British Civil Servant

v1 Chapter 187: win-win

As soon as these words came out, the representatives of the Congress Party were all silent, the whole conference room could hear needles falling, and even Nehru himself slightly changed color, but he recovered immediately.

What did Stalin and the Bolsheviks look like in the eyes of the British Empire? Even if these local elites in British India were blocked, they could feel that they were definitely not close alliances.

Even Alan Wilson himself thinks so. From a conscience point of view, you can do such a good thing in your own country. Don't think about going out to influence the world, so that everyone can still be friends. If you have to be restless, you can only die endlessly.

"This is all nonsense. The Congress Party has nothing to do with the Bolsheviks." Nehru said without changing his face, "Of course, in terms of fighting for national independence, the Congress Party may have similarities with the Bolsheviks. Indian consensus."

Seeing that Alan Wilson's words were the words of the Hongmen Banquet, Nehru was naturally not to be outdone, and threatened Alan Wilson from another place.

Of course, this is useless. Nothing can change now. In the next three years, he is determined to cash in in British India, so Alan Wilson not only did not restrain his rebuke to Nehru, but said, "Just Yesterday I also sent a telegram to Jakarta congratulating the Dutch army on the elimination of pro-Axis forces, the more justice the better."

"Some of the backward peoples in this world are so naive, they really think they can change anything, especially in Jakarta, where a city near the sea dares to fight against a sea power, shelling is just right."

Alan Wilson spoke in an unabashed imperial tone, singing praises to the Dutch navy shelling Jakarta. Even intentionally or unintentionally, it should be repeated several times.

"India is not an archipelago, but a continent!" said one of the slightly bald Congress Party representatives, saying that comparing the East Indies with India is a wrong comparison.

"Maybe there are no coastal cities in India?" Alan Wilson said with a smile, "As long as a fleet is assembled, the British Empire can completely replicate the bombardment of Jakarta by the Netherlands in any country except the United States. Name the coastal cities one by one, bombard this city for two hours, and immediately rush to the next city, without landing or occupying land, as long as it is destroyed.”

"Of course, there's no benefit to doing this. Things that don't benefit, even if they have the upper hand, are children's play, so as long as it's generally acceptable, the Royal Navy won't do it."

After the threat was over, Alan Wilson spared his words again, saying that in a war, one side might win and the other would lose, and negotiation might be a win-win situation.

These words made the Congress Party representatives nod their heads in approval. In their opinion, Alan Wilson just wanted to take the initiative before the negotiation, mainly for the so-called win-win result.

He hasn't forgotten his original intention to separate the Andaman Islands from British India. It's all written down in a small notebook, but it's not suitable for action until the budget of British India is spent.

"What I mean by win-win is that the British Empire has won twice." Seeing the representatives of the Congress Party sit down one after another, a smile appeared on Alan Wilson's face, and he beckoned to the secretary of the Governor's Office to bring up the documents and put them on Neh In front of Lu et al.

If the Congress Party does not cooperate with this large-scale construction plan, then Alan Wilson will have to contact the commissioners of other British colonies. The Indians have been the **** of the British Empire for so many years, and now they want independence, then Should Indians in other colonies go back to their native land?

If you think about it carefully, from South Africa, Mauritius, to Aden, and British Ceylon, it depends on Alan Wilson's mood to whom you send telegrams. Where did the wave of typography begin? He thinks that it is better to start from the nearest point from childhood to adulthood.

I just want to remind the Congress Party to wake up and sober up. Let’s start from Mauritius. I’m afraid that these Congress Party people can’t see it, so let’s start from British Sikkim. If it really doesn’t work, we can start from British Malaya.

This is all for the purpose of completely eradicating the hidden dangers of the colonies. It is good for everyone. It is normal for Indians who have not served in the UK for a long time to bear the brunt, including but not limited to, deportation, imprisonment and even massacre.

The Congress members who are looking at the big construction plan may never dream that the British, who are wandering across the world, are thinking about where to set off a wave of typography, and give these Indians who want independence a blow.

"Why bother about where to start? It's completely possible to let free people overthrow the exploitation of colonial Indians." Alan Wilson shook his head slightly, feeling ashamed that he had just fallen into a misunderstanding.

This large-scale construction plan can be said to embody all the efforts of British civil servants in British India. It is detailed and detailed, and uses large paragraphs to describe the potential of British India.

