Bring the System To Join the Chat Group

Chapter 247

Pi Zilong: "No good, there are tens of thousands of them this time, kill them!"

Big eagle that can't fly: "What a poor dragon!"

Cao Ama: "Everyone, don't chat anymore. I'm dying of anger. The entire solar system is full of monsters. It's too much. I'm going to kill myself."

One emperor of the ages: "I am down, there are too many monsters, and it is not comparable to the monsters in the Dragon Emperor world."

Blood Rotation Boy: "Who will save me? I can't keep it!"

Straw hat boy: "I'm here!"

Old Tai Chi said: "Your world has also been invaded, right?"

Arthas: "My world was indeed invaded, but the Titans returned, and all the invaders were beaten back!"

Head Yue: "You still have a group of gods in your world, too lucky."

The members of the group are constantly exchanging information. Although it is not very helpful, they also learn a little about the intruder.

Li Huan was ready to go offline.

As a result, Li Huan issued a mission of the Lord God in World Three.

The main task: to repel the invaders.

Content: The evil void exists, staring at countless worlds, they are brutal, killing, and devouring everything. Now release the mission, you can go to all major worlds to aid friendly forces. Anyone who kills an enemy can get kill points, and the points store will be opened temporarily, and the kill points can be used to exchange for treasures and high-priced items in the point store.

Reward: unlimited.

When this mission was released, everyone in World Three was boiling.

"々`I just looked at the merchandise in the point store and found that they are all treasures, and each one is very powerful. As long as I get one, it’s worth it."

"You can still use the kill points to evolve yourself, you deserve to be the master **** of the evolution of all things."

"Everyone, follow me into another world."

"Destroy the evil and earn points!"

Among them, the little fat man Wang Jing took his two little brothers into Yue Buqun's world channel.

It was dark in front of me, and the scenery had completely changed when I saw the light again.

"Welcome to you!" Yue Buqun said.

"Where is the aggressor? I want to earn kill points!"

Wang Jing said excitedly.

Yue Buqun thought that this kill score should be the reward given to them by the boss, he didn't ask much, and said:

"The monster is right in front. The entire solar system is a monster. My Ming has suffered a heavy loss and the population has dropped sharply. Please go to the Frontline Killing Festival!"

"It's easy to say, brothers follow me!"

Just after sending away this wave of three people, suddenly the space channel flickered again, and a group of more than a dozen people came.

Then, without waiting for Yue Buqun to say hello, more and more people came in.

It didn't take long for tens of millions of people to come.

These people have different levels of cultivation, but there are no shortage of masters of the sky-reaching level.

This gave Yue Buqun a sense of security in his heart. .

=== Chapter 159 Behind the Scenes Appears ===

Daming world. Source of this article [Sheng Ying Download] WeChat Mini Program

The sky was overcast, and blood flowed across the earth.

Countless kinds of monsters descend from the sky and kill people when they see them.

There are too many of them, just like locusts in a locust plague, covering the sky and the sun, endless.

Whether it is the army of Ming Dynasty or the knights of the Wu League, people will fall at any time.

"Everyone, don't retreat, block these monsters, but our fathers and villagers are behind them, so you can't let them in!"

There are elders from the rivers and lakes shouting loudly to inspire morale.

A young man in armor rushed past with a team of cavalry, and the monster's body was swept down by the steel spear in his hand, as if he was in no one for a while.

He shouted hoarsely: "Brothers, don't be afraid, follow me!"

He is Zhu Houzhao, the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, and a disciple of Yue Buqun.

Zhu Houzhao, who has always been highly optimistic by Yue Buqun, is worthy of the name of Wu Zong.

Of course, this is indispensable for Yue Buqun's personal teaching, but it also has a lot to do with his natural temperament.

The 30,000 cavalry behind him is his 193 support, and he is also the support of 30,000 cavalry behind him.

"Kill all the invaders and return me to the beautiful rivers and mountains of Ming Dynasty!"

With his roar, his morale rose countlessly.

The soldiers behind him shouted loudly: "Kill all the invaders and return me to the beautiful rivers and mountains of Ming Dynasty!"

Zhu Houzhao swept across the thousands of troops with one move, and a golden dragon shadow flew out from the steel spear, sweeping and killing a large number of enemies.

The cavalry behind him were not weak, and they were brandishing steel spears.

Suddenly, a passage was cut through abruptly. WeChat search [Sheng Ying Download] Mini Programs, more free TXT unlimited downloads

At this moment, a monster with a bird's head and a human body suddenly flew in the sky.

He shouted: "Ant, go to death!"

As soon as the voice fell, the monster spit out a laser beam and directed it at Zhu Houzhao.

Zhu Houzhao took out a shield in a hurry.

"Dragon Shadow Shield!"

Suddenly, a dragon shadow hovered around, blocking the laser.

At the moment when the monster was shocked.