Break Through the Steam Game Library

v9 Chapter 1125: The most exquisite sword in the rivers a

During the first year of high school, Yonghang No. 1 Middle School implemented weekends. Lu Zhengkang would take the rail car every Friday after school to go to a drink shop called "Nandou Hut" outside the south gate of the National Art Attached Middle School. He is here waiting for Su Xiangli.

The drink shop is run by a young couple, but they are often invisible. The real operators of Nandou Hut are intelligent robots "Brother T" and "Sister Hongyuan". One is painted in sea blue and the other is painted in pink. The set personalities are very cheerful, and the owner has designed a lot of scene dialogues, and can talk to the guests about the stories of the owner's couple.

Su Xiangli got out of school late, and after finishing her professional dance class, she still had to make up cultural lessons, and it was common for her to procrastinate. After entering high school, she was not satisfied with her school life, and left many complaints to Lu Zhengkang.

Lu Zhengkang never tires of hearing her complain. Su Xiangli has a very expressive expression when he speaks. When he complains about XX, he always starts with "I'll tell you." At this time, if she doesn't like that XX, she will lower her voice. , This is to say bad things behind her back, and she also feels embarrassed, so she looks a little guilty and shows a shy smile, but if bad words hit the itchy spot, she will be beaming again.

Because he is a frequent visitor of Nandou Hut, as soon as Lu Zhengkang enters the door, Brother T and Hongyuan girl will happily shout: "Welcome!" Then Hongyuan girl asks him: "Is it the same today?" Lu Zhengkang Nodding, Hong Yuanmei put a big colorful electronic firework on the head display, then put her hands on her heart, and said to Brother T in the kitchen: "A cup of red bean matcha with ice, a cup of hot pumpkin with taro paste!"

It was winter at that time, and Lu Zhengkang drank cold drinks all year round, but Su Xiangli's winter must be inseparable from hot drinks.

While waiting for a drink, Lu Zhengkang observed the streets of Zhenjiang District from the floor-to-ceiling windows. Outside the south gate of the National Art Attached Middle School, there are often private floating cars to and fro to pick up and drop off the children of those wealthy families. The lights of the city flow on the tea-colored glass, like hundreds of sparkling lakes, all flowing into the sky in an instant. There are many small shops selling art and stationery in this area, and most of the shopkeepers are young artists. No matter the signboard or the facade decoration, they have a unique style and temperament, which is rarely seen elsewhere.

The ivy withers in winter, and the Zhijing Building near the south gate of the National Art Attached High School has withered yellow and dark brown vines on its exterior walls at this time of year. This building is full of music classrooms. At around four o’clock in the afternoon, you can still hear the school’s symphony band practicing However, every time Lu Zhengkang came here, it was almost six o'clock in the afternoon. Only the dormitory students who stayed behind to practice played sporadic musical instruments, and occasionally a few vocalists sang a few verses. In the dense forest of the iron city, this sound seems to be the cry of a bird.

Su Xiangli's father had a hover car, but she still chose the two-legged Lu Zhengkang to pick him up.

One of the reasons why Lu Zhengkang likes Nandou Hut is that the intelligent robot Brother T is quick in his hands and feet and never makes customers wait. Usually during this time period, when students leave school, the passenger flow increases, and there are enough orders, Lu Zhengkang only needs to wait for two minutes at most. And these two minutes were almost the time for Su Xiangli to take the light rail on campus from the east campus to the south gate. When she ran into the store quickly, Lu Zhengkang picked up the food at the counter and handed it to her when he turned around. A coincidence in time always makes people feel refreshed, which is another reason why he likes Nandou Hut.

"No." Lu Zhengkang handed her the straw and hot drink, and he had already started to drink it.

"You didn't wait for me!" Su Xiangli always snorted, then grabbed Lu Zhengkang's wrist and led him out of the Nandou hut.

"Come again next time!" Ah T and Hongyuan sister warmly sent off behind them.

The street outside the south gate was already dark at six o'clock in winter, and the street lights were gradually turned on. Although the deserted city night was not too cold, it still made people feel bitingly cool. Su Xiangli is not a person who is afraid of the dark, but she is afraid of being alone. Sitting in the warm back seat of the suspension car is far worse than measuring the way home with Lu Zhengkang.

It was not yet December, Su Xiangli began to pay close attention to the announcement of the national climate and weather control system, and Lu Zhengkang knew that she was looking forward to snow. In previous years, the snowfall in Zhenhai District was scheduled from December to March, and it was scattered, with only one or two inches of snow at most, which did not affect production and life.

