Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 229: thunderstorm 1


Just as Chen Xiayue was processing the medicinal herbs and mixing the medicinal herbs one by one into a mosquito repellent medicine bag, there was a sound of thunder outside.

Chen Xiayue frowned slightly, put down the things in her hand, and came out to look, and saw the dark clouds. Such a dark cloud, and even the sound of a torrential rain not far away, Chen Xiayue hurriedly ran to the yard to collect clothes.

The weather in summer can change as soon as it changes, and it has rained several times this month. Of course, the rain in summer is not a one-off or a whole day. Generally speaking, it sometimes rains for a few hours, and the sun will come out soon after the rain stops.

Chen Xiayue put away the clothes, and then looked at what was left in the house and had to take it back quickly, otherwise she would get wet for a while.

Chen Xiayue was busy going back and forth, but a flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the sky. The lightning seemed to be very bright as if it was right next to her, and Chen Xiayue froze with fright.

Although she was frightened, Chen Xiayue quickly covered her ears, and sure enough the next moment——


Because the lightning is very close, the thunder is also very close and the sound is loud. Chen Xiayue covered her ears and closed her eyes and waited for the thunder to gradually weaken before quickly putting away all the things in the house.


Chen Xiayue didn't dare to go out now. She was just as afraid of lightning and thunder as snakes, sometimes she was afraid and sometimes she wasn't. For example, she was very afraid of lightning and thunder when she was outside, but she was not so afraid when she was indoors.

Maybe it's because when lightning strikes in the house, it only strikes the house first, and she doesn't want to be the preferred target when she stays in the house without any shelter outside.

She felt more secure when she was brought in the house, so she should not go out to see if there was anything else confiscated at this moment, and let Zhang Chengchuan go out to pack up.

"Achuan, it's raining outside, go and see if there's anything left." Chen Xiayue entered Zhang Chengchuan's study room and patted him on the shoulder.

"It's raining?" Zhang Chengchuan, who heard Chen Xiayue's words, put down his things and looked out the window, it was really dark.

Because there are mute flowers in the room, he won't hear any noise outside. If Chen Xiayue hadn't come in and patted him on the shoulder and talked to him, he wouldn't be able to hear her shouting loudly outside.

Seeing that the rain was coming, Zhang Chengchuan didn't have time to say anything to his daughter-in-law, and hurried out to see what was left.

Zhang Chengchuan knew that Chen Xiayue didn't dare to leave the house during a thunderstorm, so he wouldn't force his daughter-in-law to go out when there was thunder and lightning outside, just let her stay in the house well.

"Why did you come out?" Lu Zhanguo, who came to see if Zhang Chengchuan and his family could help when he saw it was raining, was a little surprised to see him come out.

"The firewood at home has not been put away." Zhang Chengchuan replied while moving the firewood to the corridor under the eaves.

"I'll help you." Lu Zhanguo also helped to move the firewood in, and also helped to find the tarpaulin that Zhang Chengchuan and the others used to cover the firewood. got wet.

It's really annoying to burn firewood after getting wet. If the fire doesn't start, it will emit thick smoke, which will make people's eyes hurt. So in order to prevent the firewood from getting wet, I still covered it with these rags to prevent the rain from getting wet.

Zhang Chengchuan and Lu Zhanguo took a look, and there was nothing left to dry outside except for the firewood. When the firewood was almost collected, the rain finally fell, and the few drops of rain at the beginning quickly turned into a rain curtain.

The raindrops in the heavy rain in summer are very large and very powerful when they fall, the kind that makes a loud noise when they fall on the ground, and the kind that hurts when they fall on people.

Zhang Chengchuan and the others quickly put the firewood away and quickly covered the tarpaulin. The movement was a little slow. Some of the firewood at the bottom was wet, but not much, and a small area was a little wet.

"It's raining too fast." Zhang Chengchuan couldn't help sighing as he watched the rain curtain that quickly turned into a torrential rain from a few raindrops at the beginning.

"Do you want to go back to the other side now or stay here? You help me when I do research." Zhang Chengchuan asked.

Zhang Chengchuan not only regards Lu Zhanguo and the other soldiers as his bodyguards, but also needs them as assistants when doing experiments.

Why does he insist on giving lessons to the soldiers every day? Not just to give them a little more survivability in the wild, not just to allow them to go further, but also to have someone help him while he's doing experiments.

Lu Zhanguo is a person who has learned very seriously and has progressed very fast. His family is not much, but it is not too bad. Lu Zhanguo also went to the military academy for further study because of his outstanding performance, but it was not a few years.

And being able to learn these things from Zhang Chengchuan is also very good for Lu Zhanguo. If he does not sacrifice unfortunately when he goes on a mission in the future, but is unfortunately injured and cannot continue high-intensity training, then he can rely on Zhang Chengchuan to learn. All kinds of knowledge are specially made for technical soldiers.

Therefore, Lu Zhanguo was very serious in his studies. He who made rapid progress would follow Zhang Chengchuan to do research and be his assistant at most.

Lu Zhanguo did not refuse, but followed Zhang Chengchuan to do the experiment.

To do research on solar energy, you have to figure out how to convert the energy of solar energy into electricity. Zhang Chengchuan still has to figure out how the circuit should be made, and what kind of material can be cheaper and the effect is very good.

Zhang Chengchuan now has ideas, but there is no exact research direction yet, and there are too many things he wants to learn, so the progress of the research has slowed down.

But he wasn't in a hurry at all. The things that others researched might not produce results for several years. He didn't need to be so anxious. It would be better to enrich himself.

Chen Xiayue watched the two of them go to the forging room and continued to do research and didn't care so much. She watched the heavy rain outside, and watched the flowers and plants she raised in the wind and rain. She didn't dare to go out to give her. My in-laws gave raincoats or something.

Because of the rain, Chen Xiayue specially chose two sets of raincoats with a thicker material similar to tarpaulin for her in-laws, as things she bought for her in-laws because of her family's relationship.

After wearing the raincoats, Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying are less exposed to rain, but sometimes the sun is very strong in the morning, and suddenly it rains heavily in the afternoon, so they will also be exposed to rain.

And there was a heavy rainstorm. Zhang Deping, the accountant of the brigade, also needed to check how the crops in the field were doing like the brigade captain, and whether they were damaged by the heavy rain. Go and see if the canals are blocked. There is not much water in the fields, and the crops will not be soaked.