Break Through the Steam Game Library

v9 Chapter 1128: I decided to let you be the idol

A small incident happened in the first semester of high school. Although it was a small incident, Lu Zhengkang felt that the fate was really wonderful.

A transfer student came to their class, a girl named Qiu Qiongzhu.

As soon as she entered, Lu Zhengkang and Zhang Yingxuan's eyes widened. They looked at each other suspiciously. It's just that after so many years, Qiu Qiongzhu's appearance has completely changed. She now has short hair and is a tall and thin girl with a heroic look in her eyes that makes a boy's heart beat.

The class teacher introduced to everyone that this is Qiu Qiongzhu, who transferred from another city, and everyone welcomes him.

The students applauded, while Lu Zhengkang and Zhang Yingxuan waved vigorously.

The short-haired transfer student saw the two giggling guys and ignored them, walking straight to the empty seat and sitting down.

Yesterday when the head teacher asked the boys to move in new desks and chairs, there were rumors that transfer students were coming. At that time, Lu Zhengkang was thinking of Su Xiangli, and she was still living a life she didn't like.

The arrival of Qiu Qiongzhu immediately released the happy childhood from the dusty little box.

In this class, Lu Zhengkang has been absent-minded. Turning around to look at Zhang Yingxuan who was in the same row not far away, he was also a little bit on pins and needles, with a smile on his lips.

"Lu Zhengkang, why are you so happy?" The teacher called up a classmate who had deserted.

"It's nothing." Lu Zhengkang stood up, "I thought of something happy."

"During class time, don't think about being happy, come up and solve this problem."

The students burst into laughter, and Lu Zhengkang shrugged his shoulders. He came down from the podium after answering the questions, just in time to see Qiu Qiongzhu, who tilted her head and stared out the window, making it look like the protagonist of an anime, with a bit of youthful melancholy. Didn't she recognize Lu Zhengkang? But after hearing the name, don't you feel familiar?

Zhang Yingxuan gestured to him. Lu Zhengkang shook his head.

A class is as long as a traffic jam tunnel. Finally, when the bell for the end of get out of class came, the teacher had to delay the class for a few minutes.

As soon as the teacher left, Lu Zhengkang stood up and went straight to Qiu Qiongzhu, "Qiu Qiongzhu, do you still remember me?"

The short-haired girl showed a puzzled expression. She looked Lu Zhengkang up and down, and replied awkwardly and politely: "Sorry, did you recognize the wrong person?"

The name Qiu Qiongzhu is not very unique. There must be many people with the same name as her in the world, but Lu Zhengkang still believes that the Qiu Qiongzhu in front of him is his former kindergarten classmate. The details of her eyebrows and eyes are the same as back then, although they are now opened, and they are completely different in terms of temperament and facial features, but there are still some charms that will not fade away.

"Where did you go to kindergarten?" Zhang Yingxuan also approached.

The students around were curious to cast a glance, the boys turned their heads to watch enthusiastically, and the girls also lowered their voices and pricked up their ears.

Qiu Qiongzhu reported the place name of a foreign city. She doesn't seem to like being the center of attention. Too many people are paying attention to this place, and the social terror radar will call the police. It should be said that her social terror radar is already beeping.

"If you're okay, can you stop surrounding me?" Her voice was hoarse and her tone was crisp.

Lu Zhengkang and Zhang Yingxuan exchanged surprised and frustrated eyes.

The two of them apologized and left. After walking out of the classroom, Zhang Yingxuan crossed his arms and said regretfully, "This is embarrassing. I really thought I met an old classmate."

"..." Lu Zhengkang didn't say anything.

"Deer, are you unhappy?"

"No. I don't care." Lu Zhengkang shrugged.

Zhang Yingxuan lowered his head, "I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter, isn't it because you want to transfer schools?"

A joke was met with silence. The smile on Lu Zhengkang's face quickly collapsed. "What happened?"

"My dad's business matters. He will go on a long-term business trip abroad in the future, so he plans to take me over." Zhang Yingxuan was very calm when talking about this matter. It's so calm because they don't want to cry and scream.

