British Civil Servant

v1 Chapter 163: Hongqi Song and Dance Troupe visits

Chapter 165 The Red Flag Song and Dance Troupe Visits

"Thank you so much." Alan Wilson touched Burgess with a glass of wine, and smiled shyly, "I always think that the relationship between Cambridge and Oxford is actually a mutual relationship, if the two universities do not treat each other As a benchmark. There will be no common ground, just like the current international situation." "This view is very novel." Burgess said meaningfully, he knew that Alan Wilson should be referring to The United States and the Soviet Union, "maybe." "But I still think that the triangle has stability. If it is only to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, it is likely to be a repeat of the two world wars. For this reason, I am willing to maintain the empire with full enthusiasm. It’s actually quite interesting to talk to a spy, Burgess didn’t know that Alan Wilson knew that he was a spy, and he also didn’t know that the imperialist supporters in front of him were not very interested in the United States. In the same way, Alan Wilson didn't know why Burgess served the Soviet Union. His copper-smelling head couldn't understand the existence of idealists. Alan Wilson, who received the important reception task of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, did not completely give up his work. Still in close contact with New Delhi, he received good news yesterday. That is the ceded land of the Isthmus of Kra, oh no, the transfer negotiation has already taken place. After the Brussels meeting, the six countries of the Brussels meeting showed an atmosphere of European solidarity, and even Belgium, which had nothing to do with it, was willing to join in the solidarity action to return to Asia. Not to mention, at this time there is an urgent need to integrate into the international community and change Spain, which is completely isolated. The positive effect is still very obvious. The sharpening of the knife on the European side and the surrender of the British army around Thailand have made Thailand understand that the old imperialism in Europe may not be as strong as before, but it is still so powerful in front of Thailand. Even the US embassy in Bangkok can only do its best to keep Thailand's main interests intact, and it cannot be expected that the Americans can do more at this time. At present, the United States is suspicious of the Soviet Union because of the affairs of the Korean Peninsula and Hokkaido. The unity during the world war is gradually fading. The United States still needs the declining nobles such as Britain and France, and can give some solidarity at this time. What's more, what the UK wants is not the whole of Thailand, but an isthmus extending out from the south of Thailand. The Isthmus of Kra is certainly valuable, but it depends on how you look at it. The military value of the long and narrow Kra Isthmus is self-evident, but the Kra Isthmus is actually occupied by two places, showing a situation of intertwining, one is of course Thailand, and the other is British Burma. The narrowest point of the Kra Isthmus is 50 kilometers, but the isthmus at the junction of British Burma and Thailand is only 20 kilometers. If troops are sent from British Burma, the connection between Thailand and the south can be easily cut off. Also because of the existence of British Burma, part of the Kra Isthmus itself is in British hands. This gave a discount to the military value of the Kra Isthmus. When the Americans considered it, they believed that even if they fought to keep it, the initiative would still be in the hands of the British. This makes the United States, which currently has diplomatic friction with the Soviet Union on the Korean Peninsula and Hokkaido, less concerned. Thailand, which has lost the support of the Americans, is powerless in the face of Britain and France, and Britain and France have publicly announced that they should consider holding democratic elections in Thailand to discuss whether to retain the Thai royal family and return the country to the hands of the Thai people. This made the Americans very embarrassed. During the period just after World War II, the United States hated democratic elections very much, because the whole world was devastated, and a pro-Soviet country was likely to be elected. But the United States is not easy to say publicly that the United States opposes democratic elections in Thailand and can only communicate with the Thai royal family and military. Transfer the Isthmus of Kra to pacify Thailand's disrespect to Britain and France during the war. All in all, the Kra Isthmus is in hand. In exchange, Britain and France no longer pursue the disrespect of Thailand to the civilized world during the war, nor do they insist on the relationship between Thailand and Japan, and Austria and Germany. The ownership of the Isthmus of Kra is settled, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building is in jubilation, and the glorious era is back. I am clearly at the peak of my greatness, and I can fight for another 300 years, so how can I leave the stage, "The border of the British Empire is in the Himalayas..." I don't know who said this, which aroused the approval of my colleagues in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Before heading to San Francisco, the issue of the Isthmus of Kra is negotiated, giving Alexander Cadogan more confidence. Alan Wilson was not excited, but Thailand was really suspected during the war, and was seized by the United Kingdom to play the topic. In the context of the Allies' victory over the