Breaking the Day

Chapter 271: The weak can win the strong enemy

At the moment when Li Chengfeng was hit by Su You, he shouted: "Everyone can't run! Attack him! He will soon be unable to hold it!"

After hearing this, everyone was even more desperate, especially Ouyang Nan. He hoped that Li Chengfeng could lead them out of desperation, but he did not lead them to a more terrifying abyss!

At the moment, Ji Wusheng's muscles burst out of his body. Even the blind knew that Ji Wusheng at this time had reached a point where they could not bear and break through, regardless of the attacking power and the ability to resist.

Li Chengfeng actually wanted them to advance instead of retreating?

Rush up to die?

Moreover, how could the other party be unable to hold it? Right now he……

When Ji Wusheng heard what Li Chengfeng said, he laughed loudly: "The shameless little thief of the Lingshan faction, quickly died!"

Just after he finished speaking, he suddenly felt itchy in his throat and eyes, which made him cough violently. With this cough, Ji Wusheng coughed up a mouthful of blood!

This time, everyone was shocked!

Just now everyone besieged Ji Wusheng, no matter how he chopped or beaten him, no drop of blood flowed out, and now he coughed up a mouthful of blood for no reason!

Ji Wusheng was also shocked. He looked at the blood in his palms, his hands trembled, and muttered to himself: "This, this is impossible, impossible!"

Is it true that one's own cultivation level is not enough, unable to control this trick, and even the time of a stick of incense cannot be sustained, and it is backlashed?

Ji Wusheng laughed miserably: "Master! You lied to me! You said that I can already control this trick! You lied to me!!!"

Li Chengfeng rushed to Su You, hurriedly and Tian Jun helped Su You hold down the wound and healed him. He heard the sound, turned his head and screamed, "Is the skill inferior to humans, master is blamed?"

Ji Wusheng was furious, and he roared: "It's impossible! I can already control this trick. There is enough time for two sticks of incense, I..."

As he was talking, his eyes suddenly itchy, he stretched out his hand to rub it, but unexpectedly, the more itchy rubbed, he screamed loudly: "Itchy, itchy, itchy!"

Ouyang Nan and the big silly looked at each other, and the two were eager to try, but at this moment Li Chengfeng immediately gestured to them and waved his hand to tell them not to come forward.

Ouyang Nan didn't dare to make any claims anymore, he immediately stayed in place, taking the opportunity to restore the true essence of mana in his body.

At this moment, Ji Wusheng was rubbing his eyes vigorously, his movements getting bigger and bigger, and the blood in his right eye also began to flow slowly, like a tear of blood, slowly flowing down.

This situation is really weird. Ouyang Nan and the others exchanged eyes with excitement. They all looked at Li Chengfeng in unison.

Ouyang Nan whispered: "Junior Brother Chengfeng, you did it?"

A weird smile appeared at the corner of Li Chengfeng's mouth. He said: "I just thought he would explode after another excitement. I didn't expect it to be so fast! Let's wait! Let those flowers grow longer!"

"Flowers and grasses?" Ouyang Nan clutched his head. "What flowers and grasses will grow for a while?"

Su You Tianjun and others had seen Li Chengfeng’s special power. They were all excited at this time, especially Su You. Although he was seriously injured, he showed a relieved smile: "Master Chengfeng, It's dragged you back."

When Ji Wusheng heard Li Chengfeng and the others talking, he suddenly went crazy: "Flowers and flowers? What flowers and flowers!"

At this moment, he let go of the hand rubbing his right eye, everyone could see clearly, and a few green grass grew around the corner of his eye!

This is naturally Li Chengfeng's masterpiece!

He took advantage of Ji Wusheng's physical weakness to the extreme, when he pierced the opponent's body with a spear from a bone spur, the grass seeds and flower seeds in his hand instantly bounced towards Ji Wusheng's face.

These tiny grass seeds and flower seeds quickly penetrated Ji Wusheng’s mouth, eyes and wounds, and then some began to grow in the flesh and blood of the skin, and some entered the blood vessels, and quickly began to flow with the blood. The whole body then began to take root and sprout.

