Bring the System To Join the Chat Group

Chapter 276

One emperor of the ages: "Up to 50% higher. I know that national fortune is of little use to you, because our empire is fortune. That's why national fortune is needed."

Head Yue: "Okay, I'll sell it!"

In fact, the national fortunes they have are not in the minority. Whether they are plundered from other countries or obtained from other worlds, these national fortunes belong to the national fortunes with their respective national attributes, and they don't know how to use them.

At this time, the first emperor bought the national fortune at a price higher than the market price, and then sold the national fortune of other countries.

After acquiring a large number of national fortunes, the first emperor was satisfied and went offline.

With these national fortunes, his cultivation level can be improved again, and even He's Bi can be upgraded.

This is the method he found, as long as he infuse the national fortune, he can upgrade He's Bi.

After he merged all the national fortunes, he came to the world of Dragon Emperor.

At this time, the Dragon Emperor was fighting the Quartet, and Ying Zheng's appearance shocked him.

"々`I don't know what the so-called emperor came here?"

Ying Zheng said: "I want to buy the He's Bi in your hands!"

"What?" Long Di quickly shook his head and said, "He's Bi is a jade seal and cannot be sold!"

"Ten Million Trading Points!"


Ying Zheng said again: "If you are willing to sell, I will give you 10 million trading points."

When the Dragon Emperor heard the words, he was shocked instantly.

He is now looking for treasures all over the world, but all his assets are no more than two or three million trading points.

Especially seeing Liu Shen always trading in billions of points made his heart more irritable.

At this moment, he hesitated.

My He's Bi is just the inheritance of He's Bi, and my cultivation base is getting higher and higher. Now that I have finished learning the inheritance, He's Bi is nothing but a jade seal.

In that case, it was sold.

Longdi thought to himself in his heart.

"Okay, I sold it!"

Yingzheng was overjoyed, so the two signed a contract.

Eventually the transaction was concluded and the money and goods were cleared.

Back to Daqin World Dragon.

Ying Zheng immediately refined this He's Bi, which was another magic weapon in the hands of the first emperor. He didn't directly recognize the Lord and needed to be refined.

After the refining, the first emperor accepted all the inheritance.

There are five-element spells, three-headed dragon transformation, and some other spells.

"They are all relatively basic methods, but if it is injected into the national fortune, will the inheritance of the evolution and the inheritance of the Chobi change?"

Do it when you think of it.

Infused into the national fortune, suddenly this He's Bi's radiant masterpiece, when the light disappeared, an unchanging He's Bi appeared in front of his eyes.

He picked it up and checked, and he was immediately surprised: "All the magical secrets have been upgraded!"

"Okay, with this and Choi, as well as these tailor-made spells, my combat power has soared several times.".

=== Chapter 179 Subduing the Titans and Gods ===

"Dididi. Source of this article [Shengying Download] WeChat Mini Program"

The chat group rang, and Li Huan knew that someone called him, so he entered the chat group.

Chat group.

Arthas: "@万物 Evolution者, big brother, are you there?"

Evolver: "What's the matter?"

Arthas: "Big brother, the Titans outside the starry sky discovered my strangeness. They came to my palace today and threatened me to surrender the secret. I was angry in my heart, but the strength is low, and they are really not their opponents."

All things evolver: "The information of the chat group must not be leaked. I will go to the world where you are, so there is no need to worry about it anymore."

Alsace: "Thank you so much!"

At the same time, the royal palace of Alsace.

A Titan giant in armor, sitting on the throne of Arthas, said arrogantly:

"Boy, tell your secrets obediently, otherwise this **** will pull out your soul and make you suffer from hell."

Arthas was holding a huge sword in his hand, but one leg was discounted, and he knelt on the ground humiliatingly.

"This king would rather die than surrender!"

"Very well, this **** will take your soul!"

After all, when the divine power is released, Arthas's soul will be taken away.

Suddenly, the Titan **** suddenly found himself unable to move.

Not only that, the whole world has fallen into a static state.

Time stands still.

Li Huan walked out of the world channel, looked at the Titan giant in front of him, and said:

"Don't you want his secret? I'm here!"

The next moment, time recovered, the supernatural power that flew towards Arthas was grabbed by Li Huan.

"Huh, just a lower power god, dare to be so arrogant?"

This Titan Lishen was already a little frightened.

"who are you?"

Li Huan was too lazy to talk, his palm grew bigger in the wind, and he grabbed him.