Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 379: Reiki Recovery

Liu Guiying has cooked food for decades, but she has to admit that compared to her son and daughter-in-law, the food she cooks is really not good, and it is barely edible.

But even so, Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan didn't do all the cooking work. Sometimes when their husband and wife were busy, Liu Guiying did the cooking. No matter what Liu Guiying does, they only need to eat anyway. They have no qualifications to dislike it. People who don't cook have no right to dislike the food being unpalatable.

Zhang Chengchuan prepared dishes for his parents and his daughter-in-law. Kung Pao Chicken and Double Mushroom Chicken Fillets were more difficult to eat. He chose Three Cup Chicken. After all, the chicken pieces he just chopped were relatively large.

When Chen Xiayue was eating, she asked, "Do you plan to send something to the eldest brother?"

Recently, the rain has gradually increased, and the mushrooms on the mountain are also quite good. Liu Guiying has gone up the mountain several times to pick a lot of mushrooms and dried them. She plans to keep them for her own food or send some to her eldest son. past.

Chen Xiayue would not stop Liu Guiying from delivering things to Zhang Chengyue's family. After all, most of the things Liu Guiying gave were earned by her and Zhang Deping. As parents, they gave things to their sons, so she had nothing to stop her.

Just like what Zhang Chengyue sent back, Liu Guiying and the others will also use it for her and Zhang Chengchuan.

"I want to send some mushrooms to your eldest brother, as well as sweet potato powder and corn." Liu Guiying planted some corn on the private plot, and sweet potatoes were also planted on the land separated by the corn. There are also seeds in the yard, so I can make some sweet potato flour or something.

She herself knew that her younger son had a way to go, so she planned to keep some at home and send most of the sweet potato flour and corn she made to her eldest son.

Chen Xiayue nodded and said, "It happened that I made some meat sauce, and when mother asked Achuan to send things, she also sent some to my eldest brother."

Zhang Chengyue's family also sent some things back from time to time during this time, most of them were kelp, seaweed or something, and then dried scallops, dried fish and the like.

Chen Xiayue also knows to reciprocate, and Zhang Chengyue's family has sent something back, so they can't be stingy here, can they? Send me some meat too.

Chen Xiayue also did not forget to send some of the meat sauce and air-dried meat that she made to her parents' house. Anyway, relatives who are close friends should send some.

Chen Xiayue continued to make the received monsters into meat sauce, air-dried meat and other things, and also kept a little fresh meat, but every day new monsters were sold to the store, and she didn't need to keep too much. Lots of fresh Warcraft meat.

Chen Xiayue's prepared meat sauce, air-dried meat, sausage and the like were also sent to his teacher, but Mo Yichen unexpectedly awakened his wood-type ability.

"Teacher, you have awakened the wood-type ability?" Chen Xiayue was very surprised. On the end of the 22nd century, more than two years have passed since she first connected to the plane, and the end of the world has initially stabilized. .

At the beginning, there were only one in tens of thousands of people who had awakened supernatural powers, and only a few dozen people in the country's population of more than one billion had awakened supernatural powers. More than two years have passed now, and the number of people who have awakened abilities has gradually increased.

Her teacher, a man who seems to be gentle but is actually a domineering president, has also awakened his supernatural powers?

And it's not the thunder-type ability that echoes his feeling and his own momentum, or the fire-type and wind-type abilities that sound particularly majestic, but the wood-type?

Chen Xiayue is not saying that wood-type abilities are not good, but for many people, wood-type abilities and water-type abilities are probably relatively useless abilities. One is to move the reservoir and the other is to carry the farmers to the end.

But Chen Xiayue knew very well that the water-type abilities and the wood-type abilities were well-trained, and after the level was high, they were also very lethal. Especially the water-type ability, after training it, it is absolutely invincible. After all, all things in the world, most living beings have water in their bodies. As long as the ability to manipulate water is strong, it is very simple to kill a person.

And the wood-type ability - have you seen the anime? How powerful is the legendary Mudun? After training, the wood-type ability is also very lethal.

Chen Xiayue really didn't expect her teacher to be a wood-type power user, is it because her teacher is not a real domineering president, but a big boss in the medical industry?

"The wood system is also very good. I think it's very good to be able to grow vegetables, food and medicinal materials." Mo Yichen said with a smile, "And don't think I haven't read novels, I was addicted to online novels when I was young. Yes, I am also very clear about the use of wood-type abilities, your teacher."

No matter how old Mo Yichen is, he is still in the 22nd century. When he was young, it was in the 30s and 40s of the 22nd century. Technology was advanced, the Internet was advanced, and entertainment was also very advanced. .

So it's not that he doesn't know about some of the powerful wood-type powerhouses in the novel, as well as the characters in the anime who use the wood-type power very well.

Wood-type abilities are never waste. Of course, neither is the water system.

"I feel that now we say it is the end of the world, but it should be more appropriate to restore the spiritual energy." Mo Yichen said to Chen Xiayue with a serious expression.

"Although natural disasters are frequent, the animals and plants on our planet have changed. Plants have grown rapidly and become larger, and animals are similar."

"When there are more and more human beings with abilities in the world, there are also plants and animals with abilities, but they are just as few as humans."

"So you see, does this seem like a spiritual recovery?" Mo Yichen asked.

Chen Xiayue nodded stupidly, "Then teacher...what are you going to do?"

"It's alright, there is no way out of the sky, the recovery of spiritual energy is better than the destruction of the earth, right? There may really be cultivators in the world, but they have never appeared before, but maybe they will come out after the recovery of spiritual energy?"

"Also, I can get in touch with your wife, and then I can ask her what their cultivation system is like. Sometimes we power users can go the way of magicians, right? Those are not A person with superhuman abilities might also be able to follow the path of a warrior," Mo Yichen said.

Chen Xiayue admired her teacher's brains, but had to admit that what he said was quite reasonable.

As for turning Earth into a magical world-like place? What can't you do?

If it really is the recovery of spiritual energy, and if there are cultivators who really come out to lead everyone into the era of comprehension, then it will not be transformed into the era of magic. But if there are no cultivators, what's wrong with transforming into the Age of Magic?

Being able to cultivate, being able to make oneself stronger, and surviving in this perilous world, is enough of a reason, isn't it?

"In that case, teacher, eat more of the monster meat that I gave you. Of course, I will give you a batch of food and ingredients that also contain energy. If you eat it often, you can gain a little advantage." Chen Xiayue put the medicinal wine that she brewed , to make meat sauce, air-dried meat and other things to Mo Yichen, let him eat more, so that the energy in these foods can be absorbed, so that his teacher can become stronger.