Break Through the Steam Game Library

v7 Chapter 938: Q&A Show

Lu Zongping is expressionless and eager to try, God, is this the beginning of the show? You should be connected to the TV station by this time, right? There should be viewers watching it. Damn, I must show my charming charm, hum!

Magnesium Tuton, the cube robot, waved to all sides and yelled, "Oh, my God, I have a foreboding that this will be a great show! Everyone give our contestants a little encouragement!"

There were cheers and screams from the surrounding speakers, and the little monster put down his notes and clapped vigorously. Lu Zongping looked around and nodded his head with restraint. He was already in the play!

Dr. Ephes covered his face, "Death, why are you all... so weird? Human, hey (whispering)! I will help you through the storm!"

Lu Zongping calmly looked at Magnesium Tardon with his arms folded.

"Oh, very good, very good! Fortunately, it's you, haha, have you conducted an quiz before?" Mitaton said without waiting for Lu Zongping to answer, "It's okay, it's simple Oh! There is only one rule in this game-that is to answer the question correctly... Otherwise, you will die!!!"

Lu Zongping's mouth raised slightly to show his disdain.

They are in a state of battle!

The music of the happy field has begun!

Magnesium Tuton took out a stack of question cards, and it asked loudly: "The first question, the reward for answering correctly is-A money. B kindness. C new car. D more questions! Timing, thirty seconds!"

Dr. Efes made a D with his hands on the side

Lu Zongping replied loudly: "D, more questions! Hey, it suits me!"

"Answer..." Magnesium Tuton announced the result with a standard appetizing prolonged tone, "Correct!"

Bang bang bang, more colorful films flew down, and the floor was almost out of sight. The little monster screamed to cheer up Lu Zongping, and he blew his trumpet twice to show his appreciation!

"The next question, Wang's full name is..."

"Esgor Chasing Dream, hurry up and move on to the next question, is it any more difficult?!" Lu Zongping felt very good! He is almost surging!

Bang bang bang, more colorful films.

"Wow! You all learned to answer! Correct and correct! Wang's full name is Esgor, great, then the third question-the material of the robot is: A hopes and dreams. B metal and magic. C Scissors and snails. D sugar and seasoning."

Efes secretly gestures a B

Of course, this question is too simple. Lu Zongping knows the answer: "Metal and magic, to be honest, I wanted to make a robot by myself in the morning."

Bang bang bang, another color film, color film color film, and color film, flying down from the ceiling!

"Excellent, I think this is too easy for you, so next-train A and train B depart from station A and station B at the same time, the two stations are 252.5 kilometers apart, and train A is traveling at 124.7 kilometers per hour. Train B departs from station B. Train B is heading to station A at 253.5 kilometers per hour. The two cars depart at the same time at 10 am. How long will it take for the two cars to meet? Answer A..."

Lu Zongping thought without hesitation: "32.058 minutes, simple four arithmetic operations, is there something amazing?"

Efes wiped his sweat on the side, "This human doesn't seem to need my help, he is too powerful..."

"Oh my God, I was shocked, great! You see, this is a super lucky lucky guy! Next is a simple question, do you see this jar in my hand?" Magnesia Tatton took out A glass jar with many insects flying in it, "Count how many insects there are!"

"54, can you read it at a glance, is there anything more powerful?"

Bang bang bang, of course it was a color film, and the little monster clapped and clapped his hands in red.

"Wow, impressive eyesight, next is the time to test memory!" Magnesium Tuton took out a series of pictures. The pictures of various monsters were partially obscured. Lu Zongping knew them completely. For example, the first one was Frogget... Before he could answer, Efes suddenly shook his head and shook his head vigorously. Lu Zongping caught a glimpse of him, but he knew it well, "It's Frogget!"

"Error!!! Error!!! Aha! It's Magnesium Tutton!" The picture of Frogget was completely revealed, it was actually a piece of spray paint printed on the panel of the cube robot!

"Look at the trick!" Magnesium Tuton's finger shot an electric current, which immediately hit Lu Zongping, but the boy didn't respond, and there was a sigh in the stereo. The audience seemed very dissatisfied! Efes even showed a frustrated look, the little monster was at a loss, and Yusi avoided Lu Zongping's gaze.

There are no color films, Lu Zongping feels angry, he was too rash just now!

"Continue!" Magnesium Tardon took out the pictures. Each one is a monster, but they are all spray paint. In fact, the answer is Magnesium Tardon!

Lu Zongping listened to Dr. Ephes’s guidance and answered these questions. More and more colorful films flew down. Yusi began to play the trumpet, the little monster continued to applaud, and the audience continued to cheer. , Happy! He is expressionless and full of determination!

"The next question-will you kiss a ghost? A is right. B of course. C is absolutely. D is not."

Lu Zongping cast an inquiring look at Ephesus. Dr. Yellow Lizard just rolled his helpless and angry eyes. It seemed that this topic was a complete spoof. The boy carefully observed Magnesium Tutton, but found that it had something unique. Temperament: This is the smell of the training doll in the yard in front of Andyin's house-it's a ghost! A ghost lives in Magnesium Tuton's body!

Lu Zongping replied: "A is right!"

"Huhuhu! The answer is absolutely correct!" Magnesium Tuton's voice suddenly had some erratic tones: "I~ I like it very much!!"

It is the ghost in its body that is responding too! Lu Zongping wants to Color films, color films, more color films, of course color films, color films spread all over the ground! Magnesium Tuton asked a few more questions that test his eyesight and reaction, and Lu Zongping answered without a doubt, until...

"Excuse me, what is Meow Meow’s favorite food in the video game "Mow Meow Kissing Super Cute"?"

Lu Zongping didn’t understand this game at all, but Efes suddenly jumped up excitedly, “Oh! I know I know! It’s snail ice cream!” (Lu Zongping thought to himself how it’s a snail again, why everyone likes to eat snails What?)

Efes laughed and danced, like a dead house asked about the paper man’s wife’s preferences, “In Chapter 4, everyone went to the beach to play! Then she bought ice cream for her friends, but bought It’s the snail taste, only she likes to eat it!!” (Lu Zongping: Oh, there are people who don’t like snail taste, that’s justified.) “This is also my favorite plot in the game. This is friendship, strong And a powerful manifestation! Uh, shouldn't I speak?"

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