Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse

Chapter 331: Comprehensive war (1)

The alarm at the Beishan base sounded and the city began to guard. Whether it was a practitioner or a guard, everyone held more than one weapon on the wall.

"The owner of the Beishan base listened to orders. Without my order, no one was allowed to open fire, and no one was allowed to leave the city privately."

Lin Feng used the end of the world to send a message to everyone in the city. Everyone in the base complied with Lin Feng’s instructions. The war has already begun. Any order is related to the safety of everyone in the Beishan base. This is not sloppy.

Lin Feng, Qian Junguan, and Sima Elder together conducted operational command on the wall. Dong Wu was arranged to be the sniper in the most hidden place. The other positions were arranged by the Ju Neng nuclear magnetic rocket launcher.

At present, there are still no traces of troops on the wall, but the east side of the Tianheng Mountain Range is already full of fire and sound, and the explosion has come one after another. It is concluded that the Dongshan base has been compromised and the Qing’an City troops have been lurking from the eastern mountain range.

"The leader, the news came from the front, the Qing'an troops lost half of the Dongshan base. At present, there are still 80 laser tanks left by the other side. The rest are only laser pistols, pulse rifles and high-explosive grenades."

The money manager just received the information from the front and immediately reported it to Lin Feng. At this time, another news was transmitted to the end of the money master.

"The leader, the news from the mountains on the south side, the base of Nanshan has fallen, and the NLD team has attacked from the south side of the Tianheng Mountains."

The money manager just finished, the sky in the south was reddened by the war.

"The rocket launchers on the mountain can only be useful to ordinary people. At most, several laser tanks are destroyed. However, there is a loss in both the Qing'an side and the NLD. We have more chances to win, but we must not relax our vigilance."

Lin Feng quickly calculated the degree of enemy damage in his heart. It is expected that the enemy will only have two-thirds of the original combat power when it reaches the Beishan base.

Inside the Beishan base. All the people gathered in the northwest corner of the base, which is far from the southeast side. Lin Feng allows the people to hide here to minimize the damage to the people.

"The money master, to prepare the 'quantum shells', after waiting for my order to re-launch, the citrine used for activation and launch has been transferred to your final table. Remember, there is only one chance."

Lin Feng gave this most important task to the money manager. This is how much trust can entrust this task to him.

The mountainous area on the south side of the Tianheng Mountain Range is flat, so the detachment of the NLD is the fastest. It took an hour for the NLD detachment to arrive two kilometers outside the Beishan base.

The NLD detachment does not seem to be eager to attack the city. Instead, it builds up fortifications in the same place. It seems that it is waiting for the arrival of the troops in the eastern side of Qing'an.

Lin Feng observed the NLD detachment for a long time, and looked at it from a distance with the magic wolf. The overall energy of the NLD detachment is the same as the overall energy of the Beishan base, but there are more senior practitioners. On the whole, the NLD has the upper hand.

To deal with the NLD can not rely on the practitioners, but rely on the 'extreme weapons'. The only way to deal with a large number of senior practitioners is to use 'extreme weapons'.

The money manager sent a message, "Everything is ready, waiting for instructions."

Seeing the news from the money manager, Lin Feng felt a little relieved.

It was not long before the NLD’s fortifications were completed. At this time, the Qing'an City detachment in the eastern mountain range also arrived, sharing a fortification with the NLD.

The Qing'an City team used the laser tank to sit in the front row. In the middle is a high-explosive grenade throwing team composed of practitioners. The last layer is composed of ordinary guards. These people carry pulse rifles and laser pistols, and some people also hold laser handguns.

The Democratic League is composed entirely of cultivators. The front row is a five-level cultivator, mainly the soul of the wind. The purpose is to attack quickly, followed by a defensive team composed of six-level practitioners and seven-level practitioners. The main personnel are the soul of the earth, and the last layer is the offensive team composed of eight-level practitioners and nine-level practitioners. The spirit of man is different. Most of them are uncommon souls, so the power of these people is very mysterious.

The Qingan detachment has a large number of laser weapons, and laser weapons have only been popularized in the last two years because the weather in the last days is very stable and will not deviate from the laser.

The laser cannon will be a regular deterrent. Since the speed of a laser weapon is the speed of light, it is generally not required to advance in use, and depending on the operational use, the new weapon is divided into two categories: tactical laser weapon and strategic laser weapon.

A laser weapon is a directed energy weapon that directly destroys or disables a target with a powerful directed laser beam. It is a high-tech weapon that uses the enormous energy carried by a high-brightness laser beam to destroy or kill targets such as enemy aircraft, missiles, satellites, and people.

There are strategic laser weapons in the hands of the Qing'an City. The advantages of these weapons are strong attack power and short cooling time. The disadvantage is that the track deviation cannot be corrected. Therefore, although this weapon is powerful, the accuracy is very serious. This type of weapon is generally used only for large-scale bombing missions.

Lin Feng has a corresponding tactical laser weapon. This weapon can automatically aim at the target and correct the value of the orbital deviation in a very short time. The attack power is slightly lower than that of the strategic laser weapon. The disadvantage is that the cooling time is better than the strategic laser. Weapons are long, and such weapons are generally used in sniper assassination missions.

Although the tactical laser weapon is not sufficiently lethal, the accuracy of this weapon allows it to destroy hard, large weapons, such as the outer shell of a laser tank.

The laser sniper rifle in Dong Wu’s hands is a tactical laser weapon. Lin Feng knows that Dong Wu’s shooting level is unparalleled, so he distributed the laser sniper rifle to Dong Wu, let Dong Wu conduct a sniper mission, and Dong Wu’s goal is to celebrate The laser tank in the front row of the security team.

Outside the Beishan base, the leaders of the NLD and Qing'an City are discussing operational plans.

"Lin Feng of the Beishan base has reached the height of the nine-level practitioners. Of course, the practitioners must be shot by the NLD, so this advance force should be the NLD."

The leaders of Qing’an City have long been unable to endure to the NLD. This time it is more difficult to attack the Beishan base than to attack the Dongshan base and the Nanshan base. Moreover, when they went to the Beishan base, they were ambushed and lost so much. Weapons and manpower, let the NLD also let go of blood can not be said.

"What you said is really simple. The row of super-heavy laser weapons on the wall of the Beishan base is powerful. You don't attack the large weapons in Qing'an City. Do you want us to make the meat shield? You are a bit too much. It!"

The representatives of the Democratic League have also endured for a long time. Qing’an City has assassinated so many people in the Democratic League. Now they have to let them go to death. It’s really deceiving.

Both sides are calculating their own calculations. At this moment, everyone’s head suddenly turned black.