British Civil Servant

v1 Chapter 147: Brussels Conference

"Look at a person, don't look at the surface!" Hepburn's mother looked at her daughter and taught tirelessly. The daughter is still too simple, but don't think about a person who transmits information for the guerrillas, will it be simple?

In terms of simplicity, Alan Wilson is pure, and he has not been deceived many times in this sinister society. How else would he miss life in British India! There is the most friendly place for him, a haven of peace of mind.

Audrey Hepburn didn't let Audrey Hepburn listen to her mother's words. She thought that the Englishman was good. Because of malnutrition, Hepburn actually had little confidence in her face, and she did not grow up with praise.

Alan Wilson wouldn't have been able to recognize the juvenile globe flower if it wasn't for his over-familiarity with the face.

In 1945, Audrey Hepburn did not kill the beauty of both China and the West. It was not even as good as the Isabella sisters in Bonn. She was just an ordinary little girl with good looks.

Audrey Hepburn was really known after Roman Holiday. It is no exaggeration to say that it was Hollywood's top makeup artist who created the well-known Audrey Hepburn. Tailored the makeup and hairstyle that best suits her. His makeup skills are a reborn change for Hepburn, and he has also become Hepburn's royal makeup artist.

With a shriveled body and a handsome appearance, if it weren't for Alan Wilson's super memory, she was just an ordinary girl who looked good until Audrey Hepburn went to Givenchy to audition in the 1950s.

The shriveled and ordinary Audrey Hepburn appeared in front of Givenchy himself, and Givenchy with a broken dream rejected all of Audrey Hepburn's demands on the spot.

After being rejected, she did not give up, and repeatedly invited Givenchy to dinner. During the dinner, Hepburn drew her own career blueprint to Givenchy, so that Givenchy became her royal fashion designer.

If you look at it from the perspective of realization, if Alan Wilson does not have a deep memory of this face, it is very normal to miss it. But to look at it from a developmental point of view, he did not hesitate to leave his contact information in London, and he believed that this ugly duckling would grow up.

Alan Wilson believes that most of his time, his IQ is absolutely online. After Hepburn and his daughter came to open, he became a model of imperial civil servants, an outstanding representative of British civil servants, and the most famous image of civil servants in the UK. The image of the gentleman who saved French women on the streets of Paris.

In recent months, Alan Wilson's impression in the newspapers is no less than that of well-known domestic actors. Even Vivien Leigh can only be comparable to him in terms of traffic.

He has not yet arrived in Brussels, but the tone of the Brussels conference has been set, and the place where the tone of Anglo-French harmony is set is still far in the Far East.

Although France quickly decided to return to Asia after the end of the war in Europe, after all, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, and France's military strength in Vietnam is better than nothing, just like a few months ago, the Austrian four-nation occupation area, the comparison between Britain, the United States, France and the Soviet Red Army, It only exists in theory.

France was unable to surrender in Vietnam, so it was the British who surrendered in southern Vietnam. Before the Brussels Conference, London had already promised Paris that it would protect the French colonies in Southeast Asia in place of the French army. In exchange, France must support the British claim on the Isthmus of Kra to demonstrate the unity between Britain and France on the colonial issue. Consistent.

After Japan surrendered, British troops had landed in southern Vietnam and had telegraphed to France that they would definitely help France to defend this colony. For the hot potato in Vietnam, the UK actually doesn't want to care.

No matter whether it is resolutely suppressing or letting go, the importance of British India is far above Vietnam, but in order to draw France and the United Kingdom to stand together on broader issues, Mountbatten still deploys troops to stand for France and return to Asia. base.

In this context, the limited British troops must be assembled, and the United Kingdom does not want to have too much involvement in Vietnam. Just hope the French move faster and don't let the British stay in Vietnam for too long.

Three days before the Brussels meeting, Alan Wilson arrived in Brussels, the later capital of the European Union.

A few decades later, Brussels will be the capital and largest city of Belgium, the seat of the main administrative agency of the European Union, and the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, known as the capital of Europe.

The whole city is centered on the Royal Palace and is built along a small ring. It is better to visit on foot. Although originally a Dutch-speaking city, Brussels has developed into a bilingual city where both French and Dutch coexist.

Even in this Brussels meeting, the French representative said that French must be added as a written language. Other countries also agreed, and the United Kingdom did not object. It is meaningless to object to such details.

