Break Through the Steam Game Library

v7 Chapter 931: Buy snails

Lu Zongping led the people to the east and went straight all the way. He didn’t intend to wander around. Yusi and the little monster were still sitting on the floating stretcher. This time they didn’t need to sit on the armrests. They sat in a row and followed the stretcher sideways. Behind Lu Zongping.

In fact, he didn't walk a few steps before he saw a road sign that said-"North: Black Farm. East: Hotland.???: Timmy Village."

Lu Zongping was heading straight to the east. He just turned around and turned back. He asked Yusi, "Do you know the name of the place where Toril often buys snails?"

"Ah, you can ask the right person. Everyone calls me Mr. Know-all."

"So, does the jack-of-all-trades know where Toril is going to buy groceries?"

"Don't you know? If you don't know, then I don't know." He spreads his hands. He looks comfortable now. The dirty cotton slippers are put aside, socks are tucked in the slippers, and he sits cross-legged. Rubbing his feet, he looks like an nerd watching a drama at home.

Lu Zongping curled his lips, "I knew you weren't good." He remembered where Toriel had gone to buy groceries. It was the Black Farm in the north, where snails were raised, but he hesitated. Ask anyone there if they have seen Toril.

In fact, he also thought about calling Toril to ask, but that was too unreserved. A tough guy would not miss tenderness... Too good memory will make the sword-swinging hand dull--anyway, it's all in the book. so.

Seeing the boy's awkwardness, he took the initiative to interrupt, "Ah, do you want to go to Timmy Village? I know the way."

Lu Zongping calmly said, "Okay, okay, I've heard of Timmy a long time ago, it must be very interesting there, I really wanted to see them a long time ago, well, do you think I should bring some gifts to visit Timmy? Men? What can I buy?"

The little monster raised his hand, "There is a grocery store to the east, owned by a grandfather. Others are fine."

"Listening to you, I'm definitely going to visit, but I think Timmys might like to eat canned snails, 彡斯, do you have any money with you?"

The ghost fire fluttered in his eyes, which looked a little weird, "I think Timmys don't like canned food and don't need to bring anything to see them, but they collect waste products."

"Are you rich?"

"Why do you think I have money? You see, I don't have any flesh or two on my body..."

"But you are a profiteer. A hot dog is so expensive. You must have saved a lot of money."

彡斯 smiled, "How can it be said that it is stolen money? This is all legitimate trade."

Lu Zongping put his hands on the lazy bones, took out a large bag of gold coins, and turned it upside down. There are a thousand round pieces the size of a small fingernail. "Go, take a trip to Black Farm."

"You don't really plan to buy canned snails for Timmy?"

"No, I'm going to buy it for Toril...A month is almost here, she's almost finished eating canned snails in her refrigerator."

This time the little monster could hear him, "Huh? Roar, didn't you say you want to buy something for Timmy?"

"Timi, they don't like to eat snails. Toriel loves them, so I just brought some money, let's go."

He was so depressed at this time. He didn’t get any benefits when he came out. Now he has his wealth in it, but it’s also because of his skull face that is inherently smiling, and he can’t look like a bitter hatred. I saw it and thought he was in a good mood.

Lu Zongping went to the north. This place is a farm run by ghosts. In addition to snails and ghosts, there is also a decadent monster. Listening to his muttering, there is no place to live. He lies in the open air and puts his hat on Cover your belly as a quilt.

A ghost with earphones is the only employee here, his own boss, and an old acquaintance. It is Napster. The last time I saw him was in the ruins, he was delivering packages to Toril. .

Napster introduced Lu Zongping about the price of canned snails. Lu Zongping asked him to deliver the things to the ruins. It would be better to talk to the old lady inside and say that an old friend missed her or something.

Having said this, Napster also wanted to invite the boy and a group of people to his house, but Lu Zongping left in a hurry, and when he had to walk a distance, he slowed down and sullen his face. What more.

He knew that the boy was awkward and didn’t want to make jokes. The little monster was a little drowsy at this time. He said he was too excited along the way. Just now Lu Zongping was too slow when talking with the ghost, little monster. After listening in the side for a while, sleepiness suddenly surged.

Lu Zongping remembered that the little monster had said that there was an old man-run grocery store nearby. He did find it. The owner was an old tortoise with a goatee hanging down his chin. He held a magnifying glass in one hand and held it in front of him as reading glasses.

Lu Zongping was shocked as soon as he entered the store, "What a murderous look!"

The old turtle squinted his eyes, "What murderousness? Little guy, are you here to buy something? I have a lot of useful tatters here." His voice was hoarse and low, and his breath was full. Lu Zongping felt that the shopkeeper was in front of him. There are a lot of things.

"Your Excellency?"

"Hi, I'm an old man, what the young man is doing so politely."

Lu Zongping leaned on the counter and talked with the shopkeeper, his posture was like an old red-handed man who had returned from hunting. Of course, if he hadn't stepped on a stool under his feet, it would be even better.

"It must not be easy when the old man was young? I can even feel the traces of the years on your body. If you don't have the mind to bear history, you will not be able to face aging.

The old turtle laughed loudly. "The young man is very good at talking. How do you know these words? It doesn't sound like a child can understand."

Lu Zongping was embarrassed, "I saw it in the book."

"Oh, books are good things, it's rare that you can understand them after reading them."

Lu Zongping is born to read and write, and words have no mystery in his eyes, and he understands that it is like this. For him is a real increase in experience and life experience-of course, too surreal work Not counting.

Laogui sighed Ah, I am old, I am really old, not to mention that I have to bear history. I can't remember many things. "

Lu Zongping comforted him, "For an old man, forgetting is also a virtue."

The shopkeeper was amused by him again. They were predestined, and they felt very congenial without saying a word.

It turns out that this old man was also a hero back then. He had personally experienced the ancient war between humans and monsters. There was another titled Hammer of Justice, named Gilson, but Lu Zongping used to call him the owner of the turtle shop. The old man usually goes to the garbage dump to collect the waste products. The store mainly sells these, as well as foods such as sea tea he makes.

The owner of the turtle shop knows many things, but most of them can’t think of it. Memories are a bit like old tapes to him. There are electric currents in the music. . But he also said something. For example, Ande was due to the embarrassment of his childhood, such as the history of the kingdom and the prediction of the coming of the angels, and for example, Toril and Esgor were once very affectionate couples-for Lu Zongping, it was no different from a sunny day. thunderbolt.

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