"It's not necessary..." Lu Zhengkang laughed, "Isn't it good to be here? You have to adapt to the environment after going abroad. And you can already take care of yourself. There is really no need to go."

"That's what I planned too." Zhang Yingxuan didn't have a happy tone. Is the child's plan of any use?

Maybe last year's winter exhausted the coolness of nature, but this spring is exceptionally warm. The peach trees in the green belt downstairs of the teaching building have already bloomed, and the colorful falling leaves remind people of the Wuling people who walked along the river. Can the world of the late 21st century find a paradise?

But no matter how beautiful the Peach Blossom Spring is, no child has ever walked there. That's not where the kids belong. Perhaps the lone boat floating in the sea and the stars on it can carry a child who is about to grow up, the mature childishness, the warm loneliness, and the innocent soul crying in the wind.

Lu Zhengkang lay on the railing. He looked at the dry and snowless streets of the school in early spring, the world in his eyes was full of sunshine, and told himself that he should be more cheerful. He was born to make those around him happy. Not the sun, not the stars and the moon, just a candle.

Zhang Yingxuan said beside him: "I kind of miss the past. It was carefree back then."

"If you don't want to go, we can convince your dad."

"How to persuade?" Zhang Yingxuan has always been an obedient child since he was a child. Rebellion may be hidden in his heart, but he will never be brought on the stage.

"Prove that you don't need him." Lu Zhengkang pressed his shoulder, "As long as you can be financially independent, you don't need to rely on your family."

Zhang Yingxuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Brother, how can I be financially independent as a high school student? Is anyone like you able to create artificial intelligence to make money at a young age?"

Lu Zhengkang explained very seriously: "Don't think about making money first. Instead, you must first have the belief of being independent. This is not to prove to your father that you are very good, and then expect him to give you a few words of encouragement. If you are truly financially independent , what you want to get is social recognition.”

"Okay." Zhang Yingxuan flinched a bit, but he still nodded.

"Then we should consider how to make money next." Lu Zhengkang rubbed his chin, "We definitely can't do part-time jobs at our age. We still have to give full play to our strengths."

Lu Zhengkang began to analyze Zhang Yingxuan's advantages one by one. His appearance made Zhang Yingxuan couldn't help being happy. He covered his head and smirked, then leaned over the railing and sighed.

"What's wrong, be serious."

"I think it's really interesting. We two children are eager to enter the world of adults. Will we regret it later?"

"Yes. But if we don't do anything, we will part here, and we will regret it even more when we don't see each other again in this life."

"No matter what your plan is, I support it. I'll go back and discuss it with my dad first. If it doesn't work, we'll find a way to make money."

Lu Zhengkang grinned, "Bigger and stronger, create greater glories!"

About the transfer student, Lu Zhengkang is still brooding. He believes that his memory will not lie to him. It is not a certain girl named Qiu Qiongzhu, but that specific Qiu Qiongzhu, who studied together in Chun Yaxin Kindergarten. One of the four little ones. The kid who would dye his hair to support his cousin. That idea is the most strange, making people think that she is the child of a princess from another world.

She is a link in Lu Zhengkang's memory in this life, an eternally shining star.

I don't know when they stopped sending emails to each other. Lu Zhengkang looked through the records and found that the last interactive email between him and Qiu Qiongzhu was four years ago, the summer of elementary school graduation. Qiu Qiongzhu mentioned life in Minyue City in the email. She made new friends and had new troubles. There was a time when the four of them would actively email each other, like children clutching a kite and hoping it would never drop.

Like all friendships in school days, the isolation in space will cut off the cooperation of social relations, and the joys and sorrows of growing up will erase all memories.

The kite finally went to the cloud.

Four years later, the kite is back.

Inexplicably, Lu Zhengkang thought of an ancient poem: After hard work, there is only one thing, and there are few stars around.

Wen Tianxiang's four years left the most bright and heroic touch in the late Southern Song Dynasty. What happened to Qiu Qiongzhu's four years so that she could become a complete stranger?

