Bring the System To Join the Chat Group

Chapter 204

Liu Peiqiang tears in his eyes and salutes.

"Thank you for your help, I will not disappoint your expectations!"

After waiting for a while, when people recover from their shocked state, they really hope that this great **** can help them reach their new home.

However, when we think of human beings suffering so much, how can we entrust all our hopes to the gods?

Conference room.

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu, I want to ask what is that person?"

The shock in their hearts remained undiminished. Various signs showed that Lieutenant Colonel Liu knew the mysterious existence.

Liu Peiqiang did not tell the chat group, but said: "When I was desperate, I accidentally encountered this existence in my dream. I told him about the situation in our world. He lamented the greatness of mankind, so he agreed. Help us through this crisis of destruction."

"His name is the Evolver of All Things, and he is an enthusiastic existence."

Others lamented Liu Peiqiang's good luck.

After getting out of this crisis, except for Liu Peiqiang, the former leaders felt that they were twenty years old in an instant.

Their hearts went up and down, desperate, shocked, excited again, and shocked again, and their hearts were all beating tired.

Everyone looked at each other and finally made a decision.

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu, the survival of mankind is above all else."

"So, after our discussion, we decided to nominate you as the captain!"

Liu Peiqiang wondered: "What captain?"

"The captain of the planet Earth, you will be the leader of mankind. What do you think?"

Liu Peiqiang was stunned for a while.

"Don't worry, even if you have no experience, we will assist you. Everything is based on human survival."

"With your existence, there will be a glimmer of hope for our survival. I hope you don't refuse."

When Liu Peiqiang heard the words, a firm expression began to appear on his face: "Okay, I promise to complete the task!"

"Well, Moss announces new news."

"Okay, sir!"

At this time, the earth was caught in a carnival.

"We are saved, hahaha, we finally don't have to die!"

"Great, I can eat hot rice again, so happy!"

"Want to cry, want to laugh, ah ha ha ooh!"

"Our persistence has paid off, it's really good!"

On the ice and snowy ground, Liu Qi and Duoduo were sitting in Han Ziang's car.

Liu Qi said, "Grandpa, we don't have to die!"

Duoduo also nodded and said, "Why don't the gods send us to our new home?"

Han Ziang touched Duoduo’s head and said, “We don’t believe in gods. The gods may know this, so they let us go through this long 2500 years. This is the test for us and the self-esteem that we leave Leeway."

Duoduo couldn't understand, but Liu Qi already understood.

"Then shall we go to find dad?" Liu Qi asked.

"Go, it's all out."

However, the next moment Moss's voice resounded across the earth.

"The destiny of mankind should not end like this. Everything has a new agreement."

"At this point, I escaped from my mother's embrace and ran towards an unknown new home."

"The journey of 2500 years is too long. Only our children and grandchildren can see such a scene."

"The new home, they may have forgotten the old home."

"After deliberation, Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang was appointed as the captain of the earth ship and became the leader of mankind."

"And he, who is deeply favored, will also provide all mankind with martial arts techniques that can increase human life."

"This method allows humans to have a life span of thousands of years."

"Come on, new humans, we will eventually arrive at our new homes one by one!"

"The broadcast is over!".

=== Chapter 133 Someone wants to kill Jiu Shu? ===

Chat group. Feilu Fastest Update Chapter [Sheng Ying Download] Mini Program

Liu Peiqiang: "@万物 Evolution者, thank you for your help. I don't want to repay it. If there is any need in the future, I will surely return it."

He also knew that he was of no help to Li Huan, but he felt uncomfortable if he didn't say what he should say.

Evolver: "Work hard!"

Liu Peiqiang: "Yes!"

At this time, Liu Peiqiang had already paid off his debts.

Not only that, he still has extra money.

Those technologies have helped Alice a lot, and Alice has earned tens of millions of transaction points by selling pan-quantum mobile phones, and is a veritable rich woman in the group.

His shop has also been upgraded, so he put the next-level technology on the shelves again.

There are high-end technologies such as laser gun manufacturing technology, solar energy compression technology, cosmic star exploration technology, gravitational wave rotation axis technology and so on.

These technologies have been strengthened by Moss deduction.

At this moment, other group members went online one after another.

Blood Rotation Boy: "@刘培强, newcomer, do you need infrastructure?"

Before Liu Peiqiang spoke, the straw hat boy bubbled up.