Breaking the Day

Chapter 910: The devil burns the forest like a sheep

At night, in the jungle ten kilometers away from Taiyang City.

The bright moon in the cold spring is exceptionally cold, the sky warehouse and the falling sky hanging high in the sky, looking coldly at everything on the ground, no matter what kind of joys and sorrows are happening here, or what kind of human tragedies, it is indifferent and calm , Like the eyes of a god.

"You guys, go ahead and search for it!! Never let one go!!"

A shout broke the cold silence in the jungle, it was not only abrupt, but also murderous.

Several teams of men in black held a torch in one hand, and a bright saber in the other. They searched through the jungle one by one, and when they encountered the bushes, they wielded their knives and hacked them. Sometimes they returned without success. Sometimes there was a scream from the inside, and then these people in black surrounded them in silence, dragged out a few refugees hiding in them from the bushes, and hacked them to death.

These are all refugees who escaped from Taiyang City. Although they were besieged as soon as they left the city, there were 20,000 of them.

There are tens of thousands of people, pits and valleys.

Even if 20,000 pigs are let them kill, they will kill them for a long time, let alone 20,000 people!

The total number of these black knights is only two or three hundred, because more people will easily attract attention, and the probability of leaking wind will increase.

Therefore, more than two hundred knights chased them all the way, and many people still fled into the jungle.

And escape into the jungle is their only option, because the other direction is a flat land, how can a person's two legs run over a four-legged horse?

The small bamboo was held by the shopkeeper and the boss in turn. The three of them were caught in the crowd and fled hurriedly. Fortunately, they had a small bamboo oil bottle, which caused them to quickly fall behind from the front position at the beginning. The three of them did not fall in it, otherwise they would have to be trampled to death by the crazy refugees.

Yes, when they escaped, they found that someone outside was besieging them. These refugees went crazy. The inside was hell, and the outside was the slaughterhouse. At this time, they completely lost their sanity and only knew to push away the front. People run wildly.

This team of knights was divided into two rows from the left and right. They circled an arc from both sides and began to outflank them, driving them into the woods deliberately. In Taiyang City, there were also men in black who were inside and outside who started chasing and killing these refugees. Drive outward frantically.

The refugees are like a flock of sheep, driven and slaughtered indiscriminately. Only one or two thousand people were hacked to death on the road. Most of them were trampled to death by people who fell after running because they fell.

They are also a group of people. When the prince was led by the prince, they were brave enough to smash with thousands of corpses, using hoes, kitchen knives, and even fists and teeth!

They are so brave that they can be compared with any hero!

But when they were not led by the prince, they were so cowardly and terrified that even two or three hundred knights dared not fight with them. They were driven and slaughtered wantonly, and there was no room to fight back!

They...cowardly worse than rabbits!

Rabbits will take two bites if they are anxious!

But none of these people who were caught up and dragged out of the jungle resisted and killed, they just knelt down and desperately begged for mercy!

Xiao Zhuzi followed the boss and the shopkeeper and was tightly covering his mouth. The three of them curled up in a small dirt pit, covered by thick bushes in front of them.

Xiao Zhuo could clearly hear the screams outside, the sound of fighting, and the endless begging for mercy. Her eyes were full of tears that day.

She doesn't understand, why is it all?

Why are these people killing them?

Why is the adult world always full of so many **** killings, why is it full of so much fear and filth?

Not far away, there was a rustle of footsteps getting closer and closer, and the shopkeeper and the proprietress hiding in the sunken pit shrank desperately. Their eyes were filled with a strong desire to win and extreme fear, even though they were shaking like chaff. But they still desperately made no sound.

Xiao Zhuzi stared at her eyes, her heart thumping, almost jumping into her throat. She only heard the rustle of footsteps stopping in the bushes in front of them. Before she could relax, suddenly two sharp sharp ones The saber stabbed in and inserted it into the gap between her and her mother.

The ice-cold blade of the blade was against the skin of Xiao Zhuo's arm, and she instantly got goose bumps!

She will never forget the feeling of this moment!

This is Grim Reaper's touch!

The saber was quickly taken back, but then a few more stabs came in! The three of them stared with eyes wide open, watching the sharp saber blade stabbing and piercing before them, and the **** of death wandered back and forth in front of them! !

This short moment is as long as eternity!

The shopkeeper and the lady boss glanced at each other subconsciously at this time, and both eyes showed a strong expression of fortune! Thanks to a small pit in their hiding place, otherwise they would have been stabbed and found by now!

Just when they thought that these knives would not stab them, they suddenly pierced the bush and stabbed the shopkeeper's cheek. The sharp blade ran across the boss's wife's cheek, and in an instant blood flowed on his face!

The lady boss almost yelled out at this moment, but Xiao Zhuo had quick eyes and hands, and immediately reached out and covered her mouth!

Seeing that the saber would be stained with blood when it was retracted, they would be discovered. At this time, Xiao Zhuo suddenly stretched out his hand, twisted the blade of the saber with his fingers, and gently stuck it on the blade with his finger to make the other party When pulling out the blade, use your finger to gently wipe the blood on the blade.

The proprietress and the shopkeeper looked at Xiao Zhuo in horror, waiting for the saber to be pulled out, and suddenly there was silence outside.

This is death-like silence, this moment is extremely suffering! They almost feel like they are in a pan of oil!

I don't know how long it took, and the footsteps outside began to rustle again. After they started to turn around and leave, the three of them were greatly relieved.

But after the three of them breathed a sigh of relief, they suddenly heard a voice in horror: "Okay! Don't look for it! Set it on fire! Burning this forest!!!"

This sentence was like a basin of ice water poured on the heads of the three people, making them cold to the bones! !

This is the real purpose of these knights driving them into the forest!

Otherwise, just two hundred of them, how can they kill all the 20,000 people on this flat ground?

That is absolutely impossible!

As long as they rush to run in all directions, someone can escape.

But the order they received was to kill all these people without leaving a living!

Two hundred people kill 20,000 people. It is absolutely impossible to do with a sword in your hand. An ordinary sword will cut the blade for more than ten people, and this knife can no longer be used.

Therefore, the strategy they came up with was to drive them into the forest, and then set them on fire.

Among the wildfires, very few people were actually burned to death, most of them died because of lack of oxygen, or died of suffocation due to smoke.

Xiao Zhuo and the other three shivered. They shrank in this small dirt pit and did not dare to go out, lest there would be people outside. Once they went out, they would be hacked to death.

But waiting here, waiting to be burned to death again!

All three of them burst into tears, holding their heads and crying silently.

Seeing the fire light outside quickly lit up, and then these fire lights joined together, burning everywhere, and even a torch was thrown in the bushes in front of them, and a group of flames rose quickly in front of them!

Little Zhuzi held her hands tightly. She couldn't help it anymore and cried loudly: "Brother Chengfeng, Sister Yuehan!!! Help!"