Axis powers, even the Soviet Union could not object to this. . After all, Austria and even Finland are now under the influence of the interests of the Soviet Union. Once they show double standards on the issue of Thailand, the United States may seize the opportunity to feed **** on the issue of Austria and Finland. This is what the Soviet Union is trying its best to avoid now. Even the Soviet Union, who has been looking for trouble, pretends not to see it. It is even more difficult for the United States to tear its face. At such a critical time, it is opposed to Britain and France. The new world overlord still has to show the ideal of dragon slaying warriors for a period of time, and it is not yet the time when the warriors turn into evil dragons. So, Thailand was sacrificed in this matter. And it's not annexing Thailand, it's just letting Thailand hand over the place where the southern pacifists live. Maybe it can maintain the stability of Thailand and reduce religious conflicts. What's wrong with this? It really meets the definition of back light and back light! When did the British Empire colonize the most extensive, not in the glorious Victorian era, but after the tragic First World War, Britain and France divided the territories of Germany and the Ottoman Empire, and each reached the largest colony. And this time, the United Kingdom forced Thailand to cede the Kra Isthmus after the war. Whether it was a coincidence or not, or because of the friction between the United States and the Soviet Union in the Far East, it was done anyway. As long as nothing too embarrassing happens next, within ten years, the British Empire will not collapse so quickly in the eyes of a wide range of third world countries. Alan Wilson congratulated Alexander Cadogan, who was about to set off. Against the background of the current victory of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was very happy and encouraged him, "Alan, you are also very happy. Well. After all, this was achieved by the cooperation of British India." "We all serve the empire, regardless of the Ministry of Indian Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The work of the two departments is similar." Alan Wilson was modest. , and then changed the conversation, "Sir Alexander, if you can give some courtesy to the small countries of Sikkim and Bhutan at the San Francisco meeting, I believe it will make the people of South Asia happy. The Ministry of Indian Affairs also needs to win over these two countries. Small country." "I understand this very well." Alexander Cadogan said with a gentle smile, "Isn't it embarrassing for the current Indian native elite?" "Sir Alexander, I don't think so." Alan Wilson shook his head He expressed that he had absolutely no ill will towards the Indians, "and from the face of the Indians, I doubt that they have such an embarrassing mentality." Bhutan and Sikkim, as founding members of the United Nations, can be regarded as a kind of protection. It is also convenient for future interventions! For the future of India's annexation of Sikkim, there must be some kind of hindrance. Don't think that the United States has no ideas about India. If India's development goes well, it will pose a threat to the United States. The United States has long since brought out the Sikkim royal family exiled in the United States and has troubled India. Two days later Alexander Cadogan left London and travelled to San Francisco to sign on behalf of the UK. The establishment of the United Nations had already been decided at the San Francisco conference in June. The very esteemed Sir Alexander, his mission to San Francisco this time was limited to formally signing on behalf of the British government, recognizing the establishment of the United Nations, and at the same time delivering a speech to make his appearance on the day when the United Nations was officially established. To be honest, this is quite formalism, but it cannot be omitted. It is also very important to make an appearance, especially for small countries like Sikkim and Bhutan, at least there is a chance for the major powers to recognize themselves. At the same time Alexander Cadogan left London, London Airport, the British Foreign Office organized a welcome ceremony, waiting for the plane of the Alexander Red Flags to land. The Hongqi Song and Dance Troupe was established in 1928 and has a history of seventeen years. During the previous visit to Paris, the chorus performance of the Red Flag Song and Dance Troupe was widely welcomed by the citizens of Paris. It is not the first time for the Red Flag Song and Dance Troupe to go to the old revolutionary district of Paris. They had toured Paris before the war. They were also very popular and won a gold medal at the Paris World Expo while achieving great success. When the plane landed, the first person to walk out of the cabin door was the head of the song and dance troupe, Alexander Alexandrov, and then the members of the song and dance troupe followed the head off the plane for their first appearance in the UK. "The Soviets are all holding their heads high, are they demonstrating against us?" The diplomat beside Alan Wilson twitched, feeling a little unhappy with this kind of military behavior. "Maybe the Soviets are like this!" Alan Wilson felt that it should be a very pure emotion. Working people can't bow their heads in front of imperialism, so they are more mechanized. The British receptionist immediately stepped forward and shook hands one by one to express their welcome. Alan Wilson felt that he should ask for an autograph or something, after all, the opportunity is rare.