Breaking the Day

Chapter 1170: The torrent of steel is unparalleled

Naturally, it is impossible for tens of thousands of cavalry to be all scattered on the battlefield at the same time. The first one was the 10,000 cavalry vanguard group. Although it was only 10,000, the number was over 10,000, and the valley was full of mountains, let alone 10,000 horses?

The ten thousand cavalry drove the horses and slowly left, looking like a silver-white ocean rolling against the ground. The horseshoes that hit the horseshoes stomped on the ground, shaking the ground slightly.

As the speed of this forward army gradually accelerated, the silver wave began to become turbulent, and the officer in front blew the horn.

On such a battlefield, the general will gain complete autonomy in the war, because the initial grand strategic direction and battlefield goals have been issued at the meeting. How to fight after entering the battlefield depends on the general’s on-the-spot reaction, especially the cavalry. The speed is too fast. Once you enter the battlefield, the battle situation changes rapidly, and there is no time to send the news to the Chinese army base camp.

The running speed of the horses and the huge noise they produce have also reduced the effectiveness of semaphore, sign language, and sound transmission to the lowest point. The only effective thing is the bugle sound of the horn.

Following the news from the former scouts, the forward generals knew that the enemy in front had rushed to face each other. The distance was less than ten kilometers. When the two sides are facing each other, they can face each other within a few minutes of 20 miles. In the case of hedging, in addition to factors such as equipment, military discipline, morale, training, and soldier quality, one of the most important factors is speed!

The cavalry has no speed, it is worse than the infantry, and the cavalry is in a hedge. When the level is close to each other, the side with no speed will be beaten by the side with the faster speed and stronger impact.

So now their cavalry will start to speed up gradually!

With the sound of the bugle, the rhythm of horseshoes also increased significantly, and the tremors of the earth became more and more violent!

On this endless plain, you can see a golden wave on the other side of the horizon from far away, but as the distance gets closer, the soldiers and officers in the front row can clearly see the golden light on the opposite side. That is the cavalry of the puppet country!

The general yelled and raised his spear to the sky: "Charge!!"


The sharp bugle immediately resounded through the world, and the running cavalry regiment immediately began to accelerate to the extreme, the majestic horses fluttered with four hooves, and the afterimage was about to emerge!

The entire forward cavalry regiment began to protrude from the right wing at this time, and the left wing was slightly behind. When you look down from the height, you can see that this is a golden wave of rage sweeping from the horizon.

And looking in the direction of the Puppet Nation, they also saw a silver wave of rage rushing towards them in anger.

If someone looks condescendingly, they will be surprised to find that the waves of gold and silver oppose each other. Their formation is almost exactly the same, as if the front and back in a mirror, two crescent-shaped sickles are approaching quickly. Clash and harvest each other!


The cavalry of the Puppet Nation drew out their long knives one after another, the knives pierced like a forest, making a roar that shook the sky and the earth.

At the same time, the cavalry in the front row raised their one-handed cannons and fired at the opposite side. Red lights shot out one after another, some hit the cavalry, the cavalry burst and disappeared instantly, and some hit the horse. , The horses burst open, the cavalry fell to the ground and was immediately trampled into flesh by the robes behind them. These beams of light plowed the ground formation into a gap between ravines, but soon, they again It was filled by cavalry from behind.

This is the killer of the puppet country cavalry force: the cavalry hand cannon!

They look like a pistol, but the barrel is very thick, and there is no wheel part. Some have only the central magic crystal drive part. The inlaid magic crystal is only the size of the fingernail of a pinky finger. Only one shot can be fired before it is scrapped. , But in a cavalry assault, this kind of impending shot without aiming is so powerful that it is terrifying!

Even a golden monk would be killed instantly if he was shot twice at the same time!

This is also the main reason why no monks participated in the cavalry hedging!

Because it was too cruel and the casualty rate was too high, the monks could not afford such terrible losses at all.

These two old opponents who have fought for many years are too familiar with each other. When shooting on the side of Puppet Nation, there is a part of the cavalry in the center of Daqi, each carrying a huge and strange box on their backs. After receiving the command of the bugle, they leaned over on their horses, and then slapped the mechanism buttons on the box with their backhands.

Immediately afterwards, the box on the horseback supported an oblique angle of forty-five degrees under the action of the mechanism, and one of the openings of the box suddenly opened, exposing twenty neatly arranged rockets inside, followed by another short sound. After the bugle sounded, they pressed the launch button, and a sharp and screaming sound immediately rang out from behind their heads, and waves of flames spurted out and whizzed away.

This is Daqi's killer, and the rocket he carries is called: Golden Snake Dance! When you are in battle, you can only hit them all at once, and you will be scrapped after you hit them, but once you hit them all, the damage done is terrible!

With the swarms of these rockets, the sky suddenly brightened, and countless rockets were like flying golden snakes, dancing wildly in the ocean of cavalry toward the puppet kingdom!

These rockets have no precision, some are still twisting strangely in the air, but they are too dense, and their target area is too large, so that when they fall, this cavalry regiment instantly Half of them were covered in the explosion fire.

Boom boom boom boom! !

"Wansheng!!! Wansheng!!!"

The Puppet State Army formation engulfed by the sea of ​​fire disappeared for a short time, but soon they roared out of the sea of ​​fire. Although the number of soldiers has been reduced, some of the remaining soldiers are burning with flames. But the fanaticism in the eyes!

Seeing the two sides each hit a blow, the two cavalry rages can now clearly see the hideous and murderous faces on each other's faces!

The distance of several hundred meters came in an instant, and the two torrents were getting closer and closer, and the tremors of the earth had become so severe that no other sound could be heard in everyone's ears. Everyone became this monstrous giant. A spray of boiling anger in the wave, blood bloomed and flesh and blood flew at the moment of contact with each other!

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

Countless horses collided, countless weapons fought together, countless soldiers fought together, and at this moment, more than two thousand soldiers each died instantly!

These two streams of anger passed through each other, some **** faces, some missing an arm, and some died on the back of the horse, just because the foot was still stuck in the stirrup for a while without falling off the horse.

The two sides did not have time to turn around and confront another round, because when they rushed through each other's forward line, they soon discovered that the other side's second cavalry charge line had come crashingly, and the two sides rushed to the second wave. The troops line soon fired out cavalry hand cannons and golden snakes dancing wildly, and once again hit a fatal blow to the remaining cavalry who broke through the line!

The forward line can only continue to rush forward at this time. They know that there is no turning back arrow in the bow. At this time, they can't turn or turn back. They can only rush forward, kill fiercely, and pray that they can Kill the opponent and cause more consumption to the opponent!

Thousands of cavalry on both sides screamed like hell, desperate and angry, and rushed towards their second wave of cavalry anger, but they were quickly swallowed by the other side's beam of light and flames for a quarter, when they collided again. When the time, the damage caused by each of them this time far exceeded the first collision!

In this collision, only one or two thousand people survived, and the entire line of troops became sparse.

But the cavalry who rushed through the second-tier line were desperate to find that the third, fourth, and fifth waves of cavalry were coming!

The respective generals of these two troops wiped the blood off their faces, held up the spear and long knife in their hands, and uttered the final roar: "Kill!!!"