldn't hear or understand, he fell on the bridge of the nose of his head, but did not touch the entity, he fell into the head.

A huge wheel ring appeared out of thin air again, and Lu Zhengkang saw a glimpse of light on the mirror-smooth wheel, but he couldn't really see it.

Flying over the roulette wheel, he flew through a world full of light, and then saw a gray sphere riddled with holes, he fell into the sphere from a certain hole, and there were different worlds inside.

In short, he kept falling.


Nairn Star, northern Tamriel, Skyrim Province.

4E183, Ye Xingyue.

The gust of wind mixed with heavy snow flakes raged continuously, and the sky of Ye Xingyue was ruled by cold forces. It is not uncommon to encounter people or beasts that freeze to death on the roadside, even the hardest Nords. We should also be in awe of this wind and A tall and sturdy Nord woman carrying a steel sword, walking through a sea of ​​gray-black tundra rocks, wearing a ragged leather armor on her upper body, Stained with fresh blood, the blood was frozen hard by low temperature, and some blood clots would drop from time to time as the woman moved. She had only an apron on her lower body, which could not cover her bulging belly.

With amniotic fluid and blood dripping between her legs, she is about to give birth.

The woman's face was colder than the wind and snow, her body temperature was taken away by the blood, and her limbs were shaking unconsciously.

The sun on the horizon was about to set, and she found a small leeward pit with some fluffy snow piled in it, and she decided to land here.

Looking around, this miserable frozen ground, the rocks and soil under the thousands of years of snow and ice, are covered with fragmented sad gray lichens, and the sunset that is about to fall below the horizon casts a dead silence on this desperate land. In the mist, the wind and snow still couldn't stop blowing, and the snow flakes were often blown up by strong winds before they hit the ground. There was a violent stream of white snow flakes near the ground.

There was a wolf howling in the distance.

The woman leaned on a rough stone, washed away by glaciers and sea water, and was eroded by the wind to form an ancient stone with a rough skin. At this time, she felt comfortable. Although very cold, but women obviously don't care.

She never said a word, like a mute person. The blood in her lower body had already accumulated a small blood puddle. The blood had condensed, and ice crystals were still floating on the surface, and the white ice and snow floated in the muddy blood.

The woman took out a red potion bottle from the small luggage on the back. This was the life healing potion. Now there was only the last bite. The woman hesitated and put the bottle back in the luggage.

The wolf howling sounded again.

And it's getting closer.


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