He told Su Xiangli about the transfer student. She excitedly sent many messages to Qiu Qiongzhu's mailbox, but there was no reply, and there was no sign of having read it. It seems that it is an old mailbox box abandoned by the times, and all letters will only sink into the sea.

18:26 "Lu Zhengkang: When was the last time you contacted her? (read

18:16 "Su Xiangli: Four years ago. (read

Zhang Yingxuan's answer was the same.

It was almost that year, four years ago to be precise, when Qiu Qiongzhu took the initiative to cut off contact with them. There is no news in the vast crowd. There was a time when Su Xiangli, who was still young, was worried that something might happen to her old friend and planned to call the police, but her parents persuaded her.

After that, they no longer mentioned Qiu Qiongzhu.

When school is over on Friday, the intelligent robot Mr. Bai still comes to pick up Zhang Yingxuan, and Lu Zhengkang still has to take the rail car to find Su Xiangli. When they parted at the school gate, they said cheers to each other.

Zhang Yingxuan's father was a not particularly successful businessman. Shortly after the birth of his son, he divorced his wife, and there has been no remarriage for so many years. He is probably a very affectionate person, otherwise he would not be so obsessed with his left wife. It stands to reason that he has a lot of money, and the marriage will not be broken due to lack of material. The reason for their separation is only because of the disagreement of love concepts.

He still loves his wife, but she no longer loves him.

Zhang Yingxuan became a sustenance for his father after his emotional loss. Their father-son relationship is very deep, but they can never erase the hidden sadness.

Every Friday dinner is settled in the cafeteria of his father's company. After the meal, they go home together. On Saturdays and Sundays, Zhang Yingxuan is at home alone. In this way, the time they spend together with their father and son is really short.

"Dad, can I not go with you?" Zhang Yingxuan gently put down his chopsticks, but still stared at the hot rice on the dinner plate.

"I don't worry about you staying here alone." His father also stopped his chopsticks solemnly, and suddenly changed the scene from a cozy table conversation to a formal negotiation between you and me.

Zhang Yingxuan unconsciously grabbed the chopsticks again, "I'm fine here, and I've lived almost alone for so many years."

"Yingxuan, are you reluctant to part with your classmates here? You can still make friends when you go abroad. Language communication is not an obstacle for you. Jiangsu and Zhejiang are very big, but they are too small for the whole world. Is it possible that you will be able to make friends all your life?" stay here?"

There is a businessman's persuasion in his father's words, if Zhang Yingxuan's will is not firm and swings from side to side, he will be persuaded soon.

To be honest, for Zhang Yingxuan, going abroad with his father is an easy life path.

No matter how good a friend's friendship is, it is not as good as a relative, not to mention that his father loves him so much that he will not be left out materially.

"I'm staying here. Because I promised someone else."

"If your friend is doing it for your own good, he shouldn't stop you. He only wants to persuade you to stay out of selfishness. Yingxuan, each of us is lonely, and it is only when we have a meal in our stomachs that we are alone." Really. You're going to live alone after all, and after I retire, you can do whatever you want, but now..."

Zhang Yingxuan raised his head suddenly, his father found it funny with his immature and ignorant face.

"I don't care if I starve to death or live on the streets, but I will not be alone. I have friends and I don't want to forget them."

"Think about it again." Father picked up the chopsticks again.

"I've thought about it. I won't regret it."

Zhang Yingxuan felt cool air blowing from the diaphragm below his heart, causing his ribs to twitch unconsciously. The taste is complex, the pain and excitement of rebelling against authority.

Father didn't say anything.

They were all silent on the way home. After washing up, Zhang Yingxuan lay on the bed tossing and turning.

He felt that he really broke his father's heart, and at the same time, he was afraid of the future. If he really did not have the financial support from his family, how would he survive in modern society. Of course Lu Zhengkang didn't mind helping him, but Zhang Yingxuan didn't want to owe him too much. He sent an email to Lu Zhengkang, hoping to get some advice, but he deleted the email before it was sent.

In the dead of night, Zhang Yingxuan suffered from insomnia, he suddenly heard some movement in the living room, walked out of the bedroom, and saw his father sitting on the sofa in the living room.