The winters in the entire city of Jiangsu and Zhejiang are not bad. Every year when it snows, Su Xiangli will drag Lu Zhengkang around to look around. She especially likes the snowy winter nights, and sometimes she would tiptoe around the quiet streets, build miniature snowmen on the fences of other people’s yards, and write on the white windows of the empty rails. As she grew older, this kind of thing gradually became rare, but she still liked the sight of snowflakes falling for no reason from the dark night, those snows shrouded in street lights were very bright, and the wind blowing across the street made the snowflakes howl In the light, it was like a fluttering silver banner.

"Wow, the snowfall will be two days earlier this year!" Su Xiangli raised his head and took a deep breath of the early winter air, as if he was already standing in December and greeted the snowflakes with his face.

"Huh? Why early?"

"The announcement said that the Pacific Ocean has accumulated water vapor, so more precipitation is scheduled for this winter."

"Oh, Cumulonimbus is going to take a rest too. How pitiful." Lu Zhengkang grinned.

"If there is a lot of snowfall, you will be obliged to clear snow at that time, right? When the community clears snow, you must remember to come to me, understand?"

Schools and residential communities will arrange some voluntary labor. As a social activity in this era, the real heavy physical labor is handed over to intelligent robots. They will be responsible for cleaning the main roads of the city, while humans only need to clean some insignificant trails and fork roads . These tasks are basically handed over to young people. In the third grade of high school, the one who is responsible for sweeping snow is the first year of high school. When they were in Ninghu Junior High School, Lu Zhengkang and Su Xiangli could still sweep snow together, but now they have to wait for community activities if they want to relive the old days.

Walking eastward from the green screen street outside the south gate, they have walked the one-mile road to the air rail station many times. This road passes a large shopping plaza. Intelligent robots carrying construction waste and muck trucks parked on the side of the road. Now that it is winter, there are still a few young construction workers sitting on the scaffolding outside the shop to paint the facade. In winter night, they sit on the other side of the laser isolation belt and take a nap, the bluetooth headset lights up the colorful light, and they talk to each other. Talking on the mobile phone, the expression is mostly a happy smile, but also a little dull and shy.

"Who are they chatting with?" Su Xiangli squeaked the straw, and the drink left at the bottom of the cup should not be wasted.

"I think it's a couple." Lu Zhengkang was familiar with the smiles on the faces of these construction workers.

"It's impossible for the six of them to chat with each other."

Lu Zhengkang narrowed his eyes and observed carefully, then shook his head, "That's right, it's chatting with lovers."

"Is the love rate so high now?"

"Who knows."

The off-duty young construction workers are carrying paint buckets to the construction truck. On this quiet and snowless winter night, the gentle electronic sound in their ears is like a flame, dancing around countless lonely hearts in this city, this country, and this world.

There are few passengers on the night shift empty rail, and there are often only two or three people in the entire car.

Su Xiangli cheered up after drinking the hot drink, and chatted about what he saw today. Lu Zhengkang recalled his student days, and even the entire life of the two lifetimes. The most cherished memory is the sunset after school, telling his mother about his school experiences. From kindergarten to junior high school, Lu Zhengkang and Su Xiangli were in the same school, and they knew each other well. There was nothing to talk about in school, but after they separated in high school, they talked more often.

Now they don't confide in their parents, every child does, it's a growing process too. Su Xiangli told Lu Zhengkang everything in his heart, and when he got home he was silent, but Lu Zhengkang always kept his thoughts to himself.

Su Xiangli felt exhausted from high school study and life. Maintaining her dance major and culture classes at the same time was a worrying thing. She was still among the best in both, but neither of them excelled. In the whole grade, There are a dozen or so classmates who are better than her. Su Xiangli seems to have to work harder if he wants to become the number one in the school, but it seems that this result will never be achieved.

Su Xiangli complained, and suddenly changed the subject, "Hey, I remember that there is a person in your class who ranks first in the city in the high school entrance examination. What's his name?"

"Jiang Jin."

"Yes, is it a girl? Is she good-looking?"

"Don't ask such silly questions."

"That's pretty good!"

"It doesn't look as good as you."

"I know. I care about you. Who is stronger, you or her?"

Lu Zhengkang gestured indiscriminately, "Half and half. She studies very hard."

"Haha, someone has finally compared you!" Su Xiangli was happy about this, "Did your parents urge you to compete for the first place?"

"No, they only care about the second and third child now. They don't care about my life or death." Lu Zhengkang pretended to be pitiful, "If I am homeless, remember to adopt me."

"Tomorrow, I will expand the kennel at home. Then you can move in with your bags!" Su Xiangli burst into a sly smile.

