Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 518: nutrition pills

When Chen Xiayue heard the words, she looked at Wei Chenxi. Before telling the truth, she had doubts about the origin of her third sister-in-law, but she didn't expect that she would say something like nutrient solution.

Half of this kind of nutrient solution is only found in science fiction novels. For example, in the interstellar era, most people eat nutrient solution. So, will my third sister-in-law come from the future interstellar?

Forget it, anyway, my third sister-in-law is not dangerous, and now I still think about how to supplement my own third sister-in-law. She doesn't know how to do nutrient solution, but nutrition pills should be researchable.

A nutrition pill is a pill that can supplement all kinds of nutrients the human body needs. A pill can top a meal or a day's meal.

My third sister-in-law vomits when she eats. She can eat it, but she vomits out afterward. Then, nutrition pills can supplement nutrition for my third sister-in-law. If you want to eat, let your third brother find a way.

Chen Xiayue has no way to comfort her sister-in-law. As for cooking for her sister-in-law, Chen Xiayue is not confident that her cooking skills are better than her father and third brother?

Although she has a good talent for cooking, she has not been studying cooking all the time in the past few years. She spends more time studying pharmacology. Therefore, Chen Mingying, who has decades of cooking experience, and Chen Xiahua, who is working hard every day to study cooking skills, are better than Chen Xiayue. She doesn't think that what she cooks can be better than that of her father and third brother.

"Can you continue to go to work like you are now?" Chen Xiayue was really worried about her sister-in-law. She would feel uncomfortable when she smelled oil, regardless of whether it was cooking oil, motor oil, diesel oil, or gasoline. unfamiliar.

"I've already asked for leave." Wei Chenxi said with a smile, her skills are still very strong, so even if she needs to ask for about a year's vacation because of pregnancy, she doesn't have to worry about returning to work after giving birth.

It's just that Wei Chenxi's leave this time is for personal reasons, so it's not paid. She doesn't need to go to work during this year's vacation, so there is no salary.

But Wei Chenxi doesn't care. It's not that she hasn't earned money over the years. Her parents and her elder brother often subsidize her.

The most important thing is that Chen Mingying and Li Guifen are also making money from her husband's family. Chen Xiahua's current salary has also increased a bit, and she can fully afford Wei Chenxi's food and clothing.

Although Wei Chenxi took an unpaid vacation, she didn't have to worry that her family wouldn't be able to open the fire if she didn't have an income.

Wei Chenxi said with a smile, "If I go back after giving birth and find that my job has been replaced, my job is no longer available. I can still go to my brother-in-law's research base to help, how? work there?"

Zhang Chengchuan, who had not spoken all the time, smiled and said, "I have no problem if you want to come over, sister-in-law. Your professional skills are still very good, I am very happy to be able to dig into the corner of the machinery factory."

"Haha..." Wei Chenxi said with a smile, "Just kidding you, the machinery factory will not drive me. Since the second brother was transferred to the provincial capital, the machinery factory has paid more attention to me and opened me up. And where did they go to find a technician who was about as skilled as me?"

Chen Xiayue also believes in her sister-in-law. If her sister-in-law is really from the future, then her technology should be very powerful. Under such circumstances, leaders with good vision and foresight will not drive away such outstanding talents as Wei Chenxi.

"Are you hungry? I made beef with golden soup for you, how about it?" Chen Xiahua brought a bowl of beef with golden soup and said to Wei Chenxi.

"The beef in the golden soup? Is it sour?" Wei Chenxi asked, looking at the beef in the golden soup in front of him.

Chen Xiahua: "..."

"...I made it according to your current taste. I added tomatoes and sour bamboo shoots. How about you taste?"

"Jintang fat cow, have you added rice noodles? I don't want to eat rice." Wei Chenxi said.

"Add more, you can eat such a big bowl." Chen Xiahua said.

Chen Xiayue looked at her third brother and third sister-in-law, and raised her eyebrows slightly at the fat beef in golden soup in the bowl. The fat beef was not too much, just a few mouthfuls, but there were more sour bamboo shoots and tomatoes, and a little more rice noodles.

As if she knew what Chen Xiayue was thinking, Wei Chenxi explained with a smile, "I just vomited after eating, so why waste more good ingredients if I vomited? Just a few slices of fat cows are enough to taste, eat more. Wouldn't it be more pity if you spit it out?"

Chen Xiayue: "..."

"...Sister-in-law, you have worked hard." Chen Xiayue said helplessly and distressed.

It's true that Wei Chenxi's pregnancy reaction is serious. Chen Xiayue witnessed the scene where her sister-in-law would not vomit after eating Jintang Fatty Beef Noodles, and she felt more distressed for her sister-in-law.

It's not that she hasn't seen pregnant people over the years. Some people do experience morning sickness, but it's not as serious as Wei Chenxi's.

After returning home, Chen Xiayue started to prepare the nutritional pills. Nutrient liquid or something also tasted like a drink. Chen Xiayue planned to make it as a pill and swallow it with warm water more convenient.

Chen Xiayue not only went to ask Ans, but also started to study nutrition pills with her teacher and other bigwigs in the medical industry, and she needed to study it in a short time, otherwise her sister-in-law would be tortured by morning sickness to the point of giving birth Isn't it too late for her to find out?

It took Chen Xiayue less than a month to finally research the nutritional pills. One nutritional pill can provide the nutrition needed by the human body for a day. Moreover, the ingredients of the nutritional pills are very common and the cost is very low. Chen Xiayue gave them directly to his sister-in-law. a bottle.

There are 120 nutritional pills in a bottle. Chen Xiayue asks her sister-in-law to take one a day. Even if she continues to be tortured by morning sickness, she will not be in bad health due to malnutrition and the child in her belly will not be good.

"Thank you very much Xia Yue." Wei Chenxi, who was five months pregnant, her belly got bigger but she was thinner, said gratefully.

Nutrient pills are not bigu pills nor interstellar nutrient solutions. After eating them, there is not much satiety, so Wei Chenxi still needs to eat after eating them.

And nutrition pills don’t work just by eating one, supplementing nutrition requires a slow process.

But after getting the nutrition pills, Wei Chenxi felt a lot better. Although she still vomited, she didn't lose weight because she couldn't get enough nutrition, and her complexion gradually became a lot more rosy.

Chen Xiayue finally felt relieved after seeing that her sister-in-law was really getting better. She also copied down the formula for making nutritional pills and sent them to it.

In the 22nd century plane, because Chen Xiayue followed her teacher to study it together, they knew the formula, and they directly produced nutrition pills to support more places.

In the 22nd century, the recovery of spiritual energy was faster, but natural disasters continued, and there were still many people suffering. Therefore, nutrition pills are also in great demand in the 22nd century plane. Those warriors who are busy saving lives also need nutrition pills when they have no time to eat.

The nutritional pills made by Chen Xiayue don't have much flavor, just because she takes into account the reason why her sister-in-law doesn't like those flavors after she is pregnant.

But the recipe that Chen Xiayue handed over can be made into other flavors, such as sweet, sour, sweet and sour, etc. Anyway, what Chen Xiayue gave her sister-in-law was light and didn't have much flavor.

In the 21st century, there is also a need for nutritional pills. Although there is indeed plenty of food and clothing there, there are still some patients who cannot eat. Anorexia patients, of course, they also need nutritional pills.

The 20th century plane is different. Nutrition pills are because most people have not eaten enough and are malnourished. And nutritional pills, such as nutritional supplements, are also in great demand.

Chen Xiayue was very satisfied with the effect of the nutritional pills she had just researched, and she finally smiled at ease seeing her third sister-in-law's increasingly rosy face.