This scene is very familiar, almost running through Zhang Yingxuan's entire childhood. At that time, my father got off work very late. In the early hours of the morning, he would sit on the sofa in a daze, or hide his face in silence.

But something is different today. The media screen in the living room was on, displaying the interface of an intelligent operating system. My father was wearing a Bluetooth headset, listening to the words of the intelligent AI, chatting in a low voice from time to time, and even let out a faint laugh.

He seems to be in love.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Yingxuan didn't know how to feel.

The father's affection turned out to be fake, it's not that he will never love others, it's just that he hasn't met a person who can empathize with him. At this time, the false personality created by the tried and tested intelligent AI completely caught his father's mind, making him feel that this artificial intelligence is simply a gift from heaven.

He is indeed in love.

On Saturday, Lu Zhengkang received a call, and Zhang Yingxuan asked him if he wanted to come out for a gathering, just the two of them. Lu Zhengkang didn't hesitate, he heard some deep meaning on the other side of the phone, his friend needed comfort.

At 9:30 in the morning, Lu Zhengkang took the capsule train and arrived at Laojiangqiao Station. Zhang Yingxuan was waiting for him at exit 5C, but Lu Zhengkang lost his way a little. Behind the old friend, and then suddenly hugged Zhang Yingxuan's shoulder.

He was shocked, "I! I'll go, it's you."

"Ultraman, open your eyes, it's me, Shafrin!" Lu Zhengkang said words that children in this era can't understand.

Two male high school students strolled along the old river bridge, although they were just eating, drinking, and talking about their thoughts, but Zhang Yingxuan kept silent, and Lu Zhengkang was not in a hurry to ask.

As the river wind blew, they leaned on the antique wooden railings and looked at the gray and vast river. The high-rises on both sides of the city were pushed away by the river.

"My dad has found someone he likes." Zhang Yingxuan thought about it, and still used this sentence as the opening remark.

"You want a stepmother? Doesn't that stepmother have a daughter?" Lu Zhengkang laughed maliciously.

"It's an artificial intelligence."

Lu Zhengkang's smile froze.

There have always been many couples on the Old River Bridge, but in recent years, more and more single people have been seen. They hold up their mobile phones to take pictures, and talk to artificial intelligence with Bluetooth headsets, almost laughing. It seems that the world has become infinitely happier, everyone is no longer alone, at least at least, there will be a digital virtual soul who will love you forever, until the day the server is shut down.

Zhang Yingxuan was lying on the railing, holding a piece of nut cream ice cream in his he didn't eat it, just watched it, and when it was about to melt, he suddenly said: "I can't understand this world more and more gone."

Lu Zhengkang smiled awkwardly. If the children at the end of the century said that, wouldn't he be eliminated as an old thing from the beginning of the century?

"I always thought my dad was a very romantic person. Although he was very strict with people and things, he was poetic in his heart. He was a consistent person, like the lovebirds in the story, who would die without love. But now I I found out that he is actually very ordinary, no different from most people in this society. He still forgot his mother and himself who once loved her."

"This is also very normal."

"You and Su Xiangli are really enviable. Love each other forever. Lu, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't believe in love."

Lu Zhengkang looked at Zhang Yingxuan's completely dejected appearance, and the young man's vitality was completely extinguished. He suddenly wanted to cry, but he still smiled and said, "It's okay. As long as Su Xiangli likes me, I will always like her. "

"What if she doesn't love you anymore?"

"I still love her."

"Really? That's great." Zhang Yingxuan looked into the distance, the ice cream in his hand was melted, and the sugar water flowed onto his hands, making it sticky, and then the ice cream ball fell out of the slanted cup and fell into Jiang Tao. He regretted that He glanced at it calmly, "I decided to stay here, no matter what, I will stay. Just like this ice cream, even if it falls into the river, I will not hesitate."

"That's right, I thought of a way to make money." Lu Zhengkang patted his old friend on the shoulder, "It has been decided in the organization that you will debut as a campus youth idol. We will definitely make a lot of money!"

Zhang Yingxuan was silent for a moment, his eyes wandered, "Actually, I suddenly discovered that there is nothing wrong with going abroad."