British Civil Servant

v1 Chapter 276: Ai Zhongtang

69, the fastest update of British civil servants!

Alan Wilson feels like he's in a race against time, and along the way fits the lyrics of a song very well, "I've crossed mountains and seas..."

I hurried along the way and finally came back to New Delhi, obviously tired and pretending to be nothing. Facing the greetings from other colleagues in the Governor’s Office, I had to answer, “Traveling in Myanmar is very easy, but life is quite boring. , I just want to come back and look for a job, any news?"

"There is news, it seems that an ABC is going to shoot a documentary, and a few stars will come with them." Edel looked at Alan Wilson, who didn't look like an easy journey at all, and said suspiciously, "The commissioner wanted to refuse. , but I can't find a reason to refuse."

"After all, the United States and us are allies." Alan Wilson snorted, expressing his views on this alliance in a straightforward manner. Who is fooling the trusty imperialists with their unprofitable and unprofitable personality and their conscience to improve America's understanding of British India?

"One more thing is that the governor should take office at the end of the year. It's probably less than three months from now." Edel mentioned another thing, obviously thinking that this matter is more important.

General Mountbatten tried his best and exhausted all methods, and finally he had to come to British India to take office.

We should be thankful for Alan Wilson's work for being able to drag on for so long. It wasn't that he worked hard in British India to maintain a stable situation. London would never endure it for such a long time.

The sweltering heat of the South Asian subcontinent has passed, and now it is almost October, and it will be less than three months before the end of the year.

What Alan Wilson can guarantee is that the current British India is much more stable than it was in the same period in history. After all, it is a clean-up campaign and a crime-fighting campaign, after all, the Indian elite is stuffed with a bunch of complicated and boring bills to formulate. The work is to support Gandhi's hunger strike to save food, and it is also a call to fight against the drought.

In the past six months, the Governor's Office has tossed British India up and down through meticulous operations. If there is anything that British India is now interested in, it is undoubtedly an interest in rest.

The events of the past six months have been one after another, and the Governor's House has called for this and that. Although the people in the subcontinent have high immunity, they also feel exhausted physically and mentally after the waves of chicken blood.

This kind of mentality is the same as Alan Wilson. He wants to rest now, and even envies the untouchables who are ignored every time he goes. It is estimated that countless things that have happened in the subcontinent in the past six months have been kept out of this class.

Untouchables make up as much as one-sixth of India's population. Although they are Indians, they are excluded from any caste according to the code because of their sins in their previous lives. Their dark skin, discreet demeanor, submissiveness, and modest clothing make them easily recognizable.

The reason why they are called untouchables is because other Indians are afraid of contacting them and they will be defiled. The footprints of the untouchable also desecrate the streets of Brahmin neighborhoods.

When an untouchable and a caste Indian meet on the street, the former must stand by the side of the road, lest his shadow defile the latter.

No Indian of any caste may eat with the untouchable, nor drink the water he draws, or use the utensils he touches. Untouchables have no right to enter the temple, and their children are barred from school.

Until death, they are scumbags for life. Their bodies cannot enter public crematoriums after death. Due to their poverty, the untouchables could not afford enough wood to be cremated, and some of the remains that were not fully cremated were thrown into the river or buried in the ground.

The only privilege of the untouchable may be to be free from restrictions in Hinduism, which promotes vegetarianism, and to eat whatever they want.

Abolishing the caste system before leaving the British for extradition is actually the most cost-effective way to gain fame. However, Alan Wilson has his own ethics. He will not touch any issues related to the caste system. He must respect the fine traditions of the subcontinent for thousands of years.

While trying to maintain the stability of British India, because of the special status of British India in the colonial system of the British Empire, other surrounding colonies also reported local news by telegram.

In the telegram from British Malaya, it was stated whether to adopt a unified case law for the formulation of laws and regulations for the two major ethnic groups, or to formulate a law specially used in British Malaya in order to adapt to the local national conditions.

British Malaya is a new base camp reserved for overseas civil servants as the cabinet secretary. The telegram from Malaya is of course also known to New Delhi. Now that Britain has just resumed the rule of British Malaya, many government functions have not been fully restored. The enactment of a decree is just an idea and has not yet begun to be practiced.