The empty train stopped at Siming Park Station, and a female high school student with a shoulder bag walked in. She was short and slender, wearing a short black cotton windbreaker, black fleece trousers, and black lacquered low-cut leather boots. Square tortoiseshell eyes, pink cheeks, barely blood on lips. She was dressed in black, but her skin was pale, and the contrast was very sharp. She was an impressive quiet girl.

She walked in with her head down, and sat down in the nearest empty seat. There are now three people in this carriage. Lu Zhengkang stared at the female student for a while, then leaned into Su Xiangli's ear and whispered, "Coincidentally, that person is Jiang Jin."

"Is she going home too?" Su Xiangli hurriedly put down his cross-legged legs, acting like a lady.

"The schoolbag has been changed. I guess I went to the library for self-study."

The background noise of the empty track was like a soothing buzzer, confusing their whispers into low-pitched grunts, but someone with good ears glanced up at Lu Zhengkang and the two, then raised his hand hesitantly, half shyly, Half reluctantly say hello.

Lu Zhengkang waved vigorously with a smile, and Su Xiangli also waved with a smile.

The empty track at 6:30 has always been able to pick up the three of them since the first year of high school, but it was only this time that they happened to meet the same car.

In the next few weeks, Jiang Jin and the two of them ran into each other several times, and Lu Zhengkang was in her class, but they never talked about it when they met in school.

When the first snow fell in Jiangsu and Zhejiang this year, due to some errors in the weather system, the short-term snowfall in some areas was too heavy, and the schools in Zhenjiang District had a half-day holiday. The mid-term exam was originally arranged on this day, but it was postponed to the next day. This timely snow was called "Rui Xue" by the ecstatic students.

When Lu Zhengkang received the email of the school suspension notice, he was still lying on the bed in the dormitory. After he read the news, the cheers of several roommates next door came over. They jumped up and down, put on their clothes, and were excited to go out to see the snow. Lu Zhengkang squirmed and got up from the bed, let the intelligent system make the windows transparent, and the bright snow outside rushed in. The willows, pines and cypresses on the bank of Xingzhi Lake behind the dormitory building have been wrapped in vegetal. Juan Wang, who was endorsing the book, was walking around on the cobblestone path, leaving a long series of footprints.

Zhang Yingxuan came to knock on the door, and several roommates were already getting ready to leave. Lu Zhengkang would never be forgotten about such a good thing as going out to suffer from the cold.

A group of people walked to the door of the dormitory building, and many students sat on the sofa chairs in the hall on the first floor to watch the scenery. The interior is warm and cozy, and it is also a good choice to hide from the cold wind and watch the snow.

The new snow is soft and creaks when stepped on. Lu Zhengkang received an email from Su Xiangli.

7:16 "Su Xiangli: [picture.jpg][Showing teeth.emoji] Does it look good?" (read)

In the picture, Su Xiangli is standing in the snow, wearing a khaki imitation woolen long windbreaker, half of his cheek is buried in a plain white knitted scarf, a few snowflakes are stuck to his eyelashes, his eyes are full of pretending to be cool cold.

The roommate leaned over to look at the picture, and praised sourly, "Why can't I find such a beautiful girlfriend! God, you are beyond, it's not fair!"

The selfies that Su Xiangli sent to Lu Zhengkang basically did not reveal the whole face, and sometimes showed the back and profile. In her words, it is to give readers a rich imagination. But Lu Zhengkang knows that she is actually not confident about her teeth. When she was in junior high school, she wore braces for a period of time. Later, her teeth were neat and beautiful, and she smiled generously, but she still kept the habit of covering her mouth when taking selfies. .

Because Lu Zhengkang looked at these photos from time to time, his classmates also knew that there was such a person. It's just that Shenlong sees the head but doesn't see the end, and Lu Zhengkang's girlfriend is almost becoming a school legend.

Classes in the afternoon are going on normally, and everyone will go to the classroom to gather after lunch, so this short morning is particularly reluctant to part with.

Lu Zhengkang and his three roommates were wandering around the school. There were students playing snowball fights in the track and field field in the East District, which attracted many people who joined in the fun. Lu Zhengkang was not interested in this, and Zhang Yingxuan was worried about soiling the school uniform, so the two of them and Roommates respectively.

"Where to go shopping?" Zhang Yingxuan didn't make up his mind very much, he was a follower.

Lu Zhengkang thought about it for a while. On snowy days, the Xizhi Pavilion in the South District is probably a good place to go. There are many inscriptions and inscriptions there, and there is a "fast snow and sunny post" which must be very interesting to see at this time. So they took the intramural light rail, two stops to Changlin Lake, and then walked for a minute to the pavilion in the east of the lake.