After arriving at the residence of the British delegation and meeting Alexander Cadogan, the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also teased the French with the attitude that France must add French, "French people think that French is the representative language of the civilized world, but they forgot That's a long time ago, but Belgium does have a French-speaking population, so we can't argue against it, can we?"

"It shows the respect the British Empire has for its allies and thinks nothing else." Alan Wilson agreed with Alexander Cadogan.

There is a saying in Europe that the center of Europe in the seventeenth century was France, and the leader of Europe after the eighteenth century was Britain. Of course, this kind of remarks is more widespread in France, but there is no such statement in the United Kingdom.

But the locale of Brussels is indeed as Alexander Cadogan said, French is the dominant language, Dutch represents the poor and backward Flanders, and the official language of the Belgian government is only French.

Educational institutions in Brussels also teach almost exclusively in French, which further hinders the promotion of the Dutch language and also leads to the impression that the Dutch language is inferior.

However, from the perspective of the British, this is just a little remnant of the era of the Sun King in France. The degree of progress in different parts of the world is not the same, and it is not incomprehensible that there are traces of hundreds of years ago in some places.

In this world where the influence of English has long exceeded that of French, sympathy and understanding should be given to the stubborn French.

"The stubborn persistence of the French is really cute. Haven't we overwhelmed the French once without any objection?" Alan Wilson shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"A few more times, but not many times." Alexander Cadogan said slowly.

"When was the last time the French were speechless." Alan Wilson asked with interest.

"The Battle of Waterloo, 1815. The French have absolutely nothing to say!" Alexander Cadogan grinned.

It may be out of consideration for the debut. The French arrived on the second day after the British delegation arrived in Brussels. At this time, Alan Wilson, under the guidance of the cabinet secretary and the foreign secretary, was fully improving his own cultural accomplishment. know.

Cabinet Secretary Edward Bridges expressed his satisfaction with the current work in the British-occupied area, regardless of the effect of many policies, but Whitehall has seen the efforts of the British-occupied area trade committee.

At the same time, he said that in a sense, the Brussels Conference is definitely much more important than the reconstruction of the British-occupied area, and even determines the future direction of the British Empire. Whether it is at the imperial level or from the perspective of civil servants, it is worthy of 100% efforts. In this sense, it is even more important than the Potsdam Conference.

How to unite European countries, the consensus within the UK has been determined, that is, to work hard from the colonies of the countries participating in the Brussels Conference. This is also the biggest common point of countries with different interests, different ideas, and even not harmonious relations.

The relationship between the United Kingdom and France is delicate due to historical reasons, but it is not only the United Kingdom and France that is delicate. The relationship between Spain and Portugal is not close. Spain has annexed Portugal, and the opponents of the Belgian War of Independence are the Dutch.

Of course the supporters of Belgian independence were the French, while the countries that supported the Netherlands were Britain, the Russian Empire, the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia.

It can be said that every country has been stained with the blood of other countries. At this time, it is necessary to unite. If it is not united, these countries that used to be glorious will soon disappear and become the eyes of the United States and the Soviet Union. of small shrimp.

The Belgian king who welcomed the countries to attend the Brussels Conference is Leopold III, the king who is currently deeply controversial, because of his ambiguous attitude towards Germany during the At present, Leopold III can be said to be in trouble .

The reason why this meeting was held in Belgium was also the result of Leopold III's vigorous efforts. The fundamental reason is that the French do not recognize it in London, and the British do not recognize it in Paris.

Brussels is deeply influenced by France, so it chose such a place to sit down and talk about what the future of the colonial empire will be like.

The person responsible for receiving the delegations from various countries was Prince Charles, the younger brother of Leopold III. Alan Wilson is very uncomfortable with the name and title of Prince Charles.

He thinks that only the prince who became the crown prince in 1958 and has been the British Empire for 62 years is more in line with the image of the prince in his heart, and other Charles are fake and shoddy.

The Belgian Royal Palace, the flags of Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Belgium fluttered high, indicating that the Brussels Conference, which was declared to be the European post-war revival conference, officially kicked off.

British Prime Minister Attlee and French Provisional Government Chairman Charles de Gaulle are undoubtedly the most important figures in this post-war revival conference. Their attitudes determine the future of these colonial empires.