Examining the current foundations of British India, as well as an assessment of the feasibility of development, every step appears to be impeccable.

The plan is full of professional assessments and inspiring future prospects.

It is a very important macroeconomic and social management tool if it sets goals and directions for the long-term development of the national economy and society, and makes plans for major national construction projects, the layout of productive forces, the important proportional relationship of the national economy, and social undertakings.

There are also passages on bridging religious divisions and balancing development in various places. To be honest, in writing alone, this large-scale construction plan before the Congress members is even bigger than the first Soviet Union in 1928. The five-year plan is still complete.

It can even be said that Alan Wilson is deliberately imitating the Soviet Union's five-year plan. The reason for this is of course that he knew Nehru himself, had been to the Soviet Union, and was deeply impressed by the rapid development of the Soviet Union at that time.

This can be seen from Nehru's history of implementing a five-year plan for economic development in India after India's independence.

The leader of this Congress party did not forget his original intention, and within the scope of permission, he tried his best to lead India to a strong country.

From this point alone, the Congress Party is better than the Artillery Party, and Nehru, who has been to the Soviet Union, is stronger than Chang Gong, who has also been to the Soviet Union.

Since it is known that Nehru had a Soviet complex, this plan is naturally based on the Soviet five-year plan. Used to seduce Nehru's approval.

At present, looking at Nehru's serious look at the plan, it seems that he should have been touched.

It is also not surprising that this kind of touch occurs. As long as the plan is implemented, there will indeed be some changes in British India. But the premise is based on the existence of British India.

Was the Soviet Union's industrial distribution strong? From the perspective of confrontation, if the Soviet Union brought a group of small Eastern European countries against the imperialist powers, the Soviet Union's industrial system is of course strong, and no one will deny this.

However, the results after the collapse of the Soviet Union showed that no matter how powerful the industrial system was, it was also useless in the face of national collapse.

The draft of the large-scale construction plan alone is already very exciting. Alan Wilson waited for the Congress Party representatives to read the rough plan and showed great patience.

"It's really strange. In the past 100 years, the British have never been so sincere." Nehru said calmly after reading the draft. "Now he is suddenly empathetic. What is this for?"

"In the past 100 years or so, the British Empire has not fought two world wars in such a short period of time. But?" Alan Wilson's words changed, and the arrogant expression appeared on his face again, "In the end, We ended up winning."

"To tell the truth, what the British Empire needs at present is to quickly get rid of the wartime state, and prove to the world with an unrivaled attitude that even after two world wars, the British Empire is still an invincible country."

Nehru had a strange expression on his face, obviously disapproving of the young British representative, but he believed that this man's statement was at least partly acceptable.

The British Empire before the war was the world and the current British Empire is only one of the world leaders.

Of course, at this time, Nehru did not have the idea of ​​getting carried away after independence. However, he also believed that the British were not what they used to be, and that as long as the Congress Party insisted on independence, they would be able to get rid of the British colonial rule.

It may be no problem to change this idea to any Englishman, but sitting right across from Nehru is Alan Wilson, who not only deals with India, but even has a record against other countries.

There are only a few non-aligned countries leading the way, India, Indonesia, Yugoslavia and Egypt.

Yugoslavia has already been kicked into the arms of the Soviets by some operations. Don't expect to appear on the stage of non-alignment. Maybe the face of the Warsaw Pact thugs will appear in the future meeting.

The remaining three are places within reach of the UK. Jakarta in Indonesia has just finished shelling, and Egypt is not considered a threat in a short period of time. Now, as long as India is brought into a ditch, who can organize the Non-Aligned Movement within ten years.

"It looks good, but India, as an ancient civilization, cannot exist in a colonial way." Although Nehru was already moved, he said, "If all interests belong to the United Kingdom, no matter how much more Construction doesn't help either."

"Mr. Nehru, I'm very worried about the Congress Party's anti-British stance." Alan Wilson said with an eyelid, "I believe that neither party wants the Chandra Bose incident to repeat itself. It's a pity, If it wasn't the wrong way, how could the plane fall? Right?"

The leader of the Indian National Army, Chandra Bose, has died in a plane crash. When the death of Chandra Bose came, many Congress members suspected that it was an assassination, but there was no evidence.