Unfortunately, a group of female students had already occupied the Xizhi Pavilion. They were going to have lunch here. A green checked tablecloth was spread on the stone table, and a lot of snacks and drinks were placed. As soon as Zhang Yingxuan saw the place where the girls gathered, he immediately turned his heels to the front, and he really left without saying a word.

"Stop!" Lu Zhengkang hurriedly stopped him, "Why, the soul of a virgin makes you allergic to women?"

Zhang Yingxuan looked like he was sitting on pins and needles, but he was dragged by Lu Zhengkang to the veranda. When passing by the Xizhi Pavilion, some of the female classmates who knew them happily raised their hands to say hello. Female students around this age know that boys are afraid to chat with a group of girls, so this is also a very simple way to tease.

Zhang Yingxuan nodded, pretending to be a master without saying a word, belonging to still Fantasy. Lu Zhengkang waved vigorously and exchanged a few words enthusiastically, but he was still smiling.

Lu Zhengkang stayed for a while, Zhang Yingxuan's face almost turned green. Seeing this, he hurriedly said goodbye, and the two of them walked away with shoulder to shoulder.

After a little distance from the group of female students, the kid finally calmed down. Lu Zhengkang was about to laugh when he saw Jiang Jin sitting on a bench with a backrest beside the veranda railing not far away. The first master in the grade was holding the book as expected.

Zhang Yingxuan: "She works so hard."

Lu Zhengkang agreed, and he mentioned that he had met Jiang Jin on the empty track for the past few weeks. Zhang Yingxuan was a little puzzled, "I thought she would take a capsule car to save time."

Jiang Jin's ears are still very good. Even though she reads carefully, she can still catch their whispers, like a smart person who can do two things at once.

She raised her head and glanced at Zhang Yingxuan from a distance.

Xiao Zhang quickly shut up.

Then Jiang Jin stood up and walked towards them.

Lu Zhengkang raised his hand in greeting: "What a coincidence."

"Yeah." Jiang Jin nodded, and explained to Zhang Yingxuan with some hesitation, "I will feel uncomfortable in the capsule car after eating. Also, the empty track in the evening is very suitable for watching the scenery."

Lu Zhengkang remembered that Jiang Jin was sitting on the empty track, always looking up from the window from time to time. At that time, he thought that Jiang Jin was in a hurry, but Su Xiangli said that she was looking at the scenery.

Walking through the sky above the silent city on a winter night, those high-rise buildings are like scattered square tombstones in the dim sunset light, and the lights are silently adorned on the ground. arrive.

Zhang Yingxuan nodded without saying a word.

Jiang Jin looked at Lu Zhengkang again. They were all strong contenders for the first place in their grades. This scene is like the meeting of two top martial arts masters in the rivers and lakes. On the snowy lakeside veranda, the wind blows their fluffy and fat winter school uniforms, just like rolling the battle banners of heroes. Zhang Yingxuan felt a chill for no reason, it was the shadow of swords and swords leaking from the corner of his eyes when the masters confronted each other. He silently took half a step back, ready to watch the play. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Lu Zhengkang, the midterm exam tomorrow."

"Why, do you have an explanation?"

"No." Jiang Jin hesitated, "There is a math competition on December 7th, do you sign up?"

"I won't report it."

"The school's exams are too simple. If you compete, it will be more interesting."

Lu Zhengkang shook his head, "It's not necessary, I don't like exams."

Jiang Jin was a little anxious, "Then, what do you usually like?"

"Playing games." Lu Zhengkang smiled, "I am interested in everything except studying."

The good student was also speechless when he heard his words. Jiang Jin was like an old-school swordsman who made prudent moves. Facing a reckless man who swung his fists and flew with strength, no matter how dazzled his eyes with the sword, he would only be defeated. Come down.

"Don't you usually study by yourself?"


Jiang Jin took a deep breath, and a little blood color rose on her face, like faded peach petals, and she said seriously: "You shouldn't waste your talent, whether it's for yourself or for the world, you should Be serious. For you, it seems that everything can be done casually, but it takes a lot of effort and thought for others to do it."

Lu Zhengkang replied very seriously: "I am very serious."

"You lied." After Jiang Jin finished speaking, without waiting for Lu Zhengkang's answer, she just gave the most exquisite sword with the most antelope horns in the world, and then turned and left. The reckless man Lu Zhengkang stayed where he was, and his friend Zhang Yingxuan hurried forward to check the injury. He said that he was intact, but Zhang Yingxuan clearly saw a sword mark on his neckline.

"Are you okay?"

"How can something happen?"

Zhang Yingxuan clearly saw that when Lu Zhengkang turned his head, he frowned slightly.