Li Chengfeng mobilized the immortal power in his body, and emptied the power of the surrounding flowers, plants and trees, and poured them all into the flowers and plants in Ji Wusheng's body, causing them to grow wildly.

Rao is Ji Wusheng's physical strength at this time is extremely tyrannical, but still can't suppress these wild flowers and plants that grow crazily in his body!

If someone said that Ji Wusheng's body was cut open, he would find that his internal organs were full of flowers and plants at this time, and they were entangled like a mess, greatly destroying Ji Wusheng's body!

Ji Wusheng was clutching his body desperately at this time. He tore his clothes and shouted loudly: "Itchy, itchy, itchy!"

Ji Wusheng tore open his clothes and looked down with the remaining eye, only to see that the skin on his chest was cracked, and clumps of flowers and plants grew out of it!

At this moment, Ji Wusheng understood in an instant, he was recruited!

Although I don’t know what kind of weird spell this is, Ji Wusheng’s anger reached its apex. He looked at Li Chengfeng, and scarlet blood began to flow from his remaining eye. He hissed strangely: "Die, you all have to dead!"

As he spoke, his two golden rings appeared instantly, humming and slashing towards Li Chengfeng.


Knowing that he was the main target of the attack, Li Chengfeng immediately flickered and dodged the two golden rings in a barely minute posture. However, even if he rubbed the edge, Li Chengfeng's body was immediately blown out with blood. Scars.

"Quickly, attack him! He is going to die!"

When Li Chengfeng gave the same order again, this time Ouyang Nan and the others had no doubts, one by one, they desperately displayed the power and moves at the bottom of the box and attacked Ji Wusheng frantically.

At this time, Ji Wusheng's other eye's vision became increasingly blurred. When a few grasses grew crazily from his eyeballs, he completely lost all his vision!

Without his eyesight, Ji Wusheng was unable to effectively control the Golden Ring, but at this time the Golden Ring began to go wild and terrifying.

They are like two beasts out of control, running rampant in the courtyard, slashing everything they hit.

Although the pressure of Li Chengfeng and the others dropped drastically, the golden ring that was madly hacking without rules in the field still gave them a great deterrent!

The stupid man swung the heavy sword forward and slashed at Ji Wusheng’s neck. But at this moment, although Ji Wusheng’s body was raging and destroyed by flowers and plants, his body was still tyrannical, and this sword could no longer be cut with only one point in the flesh. Go down!

And the stupid guy wanted to draw his sword, but found that his epee was stuck in it, unable to draw it out!

"Silly big guy, hide!"

Li Chengfeng watched the two golden rings slash towards the stupid man, and he exclaimed.

He Zhu immediately let go and wanted to turn over and escape, but the two golden rings still chopped heavily on his abdomen, and one chopped heavily on He Zhu's leg.

He Zhu suddenly turned over and fell to the ground, with intestines flowing out of his stomach, his face was frightened, and he was so scared that he could not move in place.

At this time, Ji Wusheng drew out the heavy sword that was chopped on him with his backhand, waving frantically around him, and he yelled: "Come out, you shameless little thieves of the Lingshan School, come out!!!"

Following Ji Wusheng's splitting, the two golden rings whirled around him, and they continued to spread around, like a plow, spinning round and round.

Seeing that the golden ring was about to smash on He Zhu's body, Li Chengfeng rushed to He Zhu and stuffed He Zhu's intestines with both hands. Then he grabbed He Zhu's hand and gritted his teeth in a low voice: "Hold!"

He Zhu's eyes flushed suddenly, as if he had a backbone, he nodded heavily towards Li Chengfeng. He pressed his abdomen tightly, and then Li Chengfeng held his arm tightly, and then quickly returned his hand. , The whole person flew up like clouds and fog, and was pulled back by the life rope tied to his waist.

And at the moment they were pulled apart, the Golden Ring had already slammed into it, cutting a deep gully on the ground, and the high-speed rotating gear splashed countless rubble!