This was also known by Alan Wilson, who had just returned to New Delhi. It happened that Sir Barron knew that his assistant was a graduate of Eastern College and wanted to hear his opinion.

"I don't recommend using local bills, because different bills have different effects in different places." Facing Sir Barron's question, Alan Wilson frankly expounded his point of view.

"Tell me what you think, I'm going to talk to Sir Edward in the telegram." Sir Barron said noncommittally, "The issue of British Malaya is a matter of great concern to all overseas civil servants, and of course we also I want to lay a solid foundation.”

"I heard that what Xiangjiang implements is the Great Qing Law, that's great." Alan Wilson replied without thinking, "As for the pacifists, it is enough to implement the religious law. The religious law manages the pacifists, and the Great Qing law manages everything. Non-peaceful believers are strictly distinguished by blood, and we will never promote ethnic integration.”

"Actually, there is no problem. After all, we are a country that follows case law." Sir Barron did not feel that there was anything wrong, but nodded in agreement with the tradition of the British Empire.

Hong Kong in the British era followed the British and followed its customary laws, but announced that the local Chinese were still governed in accordance with local regulations, so such a thing happened, which was also murder. Hanging, but if the criminal is Chinese, beheaded according to the "Qing Law", because the sovereignty belongs to China, it is also a matter of course to use the "Qing Law".

However, the group that most upholds the laws of the Qing Dynasty in Hong Kong is actually the local elite and rich. The reason is that it is a man's dream to have three wives and four concubines.

However, according to the teachings of the Middle East, this problem can also be solved by marrying four wives and three wives and four concubines. It's a complete 50/50 situation at this point.

Alan Wilson could even imagine that British Malaya might attract some upstarts who realize the dreams of men to immigrate and contribute to the local economic development.

There was even a commercial sound in my mind, "Friend, do you want to find the happiness of a man? Immigrate to British Malaya and become a real man!"

"What about the local teaching materials, the teaching materials must be in our hands, and the lessons of British India should be avoided one by one." Sir Barron stared at Alan Wilson with a burning gaze, full of the tone that the organization values ​​you very much.

"Leave it to me, I have learned it, and there is no problem in editing a set of textbooks." Allen Wilson said as a top student at Oriental College.

Sir Barron nodded with satisfaction. This is also his purpose. Alan Wilson's assistant is good, but he is too hardworking, which makes his boss very disappointed. He just uses other things to keep the assistant busy. He could manage the affairs of British India well.

"Sir, Burmese's currency reform has been set. Burgess and I have persuaded the local leaders of Burma." Alan Wilson exerted his industrious Let Sir Barron's wishful thinking work got a discount.

In fact, the difficulty of colonial textbooks is not high, you can directly use the British textbooks. The only thing that takes effort is history, a subject that just happens to be easy for Alan Wilson.

The top students of the Eastern College can directly copy the history textbooks in memory. The only thing that needs to be modified is the territory map of the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, and the rest can be basically used.

This means that in the period of 1946, things have not happened yet, such as the feud with the Soviet Union. For this reason, the territory map of the Yuan and Ming dynasties has not yet led to a substantial extension of the border to the north.

Therefore, in the territorial map of the historical discipline, the northern border of the Yuan Dynasty must not cross Lake Baikal. In the Ming Dynasty, the Great Wall painting can be attached. The map of the Ming Dynasty used is probably similar to that of the Qin Dynasty. The map of the Yuan Dynasty was before the Qing Dynasty destroyed the Junggar Empire. The territory map of , note that the rest of the two points can be used.

If Alan Wilson had a bit of a crooked mind about China, he could have sent the history textbooks after the opening of the map to the Soviet Union before the large-scale aid construction. He knew the cultural tsar Furtseva.

Therefore, it is best not to have conflicts between China and the UK, and Alan Wilson will not be merciful because of past memories.

Alan Wilson took over the educational work in British Malaya as a top student from the East. To incite the confrontation between colonial groups, we must start with dolls.

At the same time, send a telegram to Xiangjiang, and quickly send a copy of the Great Qing Law to British Malaya, and send a telegram to Aden to ask for the teaching of peace.

"I'll always get a pseudonym, otherwise people will look at the textbook and see that it's an English name, and maybe they'll be conflicted." Alan Wilson bit the pen, and after thinking hard, he wrote down the pseudonym and signed it as Ai Zhongtang...